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The sealing of the 144,000 is at hand...


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If it is locked, it's not my doing.  Satan and his hordes are extremely agitated with me getting this information out into the Public Square.  If you think Satan was upset about 1914, he will certainly go ballistic when he learns that the Last Days are coming to their end in 2034.   I had several sites ban me already but I do have my own website.    

You may read there or better yet download before I am shut down.  I am entering the final phase of my ministry so hopefully I can hang on a little longer.  

URL OF THE BLOG POST: https://shoutmybook.com/featured-book/the-sealing-of-the-144000/

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I see that you are the Author of the book that you are offering for free, from your above link.

I clicked on the “REVIEWS” rectangle, and the three people who commented, I got the impression this was a picture book.

Why promote a book that is “locked”?

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So @Brother Rando  are you actually one of Jehovah's Witnesses ? 

Are you one of the Anointed ?  If you are a JW, is your 'new book' working with the Governing Body of the Watchtower / CCJW ? 

I won't download it as it may contain a virus and there seem to be enough of those in the word right now. :) 

The words of God tell us not to put trust in 'men'. And it seems that you are just another man. But, I keep saying that a True Anointed will appear. However I don't think you are one of them. 

On the one hand you admit that we are NOT supposed to know the 'day or the hour', but then you tell us that you know the year.  2034 is it ? 

So, if you have this 'secret information' why doesn't the GB have it ? They pretend to be the F&DS don't they. 



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Here, let me help you.




As a student of Prophecy, the passing of time often reveals the timing of such divine declarations. The Prophets that announced them do not always know the exact timing.  Although, the Prophet Ezekiel announced the coming of the destruction of Jerusalem over and over again stating, “An end is coming; the end will come; it will rouse itself against you. Look! It is coming.” (Ezekiel 7:6) It’s not likely he knew the hour and day of that destruction of Jerusalem, but that time limit can be found from two events. One was 390 days and the other 40 days. If we applied the pattern of a year for a day then both 390 years and the 40 years pointed to the destruction on 607 BCE.


In answer to the question “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” Jesus Christ himself stated; “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36)  


However, in the Book of Daniel, Bible Prophecy did point to a specific time period. Taking the time limit of 2,520 years and adding them to the time of destruction of the temple in Jerusalem 607 BCE, the timing lined up to the year 1914 CE.


The Sealing of the 144,000 is now at hand. Another timed event that needs no guess work. Jesus replied to them: “Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) The Bible points out that Jesus was not talking about the temple made with hands, “But he was talking about the temple of his body.” (John 2:21)  Could the temple of his body be the 144,000 of his anointed followers also known as the Body of Christ?  


I hope you find reading this ebook entitled “The Sealing of the 144,000” insightful and inspires hope and confidence in your hearts as the day of Christ’s Millennial Reign approaches. 


Take Care,

Brother Rando


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Table of Contents


                     Foreword….……...…….………..…..…...….……….Page 2

                     Table of Contents……………..…….…......……….. Page 3

                     Prophecy……………….…………….....….........  Pages 4-5

                     Presence of Christ Foretold (2x) …….....….....   Pages 5-8

                     Sealing of the 144,000………………… .....….  Pages 8-10

                     Better times lay ahead of us…..………...…..……. Page 11

                     Timeline Chart………….……………   ….…..……..Page 11

                     Don’t Give Up...You’re Worth Saving!...….….........Page 12




"Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the undeserved kindness meant for you made a diligent inquiry and a careful search.  They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ and about the glory that would follow.  It was revealed to them that they were ministering, not to themselves, but to you, regarding what has now been announced to you by those who declared the good news to you with holy spirit sent from heaven. Into these very things, angels are desiring to peer." (1 Peter 1:10-12)


The Prophets that announced the prophecy did not always know the exact timing. For instance, the Prophet Eziekel announced the coming of the destruction of Jerusalem over and over again stating, “An end is coming; the end will come; it will rouse itself against you. Look! It is coming.” (Ezekiel 7:6) Yet, he did not state this would occur in 607 BCE.  It’s not likely he knew and if he did, it was not for them to know. In this case ‘them’ is referring to the unfaithful Jews who were doing detestable things in Jehovah’s Holy Temple. However, the Bible did point to the time of 607 BCE. The 390 days and the 40 days that were revealed to Ezekiel by laying on his side indicated significance. If we apply the pattern of a day for a year then both 390 years and the 40 years pointed to the destruction on 607 BCE.


Jesus Christ, the great prophet, stated in part of his answer to the conclusion of this system of things or the end of the age, “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36)  Think about his reply for a moment, here, Jesus Christ makes the claim of not knowing that day or hour.  The firstborn of all creation did not know the day or hour of his second prescence and he claimed the angels did not know either. Recall this scripture?  “It was revealed to them that they were ministering, not to themselves, but to you, regarding what has now been announced to you by those who declared the good news to you with holy spirit sent from heaven. Into these very things, angels are desiring to peer.” (1Peter 1:12)  What you may find interesting is that date and hour was already embedded in the Bible through past prophecy in the Book of Daniel. The Temple would be destroyed in October of 607 BCE. The “seven times” was a calculation of the Jewish year of 360 days. Simple math 7 x 360 = 2520 days. Apply a day for a year. The seven times is actually a reference to the allotted time limit of the Gentiles. It is a ‘timed event’.


A good way to calculate this, is that there seems to be a year to be missing. There was 3 months left on 606 BCE when the counting of the time limit began and 9 months to count of the year when the time limit of the Gentile Times came to its conclusion. That’s 1 year. Now, take a calculator and put in 606 then hit the +/- sign so it shows -606 then add 2520 to it. What year do you come up with? 1914!


Any Jewish Scholar from the time of Daniel could've figured this out by simple history. So why was this prophecy hidden from faithful worshippers of Jehovah? Then he said: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:9


The Fulfillment of Prophecies are 'timed events'.  They have a Beginning and an End to them which covers a specific time period. Knowing such dates of a prophecy once revealed to those who are being ministered to, does not necessarily beget salvation. It doesn't give a person divine protection or extraordinary insight but it may make a person more accountable to Jehovah.”  One would need to walk by faith...


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36 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Rando, this would be inconsistent with your own view. Between 2034 and 2039 is a stretch for the anointed according to scripture to receive their heavenly reward.

These events are overlapping.  See page 11.  

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