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I have noticed that the desire to see God's promises fulfilled (nothing wrong with that of course), drives the human spirit to "predict" or "hope for" the end always in their life time. The pattern is

I don't think you're a bad example. I find your posts encouraging and I'm sure a lot of other people here do. I think some of the "complainers" may just be working out their own demons, or I hope they

One thing I've had hammered into me over the past decades of pioneering, studying w/mentally ill people, people who were out of jail, homeless people, professors of anthropology, teachers of farsi at

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1 hour ago, Thinking said:

Someone really anointed or really Invited  would not promote or make it known on line ...it’s as simple as that..a really humble one ..would allow them selves  be wronged..as Jesus did and as the apostles did..

How did Jesus allow himself to be "wronged"?  I'm not sure I understand what you are meaning. 

When it comes to false teachings, did Jesus and the apostles turn the other cheek?  Didn't the apostles make it known who they were? Didn't Jesus make it known that he is the Son of God?  On the other hand, how often do you hear the words, "faithful and discreet slave", or "faithful slave" and KNOW who these titles refer to?  Did Jesus already tell them they are "faithful and discreet"? (Matt 25:21)   Or, do they just assume through their arrogance that they ARE indeed, faithful?   Being humble before God and Christ, doesn't mean caving in to the rules and regulations of men, who say be humble, before THEM!

"For am I now trying to persuade people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."  Gal 1:10

Anointed can use the very avenue that the organization uses to "teach" - the internet.  Is there a rule set by Christ that says they cannot go online and preach about Him, and the authentic "good news" of the restoration of Jacob?  (Isa 43:1; Joel chapter 3; Mal 1:6; 3:1-4,12; 2:4; Isa 61:9; Luke 1:16,17; Matt 17:11; Rev 11:1-6; Zech 4:11-14; Rev 5:9,10; Gen 22:18)


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11 hours ago, xero said:

I think a lot of JW's are losing their minds right now.


It happens, it repeats itself periodically to every generation of JW. :(

11 hours ago, xero said:

Eat right, get regular exercise, find something to do which you enjoy and do what you can and learn to ignore the ones who imagine they know you and what you can do better. (I'm still working on all of this too)

Excellent advice!

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12 hours ago, Witness said:

As a good elder’s wife, I eventually told my husband who was the service overseer, that it was a repetitive problem during the week.

Why did he not notice it himself, so that “eventually” you had to do it? Did you not say he, too, was good?

12 hours ago, Witness said:

From what I remember, he said he would address it.

Did he? How?

Look, if you come on with bitter tirades, and Lord knows you do, you should offer a few specifics.

12 hours ago, Witness said:

The sisters decided to arrange themselves, reaching out to others (sisters)  to help them…before showing up for the service meeting.  

If this is the case, then why is there a problem?

For whatever it’s worth, when I served as an elder, I would not work with other elders when there were other unattended publishers around. I do know that situation of some who “team up” and I don’t particularly like it. Still, I don’t take a flamethrower to the Christian organization because of it. It is a very challenging situation should sisters show up with small children that they hope others will help with. Practically speaking, it is a great challenge to integrate them—separate some kids and you’ve got 4Jah breathing down your neck—and beyond complaining, you did not offer a better way.

12 hours ago, Witness said:

Can you please tell me where I have stated that I, personally, was cheated out of my anointed status? 

Okay okay, maybe I could reword that.

12 hours ago, Witness said:

You should be concerned about the cheating of all the anointed out of their status as God's priests in the organization.

Of which YOU have appointed yourself spokesperson, constantly bringing up the subject (and little else). It is one of those “let the reader use discernment” situations.

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On 2/14/2021 at 11:37 AM, xero said:

Don't stop living. Don't go towards hating on the world, hating on apostates, hating on the GB, hating on anything. Understand that the real enemy is in the spirit realm. Understand that you yourself can be your own enemy with your own thinking and obsessions. Meditate on what it means to wait, what is it doing to you.

What this Elder is really saying is, Turn away, Walk on the other side of the Road, ignore the victims, who after all are just Collateral Damage. 

What this Elder forgets is, it was a Samaritan, an outsider, that helped. Now why would Jesus do that, use an outsider in His example ?  Was Jesus saying that outsiders care more for people than those who are too busy on the inside ? 

And what this Elder also forgets is that Jesus made it clear that it was important to show up hypocrites for what they really are. And the Apostle Paul, too, made such things clear. 

Meditate on what it means to have a CLEAN organisation. 


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17 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

What this Elder is really saying is, Turn away, Walk on the other side of the Road, ignore the victims, who after all are just Collateral Damage. 

What this Elder forgets is, it was a Samaritan, an outsider, that helped. Now why would Jesus do that, use an outsider in His example ?  Was Jesus saying that outsiders care more for people than those who are too busy on the inside ? 

And what this Elder also forgets is that Jesus made it clear that it was important to show up hypocrites for what they really are. And the Apostle Paul, too, made such things clear. 

Meditate on what it means to have a CLEAN organisation. 


Everyone has a filter. I do and you do. But the reality belongs to the Christ.

When you use your scarce resources, as we all have scarce resources you have to choose how to expend these. You see what appears to be a problem. You try to verify that it is a problem. You compare notes with others like and unlike yourself to see if they are seeing the same things. Then you ask yourself "What can I do to make the situation better, and not worse?" Then you try those things and then repeat the process. In all this you have to decide what is the biggest problem over which you have some measure of control and you expend your energies in these directions.

I remember how my dad used to love working on other people's cars while ours were up on blocks in our own driveway. That didn't make sense to me as a child. But then I came to realize that there is greater joy in trying to give than actually giving at times where no one is there to thank you. The cars were in bad shape and it was his responsibility, but no attaboys would come if he simply did what he was expected to do. On the other hand working on a neighbors car got him more attaboys.


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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Why did he not notice it himself, so that “eventually” you had to do it? Did you not say he, too, was good?

Wow, this really hit a nerve with you.  My husband had a full time job during the week in the outside environment.    He conducted the service meetings on the weekend.   Who knows, maybe others went to him with the problem also.  I didn't pry.  🙂


3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If this is the case, then why is there a problem?

Oh, so the shepherd/servant was not to blame.  It took the sisters with small brains to put their heads together and over-ride the recommendations of the servant.  

3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I do know that situation of some who “team up” and I don’t particularly like it.

Well, good!




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9 hours ago, xero said:

Then you ask yourself "What can I do to make the situation better, and not worse?"

Well one big problem is that 'boots on the ground' JWs can do nothing to solve the problems in the JW Org. 

A. The problems start from the very top of the Org, and they are not interested in listening to 'ordinary congregants'. 

I've written to London Bethel. They basically told me to mind my own business and talk to the local Elders if I have problems.

B. It is basically 'forbidden' to express one's concerns within the congregation, as it will be treated as 'Causing a division within the congregation', which is a disfellowshipping offence. 

I was able to discuss a few things privately with a few brothers individually, but not as a group. 

9 hours ago, xero said:

In all this you have to decide what is the biggest problem over which you have some measure of control and you expend your energies in these directions.

I did exactly that. I had complete control over whether I be in or out of an immoral Organisaton that was/is controlled by dishonest leaders.  And I used my 'energies' to tell people why I was leaving, and then to leave.  

Of course I could have remained in the Org, and 'turned away' / 'walked on the other side of the road', ignored the victims, and of course kept silent. But my Christian trained conscience would not have been happy. 

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3 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Well one big problem is that 'boots on the ground' JWs can do nothing to solve the problems in the JW Org. 

A. The problems start from the very top of the Org, and they are not interested in listening to 'ordinary congregants'. 

I've written to London Bethel. They basically told me to mind my own business and talk to the local Elders if I have problems.

B. It is basically 'forbidden' to express one's concerns within the congregation, as it will be treated as 'Causing a division within the congregation', which is a disfellowshipping offence. 

I was able to discuss a few things privately with a few brothers individually, but not as a group. 

I did exactly that. I had complete control over whether I be in or out of an immoral Organisaton that was/is controlled by dishonest leaders.  And I used my 'energies' to tell people why I was leaving, and then to leave.  

Of course I could have remained in the Org, and 'turned away' / 'walked on the other side of the road', ignored the victims, and of course kept silent. But my Christian trained conscience would not have been happy. 

I understand. So measuring your success for your efforts. Has it moved the needle in the right direction?

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39 minutes ago, Witness said:

Wow, this really hit a nerve with you.  My husband had a full time job during the week in the outside environment.

Others didn’t? Maybe they also had wives to “make excuses” for them.

Look, I accept that your husband was a caring man. What “strikes a nerve” is how you assume that nobody else was.

Your husband was a good man. You describe yourself as a “good elder’s wife.” (I am surprised you did not capitalize the ‘good’ in your case,) Still, he apparently wasn’t able to solve the problem. Why does everyone else have “blame” and he does not?

It’s not so terrible for people to make their own arrangements when they know they present challenges (like bringing along several small children). As stated, I would sometimes put myself into such car groups. But it wasn’t always possible. Not even your good husband was able to fix it.

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8 hours ago, xero said:

I understand. So measuring your success for your efforts. Has it moved the needle in the right direction?

Well it has in some ways. It's given me a better conscience, but of course I have a long way to go to have a good conscience.

I have also spent more time in personal Bible study, but of course there is so much that I don't understand. I think that is because the Bible is meant for the Anointed not so much the Earthly class. But it is good for basic guidance.  I have purchased one other study bible and intend to purchase the new Berean Study bible when it is released in March. the idea is to read each and to compare. Well it will encourage me to read a Bible even more.  

I have been able to post information online about the CSA problem Earthwide in the Watchtower / JW Org, which I wouldn't have done if I'd stayed in the Org. (That would have been hypocritical) The reason for posting it was to warn others of the Pedophilia, but also to warn JWs that people in the world know about it.  The warning for JWs was to say that they might get abuse or attacked because of the news about the CSA.  (I think this has happened in America).

I was hoping that many more people would leave the Org but it seems, as I've said, that congregants are just 'turning away' so as not to see the immorality or false teachings. 

I comment on here also to warn people of the Pedophilia and to give encouragement to others that have left the Org. 

So yes, it has strengthened my faith in God through Christ because I'm not leaning on other humans.

The 'isolation' from being shunned hasn't bothered me because i have a lovely wife and a great son to share all my time with. I do feel sadness for those that are totally alone physically even though they may feel closer to God and Christ. 



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38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Look, I accept that your husband was a caring man. What “strikes a nerve” is how you assume that nobody else was.

I don't believe I "assume" that nobody else was.  Perhaps if we were in the congregation together, you would understand the picture more fully.  🙂 That was only one of other congregations that I have been in.  Each had their prejudices and hypocrisy.  An elder with a beard in the 80's and 90's may add to your perspective. The burdens put upon him were quite large, while also raising a family; as well as the aspect that he didn't "fit in",  was also a burden.  Can you imagine how visitors who were servants may have criticized the congregation because of my husband's presence?  I witnessed it at a circuit assembly once.  An elder made the point to seek him out, point his finger and say, you will never give a talk in "my hall".  

Men and their power!

This first congregation scaled down to a total of two elders; my husband and one other. I am not sure how many servants there were, but only one was in charge of the week's service meetings.






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