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Is the brochure "Return to Jehovah" missing something?


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I asked this in the Controversial section, and though it was read quite a few times, no one has ventured a reply.

In the new brochure reaching out to inactive ones, there seems to be an implication that inactive Jehovah's Witnesses can confess violating WTS rules for 40 years and not be disciplined for it, but rather will be welcomed back to each congregation with open arms.  The brochure tells of one coming back after 40 years of being inactive, who during that time had celebrated holidays, gone to other churches, been involved in politics, and probably much more. 

Has something been left out of the brochure....something like 'yes, you'll be welcomed back with open arms....as soon as the elders say you can be, but until then you'll be shunned for your 40 years of sins that you just confessed to them.' ?

I ask because the articles about inactive ones returning to the Kingdom Hall have always said something about  "Loving discipline may be required." There's even been instructions to those who may be asked to study with an inactive JW, such as this in a 2008 wt:

[w08 11/15 Help Them Return Without Delay!, p.12, par.2] If they assign a publisher to study with an inactive person desiring help, what should be done if the conductor learns that the individual has committed a serious sin? Instead of giving counsel about any judicial or confidential matter, the publisher should suggest that he speak to the elders. If he fails to do so, the publisher himself should inform the elders.

But the 2015 brochure, Return to Jehovah, doesn't mention discipline being required.  If elders can question the sincerity of someone's repentance because he or she waited a month or two before confessing it to the elders, wouldn't it be even more doubtful that a person confessing after 40 years is truly repentant?






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I asked this in the Controversial section, and though it was read quite a few times, no one has ventured a reply. In the new brochure reaching out to inactive ones, there seems to be an implicati

Aranua, I think you were replying to me on this post. I don't think I am leaving YHWH out of anything, but rather it is the men who call themselves elders who have left YHWH out of it and took it upon

What seems to me to be missing from the brochure is any mention of those returning being disciplined. Why is that? Martha's story stood out because of the length of time she was an inactive JW, a

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:) Anyone who has been away for an extended time, would be subject to a gradual process of coming back. while a physical return may be short term the spiritual return is long term.

Someone inactive that returns, cannot still be practicing gross sin.

Many don't return until they get their lives in order. But if they are to be welcomed back, they may have a Bible Study. They may not initially go out on field service, until they are sufficiently ready. Some articles explain that it is like a wounded lamb being carried back to the flock in the upper folds of a shepherds outer garment. It will need nursing and sufficient care before it can run around again. Similarly with re-activating ones. A full spiritual return can take years for some. This may be because some continue to feel the guilt of their inactive life long after ceasing practicing sin. So, while Jehovah is always ready to forgive, we ourselves are generally the ones who make it a difficult process. Isaiah 1: 18

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I think your tone in the question sounds confrontational and frankly - a debate is not the way to go.  It does not sound like a person who is genuinely interested in a answer.... but someone wanting a fight.

I have read the brochure an thought it great.  I may just mention that confession of sins is a practice to get things behind you and out in the open.... so you can get on with life without anything bothering you from the past.   It is not an authoritarian type of thing which you are implying in your 'question'.

I have several friends who are back as witnesses and several broke many bible principles but they displayed the right attitude.  Cocky attitudes and a confrontational spirit is not tolerated in the work place (you will lose you job very quickly in a right to work state) so why do ex-witnesses expect preferential treatment and different rules for themselves... do they think they are above everyone else?

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18 hours ago, Mr_VHC@WNF said:

:) Anyone who has been away for an extended time, would be subject to a gradual process of coming back. while a physical return may be short term the spiritual return is long term.

Someone inactive that returns, cannot still be practicing gross sin.

Many don't return until they get their lives in order. But if they are to be welcomed back, they may have a Bible Study. They may not initially go out on field service, until they are sufficiently ready. Some articles explain that it is like a wounded lamb being carried back to the flock in the upper folds of a shepherds outer garment. It will need nursing and sufficient care before it can run around again. Similarly with re-activating ones. A full spiritual return can take years for some. This may be because some continue to feel the guilt of their inactive life long after ceasing practicing sin. So, while Jehovah is always ready to forgive, we ourselves are generally the ones who make it a difficult process. Isaiah 1: 18

You aren't talking about them getting disfellowshipped when they come back, are you?


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3 hours ago, Mr_VHC@WNF said:

No. I think you may have missed the point. The unrepentant generally don't return. 40 years is particularly long, and gives hope for others who may yet return. Repentance is the key factor here.

I possibly did miss your point. ;) What was it?  The "gradual process" you spoke of then wasn't a time of isolation? 

In judging if repentance is true or not, the elders would take into account how long it took the returnee to return, wouldn't they, just as they do with those who never became inactive but don't confess serious sin in a timely fashion.  I mean, if they can question the sincerity of ones repentance because it took him or her two months to come forward, wouldn't taking 40 years to come forward cast some doubt on whether the person's repentance is really true? 

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No. Not isolation. They have association at meetings. But it is up to the congregation members to choose to associate with them outside of meetings. Some do, others prefer to wait. Sorry, I'm bored of this thread already, tired old retoric repeated over and over by those seeking to find fault. 

The Bible says repentance is evident: Luke 3: 7 - 9

The elders take in account if the sin is still happening. They also look at the type of sin and its effect on the congregation. Granted, elders are not perfect. 

Example, Manasseh committed blatant attrocities most of his life, Jehovah forgave him despite his record.

It sounds to me that you really don't know Jehovah's love. Such a shame.




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On 9/18/2016 at 10:53 PM, Mr_VHC@WNF said:

Someone inactive that returns, cannot still be practicing gross sin.

Who is the one to measure the severity of sin?

Who is to determine if the sin is gross? Men of the KH? They are the door to the sheep?

Is the one who lies any different than the one who commits adultery? Which one is more gross? 

Also, who among us does not sin?

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Hi Shiwii, I understand where you're coming from. The Bible is very clear though who will and will not enter the kingdom.

1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10 

Galatians 5: 21

These are just two citations for simplicity. But we make a clear distinction between willful practice of sin and sin out of weakness. Yes, you are right we all sin, but not every sin has the same degree of severity. But the Bible can be used to determined that.

So, your answer is God has decided already what qualifies a person for entry into the Kingdom.


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2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

Who is the one to measure the severity of sin?

Who is to determine if the sin is gross? Men of the KH? They are the door to the sheep?

Is the one who lies any different than the one who commits adultery? Which one is more gross? 

Also, who among us does not sin?

Good point, Shiwiii.  It made me think of the principle at James 2:10 "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all."

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