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The Juárez Assembly Hall

Jack Ryan

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The Juárez Assembly Hall is located in the city of El Paso–Juarez (population 2.7 million)

El Paso is the American half. Juarez is the Mexican half. The border (the 'wall') appears to literally go through the middle.


The Assembly Hall is located on the Mexican side of the border - an approximately 3.3 mile drive to the nearest border crossing point and just under one mile to the border, as the bird flies.

The hall was dedicated in 2009. 

Do American JW's cross over the border to attend their Assemblies here? or is it just for Mexicans to use?

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/71p4wJK2xc92

Salón de Asambleas de los Testigos de Jehová
Camino Viejo a Zaragoza 750, Juárez, Chihuahua MEXICO

the Assembly Hall is on lower left (the car park is full of cars) - the Mexico/US border is on upper right:




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That assembly hall is used only by the Mexico (now officially called Central America) Branch. JW's from the USA don't go there. There's a similar situation in the Rio Grande Valley, with 2 assembly halls almost literally across the border from each other (La Feria TX / Reynosa MX).

Assembly halls are big money makers for the WTS in Mexico. The current assembly hall rental fee (required 'donation') to use these paid-for facilities is 60 pesos per publisher, which is the equivalent of about USD$3.50. However, many Mexican families, especially among JW's, are poorer than their US counterparts. 

When many JW families in Mexico are taking home about 150 pesos a day, a family with 3 kids as publishers are expected to pay up 300 pesos.

And for many assembly halls in Mexico, these are NOT suggested donations. Some circuits charge each congregation for their required donation, and in turn the elders charge each family for their part. I know of some congregations where the elders will go to your house and expect you to cough up your required donation before each assembly.

Mexico was once a major area of growth for JWs at 5% plus increase per year. Now it's close to zero. 


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