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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It is my understanding that plastic, as used in this conversation, is made from oil, and is a long chain molecule hydrocarbon.  I have used plastic liners to line the bottoms of municipal garbage dumps before filling, and radioactive waste burial sites, where the liners are expected to last AT LEAST 10,000 years.

Space Merchant:

Please tell me how waste plastic gets from the solid object, into the atmosphere, and what toxic gasses contaminate from that contaminate the air we breathe.

If there are any, my guess would be the outgassing concentrations would be so small as to be almost un-measurable, and that being anywhere in the vicinity of a car with the motor running ... burning hydrocarbons .... would be several hundred BILLION  times more dangerous.




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This same thing happened with ancient civilizations that lasted billions of years on the Earth, before the dinosaurs, and as the entire civilization was subducted below the shifting tectonic plates, t

I think we should aspire as humans to do better than our animal cohabitants of the planet.   Since we can’t seem to stop the usage of plastics, maybe we could at least find ways to recycle and us

The very reason I prefer to drink from glass and not plastic. If I am in a position to drink from a plastic bottle, I recycle it, but sadly no one likes to recycle. You toss a plastic item of was

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Dateline December 6, 2018  -  2:20 PM

ATHENS, OH—Claiming the finding could shed new light on the diversity of amphibian life, scientists from Ohio University announced Thursday that they had discovered a new species of frog that had evolved the ability to spontaneously grow a top hat and cane.

“While in many ways resembling a common bullfrog, Lithobates michiganus is unique for its capability of springing onto its hind legs and dancing with a tiny hat and cane, likely as a way of defending itself from predators,” said lead researcher Masha Rossi, noting that the amphibian’s practice of belting out “I’m Just Wild About Harry” and “Hello! Ma Baby” in a booming baritone was likely a trait developed in order to attract potential mates.

“This frog can be identified in the wild by its distinctive green-and-yellow coloration as well as its powerful hind legs adapted for both razzle and dazzle. This amphibian has a truly striking method of locomotion as it boldly sashays from lily pad to lily pad.”

Rossi added that this announcement constituted the most significant advancement in the herpetological field since last year’s discovery of a sleepy-eyed tortoise imbued with the extraordinary ability to beat a rabbit in a footrace.



Plagerized from "TheOnion" - America's new's source ... because they don't give a frog's butt.



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On 10/2/2018 at 10:54 AM, Space Merchant said:

Which reminds me, if there is one cartoon I use to watch as a kid, it's Captain Planet, for the show is based on a superhero that is encouraging to keep things clean and to recycle. A good show it was.


"El capitán Planeta y sus planetarios", I remember that cartoon and loved their song... 😍

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