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Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses


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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Both sides were screaming their viewpoints.

If I accuse you of something vile and despicable, adopting your viewpoint, may I then grab you by the neck and strangle you until you are dead?

Was there a judicial conclusion if you saw both sides make their argument? Even if you are not a vampire would I become you into my house, much less give you permission to kill me as you suggest.

This view goes beyond Christian life. So, I will not interact with silliness.

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It's all about credibility. How well do you trust a prognosticator who has a 100 plus year completely unblemished record  ...of being always WRONG?       AAAAaa

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The Senate Confirmation Hearing was not SUPPOSED to be a "Salem Witch Trial" .... but it was. 

The Senate Hearing on Thursday was to advise and consent the full Senate for the Supreme Court nominee by Trump to go forward to a vote by the full Senate, to confirm or deny Trump's pick as HIS choice, for Supreme Court Justice.

THAT process is restricted by a "Two hour rule", but the Chairman actually decides when to invoke it. In this case it was about three hours, the following day,  Friday.

This was NOT a Judicial ruling .... a criminal trial where a person could lose his liberty or money. 

It was merely (merely ! ) a collection of blatant, and painfully obvious  EVIL Democrats trying to ruin a reasonably good man's life with unsubstantiated accusations, with absolutely NO credibility or corroboration, in a carefully orchestrated plan to completely destroy the nominee's confirmation by the Senate ..... and they were willing to completely ruin his life, and reputation FOREVER to try and do it.

They would do ANYTHING to hurt  Trump.  Anything at all.

If you doubt about my observations, analysis and perspective feel free to watch the whole 9-1/2 or so hours on YouTube, so you will even HAVE an educated opinion.

So far, your opinions are ONLY that ... and based on ignorance.

There is a difference between all educated opinions, and all ignorant opinions.

Educated opinions require motivation and hard work ... LOTS of hard work.

Ignorant opinions only require natural ignorance.



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8 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

the point the Watchtower has.

quotes in continue shows how WT does not know what Genesis talking about:   

Zions Watchtower Dec 1881 The Creative Week

“If the seventh period of creation in which the Father rested is seven thousand years long – as shown above – so are the other six periods; and so we have seven times seven thousand years…”

The Watchtower 1/1/1951 p. 27 The Christian’s Sabbath

7,000 years for each of the creative days as well as the rest day is consistent with the Scriptures.

The Watchtower 8/1/1954 p. 478 The Purpose of Your Witnessing

Each creative day was 7,000 years in length. See “New Heavens and a New Earth”, pages 40-43.

Awake! 11/8/1982 pp. 6-9 Science and the Bible

The Bible record, together with verifiable history, indicates that the seventh day of that creative week covers a period of 7,000 years. Hence, each of the six preceding “days” would be of the same length.

The Watchtower 1/1/1987 p. 30 Questions From Readers

a study of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and of our location in the stream of time strongly indicate that each of the creative days is 7,000 years long.

The Watchtower 1/1/1993 p. 4 Our Grand Creator and His Works

In an orderly sequence of six ‘creative days,’ each thousands of years in length

The Watchtower 4/1/1996 p. 13 par. 10 Praise the King of Eternity!

Wonderful developments took place on earth during the six creative “days” of Genesis chapter 1, each day covering thousands of years.

The Watchtower 2/1/2003 p. 4 How to Cultivate a Balanced View of Work

at the end of the six creative “days,” or long periods of time, “God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good”

Awake! 9/22/2003 p. 21 Science Was My Religion

the creative days lasted aeons

Awake 1/22/2004 p. 23 Why I Believe the Bible—A Nuclear Scientist Tells His Story

the creative “days” encompass thousands of years

The Watchtower 4/1/2004 p. 6 Identifying the Wild Beast and Its Mark

God’s creative week comprises seven ‘days,’ or extended time periods

The Watchtower 1/1/2004 p. 28 par. 3 Highlights From the Book of Genesis—I

the six creative “days,” or time periods of special creative works

The Watchtower 2/15/2011 p. 8 par. 10 Holy Spirit—At Work in Creation!

These are not 24-hour days but are epochs.

Awake! 11/2011 p. 9 Which Approach Is More Reasonable?

Each day evidently involved a considerable length of time.

Awake! 3/2014 p. 5 How Long Did God Take To Create The Universe?

each of the six creative days could have lasted for thousands of years.

On other side WT teach  about how long human exist is:


“In the beginning . . .”

4026 B.C.E. Adam’s creation

3096 B.C.E. Death of Adam

HOW LONG LAST "THE ADAM DAY", 7th day?                                                                                                                                                                                   ARE HUMANKIND NOW IN  THE DAY 7?                                                                                                                                                                                                IF YES, WHEN WILL be the END of that day?                                                                                                                                                                                            BECAUSE IT CAN LAST AS EPOCHS, AS CONSIDERABLE LENGTH OF TIME, AS MORE THEN 7000 YEARS. :))))))    

Will KINGDOM of 1000 years come before the end of 7th day or after the end? Or inside of 7th day? However JW would count, it can be that they must wait for hundreds or thousands of years or eons of time to see that day. 

SO, WT have to change all concept and doctrine on few teachings and ideas  that covers these few issues.                                                                                           

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5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

You did some good research. Hopefully, someday it will make sense for you.

Billy’s right. Often the answer is ‘Who cares?’ 

Bethel only cares that the scriptures not be dissed. They do not presume to instruct scientists on their own turf, and when they do, they back off.

They have referred to the time since the beginning as eons, and the creative days as epochs. Do with those terms what you will. 

Does some view of science back them into a corner? Maybe it will change. If it doesn’t and seems to be valid, new light will take care of it. Let scientists be scientists and Bible teachers be Bible Teachers. It’s amazing how anal some people get.

Are they dogmatic at JW headquarters? They have published an interview with Michael Behe, who accepts evolution in the main, but just insists that it has limits. They wouldn’t have done that if they hated each others guts.

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

They have published an interview with Michael Behe,






4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Are they dogmatic at JW headquarters?

They are opportunist. :)))

... a person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle. someone who tries to get power or an advantage in every situation. using a situation to get power or an advantage (a condition giving a greater chance of success)

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Never waste an opportunity to sucker-punch or blindside someone who is ignorant enough to believe your motives are honest, and your interview will represent what you really think.

EVERYBODY has an agenda.

There are no exceptions.

Bad Feeling about This    1200.jpg

Absolutely agree JTR. That is why i put Awake questions. Questions are "tailored" in a way to lead to the desired answers with the help of the chosen interlocutor. 

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 Srecko  i have to thank you for your research concerning the lies that the GB of the JW Org used concerning the 7000 year creative days. 

Even if a person doesn't want to include the Bible Students, your quotes from 1951 to 1987 proves that the GB are not the Faithful and Discreet slave class that they pretend to be.

Where is the direction from Our Heavenly Father to the GB ?  It does not exist. The GB are not who they pretend to be. 

Each creative day 7,000 years ?  Um, please remember, God does not lie, nor does He give false information. 

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14 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

 It's all about credibility.

How well do you trust a prognosticator who has a 100 plus year

completely unblemished record  ...of being always WRONG?





AAAAaaaand .... here are some answers!

kingdom-ministry-1974-may-p3 B.jpg

This is fantastic stuff. Kingdom Ministry May 1974. 

Lovely.      Last days...  People sold their houses because they were told Armageddon would be 1975. 

Yes i know it doesn't say it in exact words, but those that were there know it was told that way. 

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