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Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!

Srecko Sostar

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here is a nice comment or two made in the video:    "The male animal has no season in which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act" "a brother sits on the lap of one of his ma

Famous Christopher Hitchens speech where he said,  "It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thoug

I have to say that I am utterly speechless at this. The Holy House of God must not be so holy if there is a need for this kind of video. 

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Based on the assumption that everything we do, say, and think should be open, transparent and honest ... I have been continuing to look for verification that "Pillowgate" is actually real.

The Society has forced the removal of these two "Pillowgate" Videos from everywhere they can .... but RUTUBE ... the Russian equivalent of YOUTUBE and the WTB&TS are just not ..... just not ..... getting along.

Without comment I present for your inspection.... the original, apparently complete, and un-edited versions of "Pillowgate", from the Russian RUTUBE site.

Since I do not own the copyright, I am ONLY posting the links.

What you do with them is up to you.

The Truth will make us free ....


Christian Sisters - Keep Your Path Clean  720p  (20 min 14 sec)


(downloaded size = 95.0 mb)


Christian Brothers – Keep Your Path Clean  720p  (36min 44 sec)


(downloaded size =  990 mb)




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To be honest, most Christians consider masturbation unclean and vile for a Christian to do. For it in itself is also considered an addiction and like any addiction, if done multiple times, it will be harder to break free from the chains it has placed on you, and the habit can easily be revisited and can prevent one, be it male or female, from fight such urges properly. It can also lead one easily into the murky waters of pornography, which has caused depression to some, and others to commit suicide, a person I know, mutual friend, was cool with some college girl, I will not say her name because I am being respectful to the deceased, who was lured into such industry exploited by the adult industry recruiters on day 1, the “casting couch” as they call it, where they persuaded her to consent and to giving her the thought of “making easy money” if she continues on this path, later on information of her had been leaked, resulting in friends and family alike to find out what she got herself into, this girl later took her own life via suicide, before she even hit 20. Just like her, others suffer in some way via depression from such habits and what such habits lead to.

I personally know some people who have been subjected to this and some who are still affected by such a habit, both males and females, teens to young adults, who fight such a battle with this addiction, others have given in to it and feel as though nothing can help them break from it, heck, my older brother had struggled for 4-5 years (from age 18-22) because some silly college students were talking and watching pornography, and got him hooked on it, eventually over time, he was able to finally break free from the habit, since I, my father and a couple of friends helped him out because it was causing him to feel depressed and feel worthless to God, for because of this habit, he even refused to pray for he really thought of himself as worthless to God, to the family and to his friends, it was that bad.

No Christian is safe from it either, especially when in today's world they promote that such is okay and normal when the reality is it is not. There are also communities built for helping people with these addictions so they can turn themselves around, and those I share this information with they take the opportunity to try and give it a go.

Masturbation is a growing problem for teens and even adults and no one is going to speak of their struggle unless you are a trusted person, friend, teacher, church member, etc. For Christians it is even harder because they know they, those who suffer from it, have succumb to this problem and feel as though God cannot forgive them for what they do, their church will be shocked about their actions, etc.

A battle with consequences, even if someone does a PSA about it, it is still important to speak to those affected face to face to see what is up with them, even going as far as to giving encouragement and solutions to the person who is dealing with the problem.

That being said, I can't blame the JWs for trying though, for desires of the flesh is part of our imperfection, doesn't matter if someone is an experienced Christian or not, imperfection is a daily struggle, you cannot conquer it and be done with it, for desires of the flesh is like a shadow you cast, that follows you everywhere you go. I am happy that I had good parents that made sure I never fall into such a path, but with their examples as well as stories, testimonies and the like from others who are either affected or broke free, such information can prove helpful when shared with others who are suffering from such.

That is all I have to say, since that is somewhat the topic, anti-masturbation” of this thread, I feel as though such things should be addressed.

At the end of the day, we are all imperfect, for what doesn’t cause one to stumble, will cause someone else to stumble, but just because you fall, doesn’t mean it is over, just get back up and keep fighting. I really don’t care who the person is, friends and family will take some time, but God is always ready to forgive and forget the sin one has committed if he or she proves repentance.

But yeah, Proverbs 24:16 - for the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.


One's internal struggle and conflicts should not be laughed at, as some do, for what they struggle with internally is like a cry for help and those who sees the problem can only hear that cry for help.

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Some people have the same problems with eating, drinking alcohol, and (insert list here).

The Bible says MUCH about stealing, honesty, justice, mercy, lying, and hundreds of other things. 

But guess what is NOT mentioned?

The Apostle James admonishes the brothers NOT TO MURDER EACH OTHER  (James 5:6).  How often have you seen THIS.  Probably never.

If Jehovah God  cared about such things ....... CONSIDERING it is an almost universal practice, and always has been, AMONG 95% OF ALL MEN, AND ABOUT 80% OF ALL WOMEN ON THE PLANET EARTH .... you might think he would have at least MENTIONED IT AT LEAST ONCE?

Actually, I believe it was "kinda sorta" mentioned ONCE, in the Old Testament., depending on your perception ....

CHRISTENDOM is where we get the idea that it is shameful, it is THEY who believed it DESTROYED THE SOULS OF THOSE WHO DID IT, as back then (and this is true...) the common perception was that little tiny men and women were in the semen ( no kiddddiding...)

Christendom's clergy has a vested interest in making people guilty over things God has NOT expressed any opinion on ... and these things go all the way back to the Jewish times before Christ.  It is easier to extort money from people who are "guilty", or make them slaves.

It's called "paying the preacher".

Onan was chastised by Jehovah for NOT IMPREGNATING HIS BROTHER'S WIDOW! not "Onanism" as defined by Christendumb ... which actually makes the Bible's interest in this practice exactly ZERO.

Men Ejaculate ... women menstruate ... and we all swallow boogers when we have sinus drainage, and occasionally leak .... which is why we wear underwear.


Even the hot water heater in your home has a pressure release valve.

If I am wrong... please correct me with a CLEAR AND COMPLETELY UNAMBIGUOUS Scripture.

Playing with words does not count, any more than playing those words, playing with your dandruff, playing with with your food, or ... uh ... well ... you know .....

If we REALLY ARE going to model our lives on the word of Jehovah ... let's NOT MAKE STUFF UP ...  like Christendumb did for our personal guilt trips.

If you want to know what the Apostle James said .... start with James 1:27.

 "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world."

Life gets simpler when you stop making stuff up.





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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Masturbation is a growing problem for teens and even adults

:)))))))))))) oh man. "Growing problem".... in this 21 century or in all centuries from day 1?? hahah

Do you know what is real growing problem? Lies, deceiving, manipulation, terror, forcing people to do something,  violence of all kinds....

Human sexuality involves all inside (and outside us). This involves biological, erotic, physical, emotional, social, or spiritual feelings and behaviors. Does human explore own (or partner body) with touching, looking ... or with tabu - not touch, not smell, not taste, not look ...

Who was put all process in body? Erection too? What are you doing when you hungry or thirsty? Or must go to toilet? Law of instincts was made by Higher Power. Social laws regulate some behaviours inside family, tribe, people, nation.... What is primar, first came in existence? Body law and inside feeling for good and bad (conscience)?? Or Human laws (religious, political, national...)?

Why. Understand why we do this or that, is more important  than making rule and tabu on masturbation. When we get closer to answer why 10 year old masturbate or why 18 year or 45 or 65 doing this, then we will see better, more. 

Why one became paedophile? Because he masturbate too much? Or looked porno movies? Or ...? 

Masturbating person became depressed and suicidal? Because he masturbate or because he doesn't know how, can not realised himself in specific needs he have, he can not, or do not know how to fulfill and find emotional  needs, states .... inside his social group?

Issue is big and complex and complicated. :)))

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

:)))))))))))) oh man. "Growing problem".... in this 21 century or in all centuries from day 1?? hahah

Do you know what is real growing problem? Lies, deceiving, manipulation, terror, forcing people to do something,  violence of all kinds....

Human sexuality involves all inside (and outside us). This involves biological, erotic, physical, emotional, social, or spiritual feelings and behaviors. Does human explore own (or partner body) with touching, looking ... or with tabu - not touch, not smell, not taste, not look ...

Who was put all process in body? Erection too? What are you doing when you hungry or thirsty? Or must go to toilet? Law of instincts was made by Higher Power. Social laws regulate some behaviours inside family, tribe, people, nation.... What is primar, first came in existence? Body law and inside feeling for good and bad (conscience)?? Or Human laws (religious, political, national...)?

Why. Understand why we do this or that, is more important  than making rule and tabu on masturbation. When we get closer to answer why 10 year old masturbate or why 18 year or 45 or 65 doing this, then we will see better, more. 

Why one became paedophile? Because he masturbate too much? Or looked porno movies? Or ...? 

Masturbating person became depressed and suicidal? Because he masturbate or because he doesn't know how, can not realised himself in specific needs he have, he can not, or do not know how to fulfill and find emotional  needs, states .... inside his social group?

Issue is big and complex and complicated. :)))

The issue is regarding masturbation and what such a habit leads to. And yes, "it is" a growing problem, especially among younger people and young adults. Some people choose to educate and even make rules regarding masturbation because they want to better protect people from it, and those who are educated are less likely to succumb to such an addiction. Should one be affected by masturbation and pornography, there are those who are well equipped to handle with those in suffering.

Just because you have a process in your body, doesn't mean you should be okay with such acts, this has been said before by the community who fight against masturbation and pornography 24/7, by those who share stories and testimonies of how troubling such an addiction is. I already have some experiences with some, as I already stated before, even losing a friend to the addiction, which led her to pornography, to depression and eventually, when she took her own life and the troubles my brother faced.

There is no "why" in the age, it is pretty evident, there are urges that the flesh cannot control, and eventually, the individual will give in. There are many examples, some a bit explicit than others on how an addiction worsens over time to those who succumb to it and does not do anything about it. It may seem okay to one person, but to another it is seen as something vile and something very shameful, especially if the person who sees it as such is the one with the problem.

Never mentioned pedophilia or one becoming as such due to masturbation and porn, however, pornography encourages and caters to them, giving them the tools and the how to for child grooming and or the creation of whatever vile practices they. For Pedophilia is classified as a psychological disorder ( DSM 5). It is a very difficult psychological disorder to treat, for there are programs, therapies, counseling, etc that can prove somewhat useful. Pedophilia root of originate is not yet known, some just consider the addiction was with the person from the time they were born and the disorder itself begins to flourish as they grow or over time they developed an interest in children or those younger than them, regardless of the sex of the targeted individual. but they tend to look into various types of things that gives them sexual gratification, to distribute, to share, to receive, etc. At times they tend to enact such actions on targets of their choosing. The Adult Industry does not get a lot of flack, especially for some of their viewed content consist women portraying the roles of teenage girls or cartography themselves as children in the presence of a grown man, the same thing happens when the roles are in reverse. That being said, feeding the addiction worsens it.

It amazes me how majority in America does not know how masturbation and watching porn causes some form of depression and low self-esteem, lack of confidence in oneself, and a few times, it also causes one to go on a suicidal path because they feel that their is no hope for them, somehow they were exposed/mocked for their habits and the like.

Luckily, as I said before, there are a couple of large communities, that work as one, to help such people, give advise, share their stories, and encourage anyone, for should you relapse into porn and masturbation, you can get back up and continue to fight it until you are free from it. They help anyone, regardless of one's background, religion, race, etc. At times, they had one time helped someone who thinks he is under the impression that he may be a pedophile.

Masturbation and porn to the majority is seen as normal, disregarding the effects it can cause in some individuals, among the people there are those who see masturbation and porn as a problem, a growing one due to some statistics in the past couple of years. There will always be people to instruct, there will always be those who will educate, and help out should any man, woman or child succumbs to the addiction of masturbation and pornography.

It may be a laughing matter to some here, but for me, it is a serious issue, and I have witnessed some things firsthand and talked with people, just like the communities who speak of this addiction, they too consider it a growing problem, and have the real world experience to share with others in order to help combat the addiction.

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Space Merchant:

I would suppose that every thing you said is true .. it certainly sounds reasonable, and is certainly well considered ... but the question is NOT whether anything is good for you, bad for you, or completely neutral .... the question is the propriety of those that are representing, or say they are representing Jehovah God as his spokespersons on Earth .... and Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body stated that the Governing Body ACTUALLY WERE .... in his testimony before the Australian Royal Commission .... the REAL ISSUE is whether or not those people CLAIMING to be (and possible actually are) God's spokespersons on Earth ... are entitled to speak for God ....


..... words that he himself NEVER SPOKE.


That is the ONLY issue  that really matters,  do we have a RIGHT to represent this, or ANY issue about which God has expressed NO OPINION .... as the "Will of God"?

For those in Rio Linda ... THE ANSWER IS A RESOUNDING NO !

Otherwise ... Jehovah's Witnesses become a collection of cultish cultural tyrants ... and PRETENDERS to speak for God, to further the leadership's own culturally induced Victorian proclivities ... subjecting the Brotherhood to public ridicule and embarrassment ... and slandering God himself.

The REAL ISSUE is whether or not those people CLAIMING to be (and possible actually are) God's spokespersons on Earth ... are ENTITLED to speak for God words that he himself NEVER SPOKE.

That is the ONLY issue  that really matters ... for those claiming to "speak for God".

The rest is arrogance, presumptuousness, just plain stupid, and an embarrassment to have to watch.

It slanders God, and makes the Brotherhood a subject of ridicule.

Next ... we will be prohibiting the eating of Meat on Friday., or making "type-antitype" profundities that are absurd, or making end time prophesy that NEVER come true.

Oh wait .... been there... done that.

The GB ruined tens of thousands of marriages in the 1970's, and destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives, and chased millions of people away from the Truth  by such arrogance in ignorantly speaking on such matters in the name of God ... and have been trying to "walk it back" for at least ten years now, without admitting to ANYTHING.

 Completely disregarding for the moment the immense slander to God for representing and making English Victorian culture God's, and the damage to people's lives ..... It is not Satan that will destroy the WTB&TS ...

It will be the Lawyers.


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23 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It was the Brotherhood James was addressing in his letter.

Porn is porn ... and propaganda is propaganda.

Some weird people consider this porn ... ******


We see this as normal, but somewhere in the world, some guy(s) somewhere, in a basement will take said animals related pictures and re-create it into something explicit, catering it to those who get triggered by such things. It is a long sickening practice, and it cannot be prevent, especially when it revolves around the Internet, media, and social spaces.

As for pornography, it is propaganda in someway. Either they cater to their audience or recruit, and when that happens, change of hands and money is involved and the cycle repeats itself. The so called people who cater sickening entertainment to people don't care about anyone but their money. Other times it stems to the far more explicit and illegal aspect of things that is also a whole other big issue on its own, and it is quite common around the globe.

The thing is here, sex sells in the US, EU, Asia, etc, this also includes the illegal shadowy stuff that people seem to shy away from such as human sex trafficking and the like. As long as money is involved and when the audience can get their kicks, there will always be those who will be victim to sexual immorality, which includes masturbation, and among those affected, said individuals will be the ones with problems they can't seem to break free from for urges of such is that strong and that much of addiction to some.

That being said, it is a wise thing to educate people, to teach them, especially if you ant to make a household, a community, a church, a school be morally upright, taking the steps necessary how you see fit to do this.

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Space Merchant:

I use an abbreviated form of teaching about such things ......

When I was working in the Congo, living in a hotel with steel doors, unpainted cinder block walls, and bars on the window,  and an air conditioner in a window that only cooled the bottom half of the room ... I got a call  about midnight from the "Front Desk" saying that if I wanted anything ... anything at all ... I need only to ask.

I was a rather rough looking character at the time, and he mentioned that he could supply people that could endure great pain, if I wanted.

I told him "Sure ... I like to torture Hotel Desk clerks .... when you come up, bring a corkscrew."

He hung up, and I went back to sleep.

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11 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:


So I was thinking maybe you're right, and that it's significant James was speaking to brothers, but I'm not sure whether, or if so, how.  No need to answer, just explaining my removal of down vote.

But, still do think it can be propaganda.


The thing here is:

When a mainstream/New Age Christian denomination and or church promotes it: People consider it as positive, encouraging, that it shows either the members of the church or the deacons and elders of the church are caring and watching out for the community as well as their church members. Some may not believe me, but anyone can look up "Christian speak about Masturbation" or "Christian Against Masturbation", "Masturbation a Sin/Can you be forgiven for such sin",  or "You will go straight to hell for Masturbating", some of which having REPENT in all caps in its title and or portions of chosen articles and or media. For each has garnered positive comments and words from selected few, even Christians who were for any of these messages, even when deacons and church elders, leaders and or other members preach it. Some churches also go out of their way to say that Masturbation is an okay thing to do, thus doing so to gain new converts and attention to make their church stand out more.

When a Non-Trinitarian Church denomination or church promotes it: They are attacked for it, ridiculed and called insane, weird. Most of the time they are made fun of by other Christians (being hypocrites to what the mainstream also say), and address that church leaders be it elders, deacons and the like shouldn't be teaching people anything that pertains to Anti-Masturbation or ways to prevent it. Such will also get the attention of even atheist, for atheist will often try to attack Non-Trinitarian Christians who are not part of the mainstream, for some even going as far as to publishing articles and stories about it. Out of all the negativity however, you can spot a few who support the message on Anti-Masturbation, even giving their say in the matter, and these same people (not always member of said church) are attacked for being positive. Then you have the occasional troll, who will post a spoof'd link to something inappropriate and or provocative just to get a reaction from you or anger you.


Truly I say, this is how people operate when it comes to these things. The evidence can easily be seen through articles, video, media, and the like.


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