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Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!

Srecko Sostar

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21 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

Satan uses Amazon ads to tempt us. #pillowgate


And? One who masturbates and has an addiction to pornographic imagery is not a joke, regardless of who they are. Why not counsel such ones then be on-board with those who make fun of them?

That being said, I dare you to post this in the Anti-Masturbation and Pornography Reddit and see how well that goes with you, for they do not take kindly to those who post such things like that an they don't care what faith you follow,, they will go against you when they themselves know that people can be helped with such a problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/ or perhaps take a look here for someone had something interesting to say to help himself avoid masturbation and pornography: 


Look it up via Google and you will find the Christian subreddit, they won't take kindly to that either.

Instead of joking about the problem, be a solver of the problem, but it would seem not a lot of people in the US are very embracing of helping such ones with problems, this is why I thank God that can speak some experience to children so they do not fall to such a habit that is a very tough cycle to break away from.

I also suggest you look up "Pillow" in that subreddit and see the stories of some people and those that actually are solvers of problems who help such ones out, rather than be like the types of individuals to bash and make fun.

What next for you? You want to joke about people who are affiliated with Otaku (???) culture as well? Those they they themselves have problems far greater than themselves?

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here is a nice comment or two made in the video:    "The male animal has no season in which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act" "a brother sits on the lap of one of his ma

Famous Christopher Hitchens speech where he said,  "It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thoug

I have to say that I am utterly speechless at this. The Holy House of God must not be so holy if there is a need for this kind of video. 

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. The response was directed to @Jack Ryan. I say this because anyone who actually helps people, those of a community, with these problems take offense to that, granted when you yourself have heard the stories, the actions taken, the very fact that so and so relapsed and feel like his or her life is over, and so forth, it is a list of things. This is why I stated to look up Pillow in that community and you will see for yourself how people respond. We mustn't start with Otakus either because that is a whole other can of worms of which people, mainly Americans, bash the culture practiced by some youth in Japan, which seems to have a spilled a bit over into the US and EU, granted it is known some Otakus only do such, hence Pillow, because of their emotional and or current state as well as their self-esteem.

The very reason why I even told Ryan if he had posted this or something similar regarding a pillow, it will anger those who help people avoid masturbation and pornography, it will sadden and put more burden on those who are fighting to get away from masturbation and pornography, and by reading their experiences, even hearing them in person, it shows, and the feeling is there.

People fight with their inner demons everyday, mainly in this domain, we should be giving them a reason to let their guard down, the very reason why that community and the Reboot family exist, for they know how it is and how to handle things.

That being said, regarding that small clip you posted and what I said before to you, any contact and or touching/or simulation of the male and or female reproductive organs is sexual contact. It is considered as pornea, it is also in the same category of masturbation.

Other than that, it does it you in the feelings when you have to hear what someone who is dealing with that has to say.

But I guess soon I will make a thread regarding this in full detail and how today's society and culture in the US and EU embrace such things as if it is normal when in reality it is not.

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I have read scholarly real life studies on human sexuality spanning decades of research, in big thick bound volumes, some I have here in my personal Library ... that somewhere around 95% of all men masturbate, and 80% of all women masturbate. 

100% of all men and women masticate, consumate, defecate, urinate, expectorate, perspirate, and exfoliate.

(That means chew, eat, poop, pee, spit, sweat and shed skin ... for those in Rio Linda...)

Men ejaculate and women menstruate.

(That means squirt semen, and leak blood ... . for those in Rio Linda .... )

Presumably, all these things have occurred since the beginning of humans on Earth ... and in fact all sexually reproducing animals on Earth ... for MILLIONS ... even BILLIONS  of years.

You might think that if Jehovah cared about such things as men and women masturbating he would have mentioned it AT LEAST ONCE in the Bible.

... actually, God did have an opinion about it ONE time, in one specific instance, specifically concerning Onan.

Other than that ... zero...zip... nada.... goose eggs.

( ... that means NOTHING .... for those in Rio Linda.)

Sometimes, as part of out cultural upbringing, and our particular proclivities, we come to believe, to our very souls ... to our bones ... things that God has NO stated opinion on.

Cannibalism is one of those things ... which we consider ABHORRENT, which is a natural reaction for some, and as for an example, the Early Hawaiians, not so much.

They ate their slain enemies as a matter of convenience.  Presumably they bled to death ... and they ate them.

Jehovah ALSO never prohibited cannibalism, but he does prohibit eating blood.

Nowhere in the Bible has Jehovah spoken against what for approximately 90% of the planet's human population is a common human practice ... and always has been.

There are good Biblical Detectives ... and there are bad Biblical Detectives .   Bad ones don't detect much, and always get it wrong.

Dishonest ones attribute as the will of God, things he has no interest in.


Dishonest ones attribute as the will of God, things he has no interest in.


Dishonest ones attribute as the will of God, things he has no interest in.







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27 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You might think that if Jehovah cared about such things as men and women masturbating he would have mentioned it AT LEAST ONCE in the Bible.

It must be one of those things that are down to principle, not a law.  Perhaps this is the principle: " Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion,  hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry". Colossians 3:5

I am not saying this as a rule, but in all honesty, could it be said that masturbation never leads to sexual immorality, or thoughts of it? 

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16 minutes ago, Anna said:

I am not saying this as a rule, but in all honesty, could it be said that masturbation never leads to sexual immorality, or thoughts of it? 


With humans ... there is truly INFINITE VARIETY of what one thing leads to another.

.... there are people that read the Bible, and that causes THEM to become mass murderers.

Thankfully that is not the case with everybody.

Infinite Variety.


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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

This is why I stated to look up Pillow in that community and you will see for yourself how people respond. We mustn't start with Otakus either because that is a whole other can of worms of which people, mainly Americans, bash the culture practiced by some youth in Japan, which seems to have a spilled a bit over into the US and EU, granted it is known some Otakus only do such, hence Pillow, because of their emotional and or current state as well as their self-esteem.

I have NO IDEA what you are talking about, but I suspect you have it ALL WRONG.

I had never heard the term OTAKU before, so I had to look it up


It seems, according to this, if you become an expert on EVERY aspect of stamp collecting, you could be an "OTAKU".



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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

With humans ... there is truly INFINITE VARIETY of what one thing leads to another.

Sure, but in this instance I was talking about one thing specifically. There is more chance of someone having immoral thoughts when they masturbate, than if they take a cold shower.

Plus, someone who is masturbating cannot be said to be deadening their desire as per Colossians 3:5, (generally speaking, as there are always exceptions to the rule)

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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

With humans ... there is truly INFINITE VARIETY of what one thing leads to another.

.... there are people that read the Bible, and that causes THEM to become mass murderers.

Thankfully that is not the case with everybody.

Infinite Variety.

Jehovah does not hold it against us that we get hungry ... he DOES hold it against us if it is uncontrolled gluttony.

Water is necessary for life.

TO MUCH water can give you congestive heart failure.

My best guess is that the two  analogies are good ones.

Infinite Variety.

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21 hours ago, Anna said:

I am not saying this as a rule, but in all honesty, could it be said that masturbation never leads to sexual immorality, or thoughts of it? 

If i understand English sentence construction correct you said 2 separate things, correct me please if i am wrong, or give me explanation.

1) masturbation never leads to.... sexual immorality with another person?

2) masturbation never leads to .. thoughts about sexual immorality  with another person?

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