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They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)


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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

All this is making serious inroads on my time. And now you throw in some hilarious dog blog that will take some time if I intend to go through it!

I sighed at that tiny square at the top of the right-hand scrollbar, which indicated a novella below. But it was mostly pictures that required only a quick glance and a chuckle. The entire piece literally takes about 3 minutes tops. And I needed something light as I just watched the "Trial of the Chicago 7" on Netflix. I recommend both highly. Thanks xero; and thanks, Alan Sorkin.

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7 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I sighed at that tiny square at the top of the right-hand scrollbar, which indicated a novella below. But it was mostly pictures that required only a quick glance and a chuckle. The entire piece literally takes about 3 minutes tops. And I needed something light as I just watched the "Trial of the Chicago 7" on Netflix. I recommend both highly. Thanks xero; and thanks, Alan Sorkin.

Okay, I went through it. Yes, I do like it. I just needed the energy of a brand new day. I only put my daily Bible reading ahead of it—I hope nobody minds. The spies getting all weak-kneed in the promised land, bunch of wusses.

The blog & artwork is generational, and I am of an older generation. But I did like it, the simple drawing with bright colors.

My daughter keeps sending me a similar set of cartoons that are likewise generational, but they grow on one. Beings from another planet poking gentle fun at customs by describing it in words they don’t quite have.


I’ll check out Chicago if I can. I may have a hard time sneaking it past my wife. I see some review that there is language throughout. I get it that it would be historical, but to her a #@!* is a #@!*

It’a hard even to get a murder mystery in, since they always start with someone being killed. 

We did recently watch Bridge of Spies (for the 2nd time, and I rarely watch anything a 2nd time) But Tom Hanks can turn anything into gold and this Spielberg movie is gold to begin with. 


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13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Maybe I will make my own: “Are you a floozie?” I will ask anyone new. Don’t answer ‘yes’ though, unless you want to be tossed or unless you promise to be a floozie no more.

Sigh—I don’t want to be crude, but the unaccustomed volume of friend requests means I’d better not see much cleavage and preferably none at all. To say you are approving friends based upon not seeing cleavage, I know sounds crass, but there you have it. I can see why social media wears people out. My wife has those things too, you know.

Don’t people know that I do nothing but think about God all day?

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Beings from another planet poking gentle fun at customs by describing it in words they don’t quite have.

Nathan W Pyle's alien comics are hilarious. Without kids, I don't think I would have known. Do you think the WTS will ever make use of something like them to help show the folly of Birthdays (aka Emergence Days)? Or Valentine's Day?

Nathan W. Pyle on Twitter: "Joyful Emergence Day to ~0.3% of the beings… "

This Brilliant Comic Reminds Us Of How Weird Our Human Habits Are | Funny  cartoons, Aliens funny, Funny happy birthday meme

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10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

"Trial of the Chicago 7" on Netflix. 

I will put that on our watcht list, although my husband will probably say we've already seen it. That's the trouble, when it comes to movies I have a brain like a sieve, well not just movies. I tell him if I ever get Alzhimers he won't notice the difference....

2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I see some review that there is language throughout. I get it that it would be historical, but to her a #@!* is a #@!*

Yes, I hate that too. It's such a pity when good quality movies are peppered with swear words, they grate on me like nails on a chalkboard. They are really not necessary. The other day we watched something pretty tense (don't ask me what it was) and it had no swear words in it at all! It didn't take away from the story. In fact I doubt anyone, even the most cuss filled people, would have objected. I can't see anyone saying; well I can't watch this, there isn't a swear word every 2 minutes. 

I used to hate it even more when our teenage soon would  watch something with us. He would casually say: mum, that's nothing, I hear that at school all day....

2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

means I’d better not see much cleavage and preferably none at all.

That is cultural. The more you see it the less you notice it. I lived in one country where the sisters were dressed more sparse on top. Everyone else was. Nobody seemed to care. Then I moved to the USA and I had to adjust my wardrobe slightly.  It's funny, but even movies are categorised differently here. Nudity (without sex) gets you an immediate R, but gory violence a pg 13, whereas elsewhere, only violence (and obviously explicit sex scenes) gets the R treatment. 

In any case, as my mum would say, in paradise we are all wearing fig leaves. Hey, even Rutherford thought it ok to depict Eve topless....

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18 minutes ago, Anna said:

I used to hate it even more when our teenage soon would  watch something with us. He would casually say: mum, that's nothing, I hear that at school all day....

I worked with an IT consultant who was on the autism spectrum, and he swears (!!) that when he was growing up he thought swear words were part of a special language only used by school-children. He never heard these words from grown-ups or his straight-laced parents.

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16 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

I worked with an IT consultant who was on the autism spectrum, and he swears (!!) that when he was growing up he thought swear words were part of a special language only used by school-children. He never heard these words from grown-ups or his straight-laced parents.

In my entire life, I only heard my dad swear once. Long ago, when entirely families would swim at the beach, a group of teens walked by and one of them said “s**t” He reared up like a grizzly bear and hollered that there were decent families around, and they scattered. If they ridiculed him, it wasn’t till they were far away.

The one time I heard his swear was when he was 90 with dementia. He would ask the same question over and over again, each time immediately forgetting the answer. It weirded my brother out, and he tried responding by just ignoring him. “G******T, ANSWER ME when I talk to you!!” he roared, and my brother never did that again.

”C’mon bro” I said. “You just can’t ignore him. Answer him. It doesn’t matter what you say. You don’t have to translate and come up with the right answer. Say anything. He’ll forget it. But you can’t just ignore him like he were a bratty child.

26 minutes ago, Anna said:

Not so sure about DaVinci Dy Savage 😂

I’m sure I let some sleazeballs and if they act up once, they’re gone. I delete more readily now. But the reason I did not from the get-go is due to what you said about varying standards of dress. If the profile pic is okay, they’re in. I may later find I was too hasty. Immodest dress in itself will not ban them, but a deliberate strutting ones stuff, trying to be as provocative as one can, will get them the boot. It is sort of pathetic really, and sad, and not anywhere near as provocative as some of these ones seem to think. But I’m getting tired of doing this. I am either going to show up with a ruler, just like teachers in old-time high school, or I’m going to insist upon everyone wearing barrels. 

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