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Fading, Faking and Lying as an Unbelieving Jehovah’s Witness: A Moral Criticism

The Librarian

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I want to use this post to examine a purely moral problem that pops up occasionally in discussions. Let’s take a quote from an internet forum as an example. After a long and hateful tirade on the evils of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their teachings, a Mr. Jordan ends with this line: 
“I am a Ministerial Servant and lifelong JW, though I am only staying in so that I don't lose my family.” - Jordan
Do you notice the immediate problem here? Here is a man, who is trying to convince us of the truth of his own position while tearing down the truths held by his opponents. Here is a man launching moral condemnation at Jehovah’s Witnesses with no holding back. Here is a man trying to take the righteous high ground. But what does his last line really show him to be? 
Nothing less than a moral coward. A hypocrite to end all hypocrites. A man who tries to pluck straws out of the eyes of Jehovah’s Witnesses while forgetting the rafter in his own eye. 
Let me explain with a pair of stories:
There was recently a young man living in the Fiji islands. As the young man was sitting under a tree meditating, he was approached by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The two had a long conversation, and by the end the young man was deeply interested in what these Witnesses had to teach. He returned to his home island and, excitedly, tried to tell his friends and family and neighbors about these wonderful new teachings, but they would have none of it. Witness teachings were contradictory to official church teachings of the village, and could not be tolerated. His friends quickly abandoned him, his family cut ties with him, and his neighbors even set fire to his crops. But the young man never relented in publicly declaring what he thought to be true, even in the face of loss and persecution. He kept pursuing truth openly and in whatever way he could, even crossing miles of open sea every week just to attend Witness meetings and learn more. He placed a very high value on truth and was not afraid to sacrifice for it. 
I myself chose to pursue Witness teachings in my late teens. It brought a lot of tears and grief. My own parents turned violent against me and threatened to throw me out on the street. My grandparents turned against me and wrote me out of their will entirely. My grandfather, who was my childhood hero and best friend, went to his grave declaring disappointment in me. I had to watch my own mother break down in tears in front of me, begging me to stop my association with these people, and it felt like a knife through the heart. But I did not ever quit pursuing what I felt to be the truth just because of the fear of losing relationships. I was willing to sacrifice if it came down to it, because to me it meant intellectual integrity and the attainment of ultimately higher ends. 
And if I ever come to disagree with the Witnesses enough that it merits a break, then I would not hesitation to break with them, even if it meant loss of more relationships. There are no regrets as long as one stays consistent with one's own values, and truth ought to be one of man’s very highest values.

Even the 1st century Christians understood this lesson well. Jesus himself said
"17 Be on YOUR guard against men; for they will deliver YOU up to local courts, and they will scourge YOU in their synagogues. 18 Why, YOU will be haled before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. 19 However, when they deliver YOU up, do not become anxious about how or what YOU are to speak; for what YOU are to speak will be given YOU in that hour; 20 for the ones speaking are not just YOU, but it is the spirit of YOUR Father that speaks by YOU. 21 Further, brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death. 22 And YOU will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name; but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved."
The original disciples of Christ understood that they would lose much and suffer greatly if they chose to pursue what they felt to be the truth, and yet they made the choice anyways. They never hesitated to speak publicly and openly defend their beliefs. They were true examples of courage and conviction, even if one doesn't agree with Christian theology.

Now let's go back to our original quote, where we have Mr. “I hate everything that Witnesses teach yet I still pretend to be a Witness” Jordan. 
Mr. Jordan keeps himself shoulders deep in what he clearly considers to be lies. He considers Witness teachings immoral, unloving, evil, a rebellion against nature itself, and yet there he is, King of Hypocrites, still pretending to be one of them and publicly associating with them. 
I myself would never, under any circumstances, publicly pretend to hold values that I secretly detest, solely for the sake of maintaining relationships. It would be utter hypocrisy and moral cowardice, a violation of integrity. It would be outright lying to and deceiving those whom I sought to maintain relationships with, drawing them to myself on false pretenses and with a false face. It would be an outright rejection of truth as a value.
These types of people try to tear others down and argue truth while they themselves, through their actions, show that they despise truth and place no value on it. They try to turn Witnesses away from their faith while they themselves are too cowardly to walk away or declare their opinions in the open. In my humble opinion, ones like Mr. Jordan deserve no respect and no attention from anyone, Witness or non-Witness. 
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I want to use this post to examine a purely moral problem that pops up occasionally in discussions. Let’s take a quote from an internet forum as an example. After a long and hateful tirade on the evil

David trying to preserve his life was not cowardly but acting in accord with God's will for him to stay alive.  David also did not speak against God's anointed one or against God's organization or arr

We   can  write  down  here  what  we  want,  if  its  true  or  not,  nobody  is  knowing. Only  Jehovah  can  see  into  our  hearts,  thats  wonderful.  When  our  conscience  is  clean,  all  is 

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I liked this article a lot which was similar to the circumstances with my family. 

I have seen persons post online play by play including songs everything that happened at the meetings and say how much they hated it and just there because of their family.  There were many persons in the Bible that left their families, nations and people to serve God and God rewarded them for their courage.  However, others value friends and family more than they do God.


When I left the churches, those things no longer occupied my mind, yet some can't seem to move on stuck on what they left behind.

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We   can  write  down  here  what  we  want,  if  its  true  or  not,  nobody  is  knowing. Only  Jehovah  can  see  into  our  hearts,  thats  wonderful.  When  our  conscience  is  clean,  all  is  ok. ---  Sorry,  but  I  can't  all  believe  what  some  members  writing,  Very  fatal  its  sometimes  by  the  questions !  Some  members  got  already  a  warning  from  our  Librarian...

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Was David a coward when he hid and feigned insanity among the Philistines and later pretended to be their ally when he was really working against them? Or was he working for the greater good?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - There is an appointed time for everything, A time for every activity under the heavens:  2 A time for birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted;  3 A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up;  4 A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to wail and a time to dance;  5 A time to throw stones away and a time to gather stones together; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;  6 A time to search and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away;  7 A time to rip apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak;  8 A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace.

Oftentimes it is better to gently coax loved ones into truth by maintaining relationships with them rather than by hitting them with a giant mallet, causing injury and alienation that never fully heals. It takes greater psychological fortitude to use the soft approach - often at the expense of your own mental and spiritual well-being.

When a JW is alone in his unbelief and there is nobody among his family and friends to share his concerns or frustrations with for fear of becoming an outcast (which may cause extreme practical, economic and emotional problems - not just for himself but for others too), online forums are the places to safely vent and get the needed validation and support.

This 'Jordan' guy is going through a process and that is what 'Tears of Oberon' is seeing. 'Jordan' will eventually leave, but it will be when he is ready. How many times have you heard experiences where people have dilly-dallied and taken years to officially convert to the JWs? There is no cookie-cutter method of disengaging from a high-control religious group ... or converting to become a member of one ... and 'Tears of Oberon' will do well to be mindful of the individuality of a person's spiritual journey.

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Great post, Ann.

There's also this in 1 Corinthians 9:19  For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more. 20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under[i]the Law though not being myself under the Law, so that I might win those who are under the Law; 21 to those who are without law,as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. 23 I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it.

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David trying to preserve his life was not cowardly but acting in accord with God's will for him to stay alive.  David also did not speak against God's anointed one or against God's organization or arrangement for true worship, even though the head one or king (Saul) constantly sought to kill him, and made excuses to do wrong.  David continuously expressed his concerns to God.

I also don't think anything is worth the expense of one's spiritual well-being especially if one's eternal life is at stake and relationship with Jehovah.  I remember a verse about heaping coals of fire on one's chest.  There is a coaxing or drawing of persons to the truth by means of Bible study.  If a person decides to get baptized, he has made a dedication and vow to serve God and Christ and should fulfill that obligation.  It's not like they didn't know what they were getting into.  They had a choice to get baptized or not.  The Israelites were in a covenant with God, and death was the penalty for breaking it.  Children were also born into the same covenant and had no choice in the matter, yet experienced the same punishment and consequences.   There are consequences to one's actions.    


2 Chron 15:12  "Furthermore, they entered into a covenant to search for Jehovah the God of their forefathers with all their heart and with all their soul; 13  that anyone that would not search for Jehovah the God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."


Of course ones can fall away or lose faith which it is understandable how this can happen with Satan sowing so much doubt in the world.  They would need help in this regard, prayers, etc. to assist them in getting back on the right path.  However, if ones were willing to be disowned by their fleshly family to come into the truth despite financial lost, homelessness or any alienation, detriment to mental or emotional distress, others should hold the same convictions instead of making an excuse it's because of my family.  God always provides for those doing his will just as he provides for the birds or lilies of the field, even if we meet with some hardship in the beginning. 

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On 7/8/2016 at 9:12 PM, JaniceM said:

David trying to preserve his life was not cowardly but acting in accord with God's will for him to stay alive. 

David, trying to save his life by hiding who he was and pretending to be somebody he wasn't, was not cowardly. We agree. It's extremely brave to be among those who would turn hostile toward him (even kill him!) in a heartbeat. It's similar with the situation a doubting or unbelieving JW often finds himself in. His family and friends may not go so far as to kill him, but it can lead to them cutting off all contact with him which can be a kind of living death - for both parties.


David also did not speak against God's anointed one or against God's organization or arrangement for true worship, even though the head one or king (Saul) constantly sought to kill him, and made excuses to do wrong.  David continuously expressed his concerns to God.

That assumes that the JW organization is specially chosen by God and that the leaders are God's anointed. A questioning JW who thoroughly researches his religion and concludes it doesn't stand up to scrutiny will broadly fall into one of two camps:

1. Someone who remains a Christian believer and takes the Bible as God's Word. In this case, he concludes that there is a disconnect between the Organization's doctrines, with its claims about itself, and the Bible and known facts. Therefore, the Organization doesn't have a special relationship with God after all, and is just another Christian-based group among many with their various strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, there is no reason to regard the Organization's human leaders in any higher esteem than one would a clergyman. This person would also be praying to God for strength to endure the situation he was in and to find a way through.

2.  Someone who believes the Bible originated with man. The Judeo-Christian God does not exist. All bets are off. The Organization is human construct with irrational, mumbo-jumbo ideas.

Either way, your point about speaking against God's anointed or organization would be considered moot by a JW dissenter.


I also don't think anything is worth the expense of one's spiritual well-being especially if one's eternal life is at stake and relationship with Jehovah.  

Assuming the person is still a Bible-believer, he'll find himself in an impossible situation. Despite the Awake's comment a few years ago ...

"No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family." - g 7/09, p. 29, Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion?

... he'll have to choose between his beliefs (and expressing them) and his family. He can seek out a Christian church and join with them in praise and worship ... but he'll lose his JW family and friends. Or he can keep his beliefs to himself, continue with his JW family and the JW community with its 'unacceptable' worship, but struggle with his godly conscience and personal integrity. He may end up in a spiritual no-man's land. It's not an easy choice and it often takes some time to make.


If a person decides to get baptized, he has made a dedication and vow to serve God and Christ and should fulfill that obligation.  It's not like they didn't know what they were getting into. They had a choice to get baptized or not.  

A person has a better idea of what they were doing if they get baptized as an adult. Not necessarily so with a minor. Eoin and I have had a couple of discussions on the ethics of minors getting baptised as JWs. Rather than repeat myself here, you might like to take a look.


The Israelites were in a covenant with God, and death was the penalty for breaking it.  Children were also born into the same covenant and had no choice in the matter, yet experienced the same punishment and consequences.   There are consequences to one's actions.    
2 Chron 15:12  "Furthermore, they entered into a covenant to search for Jehovah the God of their forefathers with all their heart and with all their soul; 13  that anyone that would not search for Jehovah the God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman."

You make it sound like 'no choice' is a good thing. It's one matter for a child to be born subject to a country's laws, but death for not following your parent's religion? Doesn't society criticize fundamentalist Muslim groups/authorities for having a similar mindset? What about tolerance and freedom of religion that JWs often fight for - even going to Caesar's courts to do so? Is it fair to demand those freedoms for oneself while denying the same for one's own children or others?


Of course ones can fall away or lose faith which it is understandable how this can happen with Satan sowing so much doubt in the world. They would need help in this regard, prayers, etc. to assist them in getting back on the right path.  However, if ones were willing to be disowned by their fleshly family to come into the truth despite financial lost, homelessness or any alienation, detriment to mental or emotional distress, others should hold the same convictions instead of making an excuse it's because of my family.  God always provides for those doing his will just as he provides for the birds or lilies of the field, even if we meet with some hardship in the beginning. 

That depends on your point of view. Losing faith in what? Falling away from what? 

For the still-Christian-but-doubting-JW God, not Satan, is leading them out of the Organization. For the atheist or agnostic JW, the biblical God and Satan don't exist; they survive without expectations of divine help or fears of devilish temptation.

As for your comments about what a person should and shouldn't do, everyone's circumstances are different and the individual has to carefully weigh up his options and their wider ramifications. 

"Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes."

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On 7/10/2016 at 8:29 AM, Ann O'Maly said:

David, trying to save his life by hiding who he was and pretending to be somebody he wasn't, was not cowardly. We agree. It's extremely brave to be among those who would turn hostile toward him (even kill him!) in a heartbeat. It's similar with the situation a doubting or unbelieving JW often finds himself in. His family and friends may not go so far as to kill him, but it can lead to them cutting off all contact with him which can be a kind of living death - for both parties.

That assumes that the JW organization is specially chosen by God and that the leaders are God's anointed. A questioning JW who thoroughly researches his religion and concludes it doesn't stand up to scrutiny will broadly fall into one of two camps:

1. Someone who remains a Christian believer and takes the Bible as God's Word. In this case, he concludes that there is a disconnect between the Organization's doctrines, with its claims about itself, and the Bible and known facts. Therefore, the Organization doesn't have a special relationship with God after all, and is just another Christian-based group among many with their various strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, there is no reason to regard the Organization's human leaders in any higher esteem than one would a clergyman. This person would also be praying to God for strength to endure the situation he was in and to find a way through.

2.  Someone who believes the Bible originated with man. The Judeo-Christian God does not exist. All bets are off. The Organization is human construct with irrational, mumbo-jumbo ideas.

Either way, your point about speaking against God's anointed or organization would be considered moot by a JW dissenter.

Assuming the person is still a Bible-believer, he'll find himself in an impossible situation. Despite the Awake's comment a few years ago ...

"No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family." - g 7/09, p. 29, Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion?

... he'll have to choose between his beliefs (and expressing them) and his family. He can seek out a Christian church and join with them in praise and worship ... but he'll lose his JW family and friends. Or he can keep his beliefs to himself, continue with his JW family and the JW community with its 'unacceptable' worship, but struggle with his godly conscience and personal integrity. He may end up in a spiritual no-man's land. It's not an easy choice and it often takes some time to make.

A person has a better idea of what they were doing if they get baptized as an adult. Not necessarily so with a minor. Eoin and I have had a couple of discussions on the ethics of minors getting baptised as JWs. Rather than repeat myself here, you might like to take a look.

You make it sound like 'no choice' is a good thing. It's one matter for a child to be born subject to a country's laws, but death for not following your parent's religion? Doesn't society criticize fundamentalist Muslim groups/authorities for having a similar mindset? What about tolerance and freedom of religion that JWs often fight for - even going to Caesar's courts to do so? Is it fair to demand those freedoms for oneself while denying the same for one's own children or others?

That depends on your point of view. Losing faith in what? Falling away from what? 

For the still-Christian-but-doubting-JW God, not Satan, is leading them out of the Organization. For the atheist or agnostic JW, the biblical God and Satan don't exist; they survive without expectations of divine help or fears of devilish temptation.

As for your comments about what a person should and shouldn't do, everyone's circumstances are different and the individual has to carefully weigh up his options and their wider ramifications. 

"Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes."


Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.


I remember a Trinitarian quoting to me, 'Don't judge me until you walked a mile in my shoes', as a reason why God had to become man.  I asked him if he was serious.  Although we should not seek to judge or pick at straws whether minor or major imperfections, flaws or faults, authority was given to make judgements not on the outside but inside the congregation.


The initial complaint I believe was in regards to a ministerial servant in anguish not wanting to leave because of his family.  If a person is agnostic or atheist,  I assume they have made peace with their decision in some way.


I remember thinking as a child why am I condemned as a sinner because of Adam?  Although we are not under the Mosaic law, which condemned lawbreakers and their children to death, we are still under the sentence of sin and death from Adam.  We had no choice in the matter.  Because of God's love and mercy, he has given us the opportunity to make those choices to receive life at this time of the end and there are consequences for turning away from that course.  I guess in some ways we have choices and some ways we suffer the consequences from the same choices and choices that others made before us.  Abel decided to worship the True God even though his father decided not to and suffered the consequences of banishment and eventually death, and yet Abel who had no choice in the matter also received the same punishment or banishment from the paradise home and death.


I agree somewhat with your point that children may not have fully understood all the consequences of their actions or for that matter a new brother or sister can be weak in faith.  Most elders or brothers and sisters do try to answer questions for those in doubt or be helpful in that regard.  However, at times my questions or comments have led to silence or suspicious eyeing but for the most part I was provided answers or told to research and report back.  There are those that 'see no evil, hear no evil and the Watchtower is never wrong.'  I don't stir the pot with them, and I have been labeled brother by a few.  I can also say I don't entirely find such a great issue that shakes my faith in God or the preaching work done by the organization even they are not perfect and I'm feeling quite disappointed regarding some very serious issues.

Maybe the dissenters are looking for perfection from some anointed class of people they will never find.  There is no perfect religion or organization as they all harbor serious wrongdoings, including the past revelations of anointed ones like King David or King Saul, etc.  It is God that declares who or what is perfect according to his will and purpose, not us.  So the dissenters will have to make prayerful request to God if they still believe in God to show them the direction where to go or stay.  It's their conscience they have to live with. 



That depends on your point of view. Losing faith in what? Falling away from what? 

Losing faith or falling away from God's message and commandments through Christ is what needs to be the main focus.  As for myself, it would not bother me if I lose the whole world as the scriptures say, if I feel I'm doing what's right.  What is a person if they don't hold to their principles?   I've lost family and jobs many times over because I felt I was doing what God wanted me to not holding to incorrect standards or being a party to such and I see where God has never left me.  Remembering Joseph's loss of family and position, he sat in jail for many years.  He waited on Jehovah as his refuge and never complained of his situation.  I can't buy this I'm stuck because I'll lose everyone and everything close to me, although I'm not totally unsympathetic to their agonizing dilemma if they feel so strongly. 

Maybe this was Adam's reasoning that he didn't want to lose his wife and he treasured her relationship more than his relationship with Jehovah and the choice he made was the cause of his death and his children.


My point was not that persons should be killed for disbelief but to show the severity of those that had violated God's covenant and that of God's judgement to come.  I assume there will be some of our loved ones lost in the end and we should be concerned about our own salvation as well and pleasing God more than family or friends.


I did locate the article you mentioned if I can quote the entire paragraph:


Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion? Awake 2009 p. 28-29


Although the Bible makes a clear distinction between true and false teachings, God allows each person the freedom to choose how he or she will respond. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family. Does study of the Bible lead to family breakup? No. In fact, the Bible encourages a husband and wife who practice different religions to remain together as a family.—1 Corinthians 7:12, 13.

I can't see where anyone is forced to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses or forced to stay.  A husband and wife still have to keep their covenant in marriage to keep the family together even if the husband/wife decides they no longer want to worship God or stay as one of JW's.

I realize other factors come into play if someone is disfellowshiped for any certain reason why a person would feel isolated and estranged from other members of their family or congregation.

I'm also not quite sure what is meant "be made to choose" like in an ultimatum?  If that is the case, I think we do have to choose.  Jesus made that quite clear:


Matt 10:32  “Everyone, then, that confesses union with me before men, I will also confess union with him before my Father who is in the heavens; 33 but whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens. 34 Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword. 35 For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law. 36 Indeed, a man’s enemies will be persons of his own household. 37 He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me. 39 He that finds his soul will lose it, and he that loses his soul for my sake will find it.


So I would say everyone has to be convinced in their own mind or heart if what they are doing is right and ask for God's direction and help. 

Thank you for your opinions.

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9 hours ago, JaniceM said:

Maybe the dissenters are looking for perfection from some anointed class of people they will never find.

No, that's not it. As I posted before,

"...  he concludes that there is a disconnect between the Organization's doctrines, with its claims about itself, and the Bible and known facts. Therefore, the Organization doesn't have a special relationship with God after all, and is just another Christian-based group among many with their various strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, there is no reason to regard the Organization's human leaders in any higher esteem than one would a clergyman. This person would also be praying to God for strength to endure the situation he was in and to find a way through. "

9 hours ago, JaniceM said:

Losing faith or falling away from God's message and commandments through Christ is what needs to be the main focus.

For a believer, absolutely. Organizations come and go and can become corrupt. God's word and Jesus are the Truth.

10 hours ago, JaniceM said:

I can't see where anyone is forced to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses or forced to stay.  A husband and wife still have to keep their covenant in marriage to keep the family together even if the husband/wife decides they no longer want to worship God or stay as one of JW's.

I realize other factors come into play if someone is disfellowshiped for any certain reason why a person would feel isolated and estranged from other members of their family or congregation.

I'm also not quite sure what is meant "be made to choose" like in an ultimatum?  If that is the case, I think we do have to choose.  Jesus made that quite clear: [Matt 10:32f. ]

A child can be pressured or coerced to become baptized as was shown in the other thread.

As already explained, a dissenting JW is presented with a dreadful dilemma - keep the status quo along with his family and friends, or voice his disagreement, leave (or get kicked out), and face losing everyone he holds dear to his heart. I know it's hard to imagine how agonizing it is if you haven't been through it.

The scenario Jesus presents in Matt. 10 is where a family is ripped apart because some wanted to follow Jesus whereas others didn't. He was addressing an audience of Jews, remember? However, why should families be ripped apart when everyone is following Jesus according to their Bible-trained consciences and beliefs? Jesus wasn't talking about Christian family members becoming enemies of other Christian family members. I'm sure he'd be horrified.

And again, if a dissenting JW concludes that Jesus is long dead, following someone that doesn't exist would not figure in his available choices, nor would he ask for a mythical diety's help in making his choice. Nevertheless, the basic choice is the same: keep the status quo along with his family and friends, or voice his disagreement, leave (or get kicked out), and face losing everyone he holds dear to his heart.

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53 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

No, that's not it. As I posted before,

"...  he concludes that there is a disconnect between the Organization's doctrines, with its claims about itself, and the Bible and known facts. Therefore, the Organization doesn't have a special relationship with God after all, and is just another Christian-based group among many with their various strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, there is no reason to regard the Organization's human leaders in any higher esteem than one would a clergyman. This person would also be praying to God for strength to endure the situation he was in and to find a way through. "

For a believer, absolutely. Organizations come and go and can become corrupt. God's word and Jesus are the Truth.

A child can be pressured or coerced to become baptized as was shown in the other thread.

As already explained, a dissenting JW is presented with a dreadful dilemma - keep the status quo along with his family and friends, or voice his disagreement, leave (or get kicked out), and face losing everyone he holds dear to his heart. I know it's hard to imagine how agonizing it is if you haven't been through it.

The scenario Jesus presents in Matt. 10 is where a family is ripped apart because some wanted to follow Jesus whereas others didn't. He was addressing an audience of Jews, remember? However, why should families be ripped apart when everyone is following Jesus according to their Bible-trained consciences and beliefs? Jesus wasn't talking about Christian family members becoming enemies of other Christian family members. I'm sure he'd be horrified.

And again, if a dissenting JW concludes that Jesus is long dead, following someone that doesn't exist would not figure in his available choices, nor would he ask for a mythical diety's help in making his choice. Nevertheless, the basic choice is the same: keep the status quo along with his family and friends, or voice his disagreement, leave (or get kicked out), and face losing everyone he holds dear to his heart.

Amazing post, Ann.  

I was listening to the testimony of a JW who was faced with a similar dilemma when he came to Christ while still a JW.  His talks before the congregation became filled with praise and glory toward Christ and were so powerful that a woman came up to him after one of his talks, with tears in her eyes, and said, "Brother, you don't believe in Jehovah any more, you're always talking about Jesus!" 

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Interesting to read of all these hypotheses around the moral dilemna faced by one who wants to leave Jehovah's Witnesses on theological grounds. He fears the consequence of such a step and justifies a hypocritical position because he wishes to retain the connection with all those...

2 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

he holds dear to his heart

I personally experienced the loss of 3 who were dear to my heart. The brother who conducted my Bible study, my wife, and my best friend, all walked away from the Witnesses around the same time for a variety of belief-based reasons, (unconnected incidents I might add).

Whatever their reasons for doing this, in the case of all three, they took the action of completely shunning me, even to the point of ignoring me, refusing to respond to any of my attempts to communicate, even face-to-face.  

The actions attributed to the organisation to leavers in the incidents or scenarios related above, were applied by those who left the organisation, to me, who remained inside.

I think some basic peculiarity of human behaviour is being overlooked in this discussion.


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47 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

I think some basic peculiarity of human behaviour is being overlooked in this discussion.


That was quite interesting Joyce.  Yes I suppose it would be interesting to do if you could start.  However it sounds like we might need a course in psychology or good insight as to the reasons why we feel a need to belong within a family or find acceptance in society.

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    • try the: Bánh bèo Bánh ít ram
    • Definitely should try the Bond roll here when you get a chance: this is a mom and pop place that does a great job  
    • An interesting concept, bible discipline. I am struck by the prevalence of ignorance about spiritual discipline on "Reddit." While physical and mental disciplines receive attention, the profound impact of spiritual discipline on a person's physical and mental well-being is often overlooked. Is it possible to argue against the words of the Apostle Paul? When he penned those words in Hebrews 12, he was recognizing that there are moments when an individual must be "rebuked" in order to be corrected. Even Jesus himself established a precedent when he rebuked Peter and referred to him as Satan for failing to comprehend what Jesus had already revealed to the apostles. Did that imply that Jesus had an evil heart? Not at all, it was quite the opposite; Jesus had a loving heart. His need to correct Peter actually showcased his genuine love for him. If he hadn't cared, he would have let Peter persist in his mistaken ways, leading to a fate similar to Judas'. There is a clear emphasis on avoiding the apostate translation and its meaning, yet many seem to overlook the biblical foundation for the reasons NOT to follow the path of the fallen brethren or those with an apostate mentality. Those individuals have embraced the path of darkness, where the illuminating power of light cannot penetrate, to avoid receiving the righteous discipline based on God's Bible teachings. They are undoubtedly aware that this undeniable truth of life must be disregarded in order to uphold their baseless justifications for the unjust act of shunning. Can anyone truly "force" someone or stop them from rejecting a friend or family member? Such a notion would be absurd, considering the fact that we all have the power of free will. If a Witness decides to distance themselves from a family member or friend simply because they have come out as gay, who is anyone within the organization to question or challenge that personal sentiment? It is unfortunate that there are individuals, both within and outside the organization, who not only lack a proper understanding of the Bible but also dare to suggest that God's discipline is barbaric. We must remember that personal choices should be respected, and it is not for others to judge or condemn someone based on their sexual orientation but should be avoided under biblical grounds. No one should have the power to compel an individual to change their sexual orientation, nor should anyone be forced to accept someone for who they are. When it comes to a family's desire to shield their children from external influences, who has the right to challenge the parents' decision? And if a family's rejection of others is based on cultural factors rather than religious beliefs, who can impose religious judgment on them? Who should true followers of Christ follow? The words of God or those who believe they can change God's laws to fit their lives? How can we apply the inspired words of Paul from God to embrace the reality of God's discipline? On the contrary, how can nonconformists expect to persuade those with a "worldview" that their religious beliefs are unacceptable by ostracizing individuals, when God condemns homosexuality? This is precisely why the arguments put forth by ex-witnesses are lacking in their pursuit of justice. When they employ misguided tactics, justice remains elusive as their arguments are either weak or inconsistent with biblical standards. Therefore, it is crucial to also comprehend Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 9:27. The use of the word "shun" is being exaggerated and excessively condemned by those who reject biblical shunning as a form of punishment. Eph 5:3-14 NIV 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person — such a man is an idolater — has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.  6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.  8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible. The impact of the message becomes significantly stronger when we emphasize the importance of avoiding any association with unrighteousness and those who remain unrepentant. In fact, it becomes even more compelling when we witness how some individuals, who dismiss biblical shunning as a method of discipline, excessively criticize and condemn the use of the word "shun". Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses do not shun people; instead, they choose to focus on the negative actions being committed, which is in accordance with biblical teachings. This should be construed as ex-Witness rhetoric. Now, let's consider why ex-Witnesses specifically target one particular religion. What justifications do they provide when other Christian denominations also adhere to the same principle grounded in the Bible? Chapter 1 - Preface Both must therefore test themselves: the one, if he is qualified to speak and leave behind him written records; the other, if he is in a right state to hear and read: as also some in the dispensation of the Eucharist, according to  custom enjoin that each one of the people individually should take his part. One's own conscience is best for choosing accurately or shunning. And its firm foundation is a right life, with suitable instruction. But the imitation of those who have already been proved, and who have led correct lives, is most excellent for the understanding and practice of the commandments. "So that whosoever shall eat the bread and drink the cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup."  It therefore follows, that every one of those who undertake to promote the good of their neighbours, ought to consider whether he has betaken himself to teaching rashly and out of rivalry to any; if his communication of the word is out of vainglory; if the the only reward he reaps is the salvation of those who hear, and if he speaks not in order to win favour: if so, he who speaks by writings escapes the reproach of mercenary motives. "For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know," says the apostle, "nor a cloak of covetousness. God is witness. Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children."   (from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 2) Divine promises 2. The manner of shunning, in the word escaping. There is a flying away required, and that quickly, as in the plague, or from a fire which hath almost burned us, or a flood that breaketh in upon us. We cannot soon enough escape from sin (Matt 3:7; Heb 6:18). No motion but flight becomes us in this case. Doctrine: That the great end and effect of the promises of the gospel is to make us partakers of the Divine nature. (from The Biblical Illustrator)  
    • Clearly, they are already demanding your exile. Yes! It's unfortunate that Pudgy spoiled a great discussion about science. I hope the discussion can continue without any more nonsensical interruptions. Just a suggestion since they are on your heels. Wow! You speak! It seems you have a lot to say! Now they are going to treat like, who do you think you are, mister big stuff! Are those aliens now going to imply that anyone who speaks out against the five or six key contributors to this site will be treated as though it is George just because those in opposition speak the language they hate to hear, the TRUTH? They are seeking individuals who will embrace their nonconformist values and appreciate what they can offer in shaping public opinion contrary to the established agenda of God and Christ. Their goal is to enhance their writing abilities and avoid squandering time on frivolous pursuits, mainly arguing about the truth they don't care for. They see it all as a mere game, even when leading people astray. They believe they have every right to and will face no biblical repercussions, or so they believe. They just want to have fun just like that Cyndi Lauper song. Be prepared to be belittled and ridiculed, all the while they claim to be angels. Haha! By the way, please refrain from using the same language as George. They appear to believe that when others use the same words, it means they are the same person, and they emphasize this as if no one else is allowed to use similar grammar. It seems they think only they have the right to use the same or similar writing styles. Quite amusing, isn't it? See, what I just placed in bold, now I'm George, lol! Now, let's leave this nice science thread for people that want to know more about science. I believe George left it at "Zero Distance."  
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