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NASA announces plan to go to the moon — and stay there


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By the way .. there is no such thing as " the dark side of the moon, any more that Africa can be referred to as "the dark Continent", meaning it lacks sunlight. The Moon rotates on it's axis abou

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I hope we are once again in a "Space Race" ... with the moon program of yesteryear, every dollar invested in technology and research shot into space yielded a HUNDRED FOLD, and more, wide range of benefits on Earth.  Short-sighted, uneducated people do not know, or understand this.

The classic example is it took about 200,000 people in Tennessee, and Washington State, and New Mexico, and many other places to develop the Atomic Bomb.  About 350,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and in building and testing the Bomb.

Since 1945 ...  Perhaps a hundred million people's lives have been saved by doctors using the tools developed by being able to understand radiation as a new tool.

The computer and monitor you are reading this on was developed using things learned when they needed... needed to invent integrated circuits for the Apollo Space Craft navigation computers, because transistors were just too big.

I remember when the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in a publication we studied in the "Tuesday Night Book-Study" in the 60's said that computers would NEVER have the power that even your Smart Phone has now ... BECAUSE it would take all the water that goes over Niagara Falls to keep it cool.

All that happened because of the moon program, of yesteryear.

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By the way .. there is no such thing as " the dark side of the moon, any more that Africa can be referred to as "the dark Continent", meaning it lacks sunlight.

The Moon rotates on it's axis about once every 28 days, as it is tideally locked with the Earth, but the BACK side of the moon gets as much light as the side that we see.

They were the first to land on the BACK side of the Moon, as seen from Earth.


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