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Forums vs. Social Media


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9 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This is true, but a forum is still listed under anything and everything social media. Anyone can go on the internet and say that they are Batman, they can lie about their age and or background, they can identify themselves that they are a Toaster with strict conviction.

Indeed, and even lies can be believed as truths as well as conspiracy, thus being used against those they target and or deem as a, in their eyes, a threat, other times for ill intent and or an attempt to become viral in some cases, of which there are many, many examples of.

I rather you not twist my words, I stated that regarding this response: And lets not pretend that any JW doesn't have some outside interest.

The very reason it was the last one in my response, to which I even concluded by saying: Whatever decision one makes with his or her time they will answer for that, mainly if their intent is of bad taste, regardless of who you are.

So I ask you, Butler, what did you not get in what I have stated in regards to my response to you so I can make it even more detailed and clear?

And there is a reason as to why I use the Storm Trooper image and what I have been called by the late young one who loved Storm Troopers, the very reason I maintain this avatar. I am actually an islander, for my own culture and background is entrenched in the islands itself, I am refereed to as a Biblical Storm Trooper because of my Biblical studies and this young one knowing how I am seeking all kinds of knowledge regarding God, I am referred to as such, hence his word sits in my memory and very soon I will see this young one again when he is rearrested by the Christ by means of God.

The name Space Merchant comes from short stories my mother made when she was a child, and I figured, the name was not taken here so I reside with it.

Read and understand what I stated before you yield about empty assumptions or ask for better clarification if you are still lost, for if you had noticed I was being very specific on a portion of what you said.

And when they hear his voice and they come out of their tombs and such ones being reunited with lost loved ones, this will be among the many things I will speak to the young one of what I had endured before the conclusion of the end times.

That being said, mainly in regards to my own experiences and history, I am not one to pretend things, therefore, I hold conviction to what I say and to what I myself make note of and research, especially when it comes to the Bible.

Everyone can say or do things on social media, but there are those who are true to themselves and do not kid, they do not lie, they do not speak of conspiracy or yield upon something in terms of emotional and position based on mere opinions.

As for a forum, it is no different, for just like anything and everything on the internet, you have a mixed bag of persons all over the place. This also goes for the virtual space, i.e. those who are in the realm of online video games for some are true to themselves, thus not here to play pretend while others are lying to themselves and fool around, even those who reveal themselves to have very bad intent and causes such both verbally, and at times, physical should they meet the person.

You are very deep Space Merchant. Above my intelligence and my knowledge. 

However I like to think on this scripture where Jesus spoke to his heavenly Father :-

In that very hour he became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved. (Luke 10 v 21) 

I don't try to be clever or to annoy anyone. I'm just me, sometimes happy sometimes sad. 

As for truth, which Roman was it said to Jesus, "What  is truth ?"  


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Forums, like email, is one of those "killer applications" that made the Internet so powerful. Social media came along and it appeared that forums would be pushed aside as "old technology" like IRC cha

Step by step  I learned here very fast, in few days, alot of different doings !  And I will try more and more, if all will work so easy too... Thank you so much for your hard work

Um, I suppose I better not start on my opinion of the USA, freedom, honesty, etc.  I'll just say Native Americans. 

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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You are very deep Space Merchant. Above my intelligence and my knowledge. 

I am above no one, I merely accept truth, and solid facts regarding the information at hand, for we can take up all the knowledge in the world, but we are still slaves for what is true. Plus if you noticed, I have been encouraging you to learn and apply reason, for if a fellow man gives such criticism, best to take it when said empiricism can make you improve.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

However I like to think on this scripture where Jesus spoke to his heavenly Father :-

In that very hour he became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. Yes, O Father, because this is the way you approved. (Luke 10 v 21) 

I like this verse, and a good person I know who goes by the name Soulja of God, he likes this verse so much as such to make it the very basis regarding coverage of worldwide events, some of which is most likely unknown to all of you here maybe.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I don't try to be clever or to annoy anyone. I'm just me, sometimes happy sometimes sad. 

As for truth, which Roman was it said to Jesus, "What  is truth ?"  

You should be clever with anyone and since we are on topic of forum/social media, everything and anything you say has to be truth and of the truth, be it of something factual and or biblical, and you speak of it regardless of who is professing errors, something to which I hold strong conviction to.

At times when being knowledge of something, you will be met with hatred and yes, even trolls, you will have those who will even persecute you not solely on your faith, but of the color of your skin and I get that a lot, and this is the same fate the young children who express their stories of whom shared with me, and to those younger than them, also face, some of us, if not all, can relate, for hatred can stem even in the online/internet space.

The very reason I do not agree with you on what I posed in question, for good intent can come about tools that are in use to spread information while we defend what is true when those in opposition speak and do things of bad intent, some of them coming from emotional and opinion based views that result in negative action and or harm to others.

As for the last bit, the context of the passage is clear: Pontius Pilate, in question, is of the what the truth is in general, in no connection to what truth Jesus is speaking about, hence previous verse. Furthermore, Pilate asked a rhetorical question, in addition, he didn't even wait around for an answer. The very reason it why we can call Pilate the one who is jesting, someone who is obviously making a mockery of the Christ.

He is also the one to agree to condemn Jesus to crucifixion, after the Jewish leaders professed to him that Jesus a clear and present threat to Roman occupation through his claim to the throne of King David as King of Israel in the royal line of David.

Just like the situation with Pilate and Jesus, as well as the Jewish leader, even today such examples can be seen and people, who stand as such, just as Jesus was, are persecuted and made a mockery of, even on the Internet, hence, forums and social media.

What is truth? Should I speak the truth some will accept it, others will hate you and or become angered by said truth, but truly I say to ye, the truth sets you free, and at the same time, for some the truth does indeed hurt.

Those for the truth will continue to speak while others will simply speak in riddles and lie and or make false claims and accusations - anywhere and everywhere on the internet.

Those who are true to themselves will stand up and speak.

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48 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I am above no one, I merely accept truth, and solid facts regarding the information at hand, for we can take up all the knowledge in the world, but we are still slaves for what is true. Plus if you noticed, I have been encouraging you to learn and apply reason, for if a fellow man gives such criticism, best to take it when said empiricism can make you improve.

I like this verse, and a good person I know who goes by the name Soulja of God, he likes this verse so much as such to make it the very basis regarding coverage of worldwide events, some of which is most likely unknown to all of you here maybe.

You should be clever with anyone and since we are on topic of forum/social media, everything and anything you say has to be truth and of the truth, be it of something factual and or biblical, and you speak of it regardless of who is professing errors, something to which I hold strong conviction to.

At times when being knowledge of something, you will be met with hatred and yes, even trolls, you will have those who will even persecute you not solely on your faith, but of the color of your skin and I get that a lot, and this is the same fate the young children who express their stories of whom shared with me, and to those younger than them, also face, some of us, if not all, can relate, for hatred can stem even in the online/internet space.

The very reason I do not agree with you on what I posed in question, for good intent can come about tools that are in use to spread information while we defend what is true when those in opposition speak and do things of bad intent, some of them coming from emotional and opinion based views that result in negative action and or harm to others.

As for the last bit, the context of the passage is clear: Pontius Pilate, in question, is of the what the truth is in general, in no connection to what truth Jesus is speaking about, hence previous verse. Furthermore, Pilate asked a rhetorical question, in addition, he didn't even wait around for an answer. The very reason it why we can call Pilate the one who is jesting, someone who is obviously making a mockery of the Christ.

He is also the one to agree to condemn Jesus to crucifixion, after the Jewish leaders professed to him that Jesus a clear and present threat to Roman occupation through his claim to the throne of King David as King of Israel in the royal line of David.

Just like the situation with Pilate and Jesus, as well as the Jewish leader, even today such examples can be seen and people, who stand as such, just as Jesus was, are persecuted and made a mockery of, even on the Internet, hence, forums and social media.

What is truth? Should I speak the truth some will accept it, others will hate you and or become angered by said truth, but truly I say to ye, the truth sets you free, and at the same time, for some the truth does indeed hurt.

Those for the truth will continue to speak while others will simply speak in riddles and lie and or make false claims and accusations - anywhere and everywhere on the internet.

Those who are true to themselves will stand up and speak.

I would continue to converse with you about 'truth' but then I would probably be going off topic as this topic is about Forums  vs Social Media.  


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6 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I would continue to converse with you about 'truth' but then I would probably be going off topic as this topic is about Forums  vs Social Media.  


The truth has already been spoken, many many times. You can speak your resolve still while being on topic, for people on social media and on forums who are true to themselves will most defiantly speak the truth, mainly when faced with falsehood against what they view, their race and or even their very culture. The shy ones, who tend to speak up feel empowered to do so via social media and online, they speak their peace but will be met with opposition and in the midst of people, those who come to defend the truth that is being spoken of.

For instance, regardless of your background and or where you come from, you will have people fit you into a sole stereotype and or group because of your color, we can have a black teenager who sees lies about people regarding his own ancestry online, knowing the truth himself he will speak it and clearly he won't be able for both ally and foe will be present on the internet.

On the internet people can make claim to be something, to pretend to be someone or something, but in reality, depending on their situation they themselves know it is a lie. People tend to do such because in reality they feel worthless and or other, lacking, so to speak, others use the internet and social circles on here because in real life they are depressed and or distance, for example, a young man can dwell in online video games to interact with people who do not judge him because in real life he is met with those who are against him, bringing up information and falsehood to slander him, his name, his race, where he is from and so forth.

Now, when it is regarding anything of God, we should not pretend and or try to, for in the end we will have to speak for the decisions we make, even brought back out of the dead to do so for death won't exempt anyone from judgement, mainly if so and so does bad things and or had bad intent, from anything violent, to immoral, to brazen conduct and or lifestyle, etc.

That being said, as to what you said, you are incorrect to say such things are of the world when you yourself just stated you use face book. The proper thing for you to have said is that we have social circles and forms on the internet that connects people with each other and those with same views, ideas and opinions, form relationships and so forth, but at the same time, such a thing is like a curse for people who are of wickedness will have bad intent and use such a tool to do bad things.

You were very wise to bring up Luke 10:21 also, but you should have also made a point as to such of what happen to Jesus is also happening to Christians today, there are people who mirror that of Pontius Pilate of Roman, Italy out there too, as with the Jews and or anyone from Earthly Jerusalem.

For a man can use a hammer to build a house, another man can use that same hammer to commit murder, we do not blame the hammer, we blame focus our attention on the individual who has the hammer in his hand. In this sense regarding social media and or any media form on the internet whereas communication like this is present, we have people who build houses with the hammer and people who, having bad intent, wanting to cause harm with that same hammer, the tool used by both the good and the bad.

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