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Christian Hate-Pastor: Prince is Burning in Hell Because He Was a Jehovah’s Witness

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

Christian Hate-Pastor Steven Anderson explained in a recent sermon thatPrince is burning in Hell because he chose to be a Jehovah’s Witness.


Prince was indoctrinated into the cult known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Watchtower cult. And that is why Prince is in Hell today.

Prince is not in Hell today because he was effeminate, a sissy. He’s not in Hell today just because he’s a fornicator. The real reason he ended up in Hell is because he never put his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and now he is being punished for being a fornicator. He is being punished for being a cross-dresser and a weirdo and wicked…

… You have to be delusional to be a Jehovah’s Witness. It’s really a ridiculous religion…

“It’s really a ridiculous religion,” says the pastor who revels in making each sermon more despicable than the last.

In any case, Prince isn’t burning in Hell, even by JW standards. Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t even believe in Hell. They think a select 144,000 of them will eventually get to go to Heaven. Others may end up in a “Paradise Earth” where they’ll get a second chance at becoming a better Christian. The rest simply cease to exist. But eternal torture isn’t a thing in JW theology.

Not that any of it matters, because there’s no evidence for any of that.

So I guess Anderson is right in a sense: Prince isn’t in Heaven. But he’s not in Hell and he won’t have a literal eternal life, either.

Unlike Anderson, though, people will be listening to Prince for decades to come. Anderson’s hate speech will thankfully have a short shelf life once he stops preaching.

Source: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/05/02/christian-hate-pastor-prince-is-burning-in-hell-because-he-was-a-jehovahs-witness/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook


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