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How to Understand Why Former Members of Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Recognize the Evidence.


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It’s as if Jesus himself is speaking. What about carpenters? Is your opinion the same for them? 

I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. Is there a recommendation to do something? Believe something?    This phrase "Why don't former members of Jehovah's Witnesses recognize the impact

I don't know whether you just had a seizure, but you're not making sense. You're one step away from talking in word salads.

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Your opinion means absolutely nothing, especially coming from someone like you. I suggest focusing on obtaining a reputable education. It might help you realize that you're not as unintelligent as you seem to believe. Though perhaps you can persuade yourself, in my eyes, you will always be insignificant.

As I have more important matters to attend to than engaging with an immature troublemaker turned deviant, I will leave you to your own devices. Let me know when you want to revert to what 77 years now behaving like a 2-year-old, how pathetic.

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Since I'm referring to someone who behaves childishly, let me point out that Jesus exhibited far more maturity as a carpenter than any of you combined. It was James who made the comparison about how people might interpret what I'm saying, and even someone considered less than average in your eyes can attain spiritual maturity, although your behavior proves the opposite. Therefore, the childish comment about being roasted is less relevant than immature remarks.

Also, what was Tom's pathetic remark about scholars as a book hack "reflecting poor scholarship and intellectual deterioration"

Pudgy: "Georgie, You assume that everybody but you is stupid, and are ignorant fools, so naturally you would not see it."
There is yet another ignorant individual in this closed club who dares to insult scholars, despite lacking the necessary education. And yet, they shamelessly boast about it. I find it baffling that you foolish people continue to engage in a pointless argument with me, instead of condemning other people and yourself. It is clear to me that you are all immature and lacking in wisdom. Tom attempted to reprimand me for not behaving like a witness, but the truth is that it is you who are failing to act as witnesses by not recognizing your own role in perpetuating conflict and discord.

What is the experience like of being a Pharisee? By assuming this role, you have essentially placed yourself in opposition to being a Nazirite.

That suggests that you may have some mental concerns, and it would be advisable to seek professional evaluation.
I can only deduce from your arguments that you simply prove your own ignorance. It is rather ironic how you unknowingly contradict yourself.

Even though Tom has made the outrageous claim that I am leading a double life, it is actually him who is living a double life as an apostate. If Tom truly believes that the Elders are aware of what is happening here, as he implies, then he should have the courage to inform them that he is defending a disfellowshipped pervert here in the name of Christian love. Let's see how they respond to that. It is this lack of critical thinking that truly characterizes people like Tom as ignorant individuals.

Did Jesus have contact with Judas after his resurrection? Before making misguided comparisons about Jesus as a carpenter, one should first seek to understand scripture. Doing so will prevent you from looking more foolish. So, let's not start being blasphemers as well, witnesses, what a joke.

Remember, you are proud of defending a disfellowshipped pervert. Would the Watchtower commend you or condemn you for showing your Christian love to such a deviant, especially an unrepentant one, when scripture won't?

You lack secular and scriptural expertise. Why should people find your nonsense and apostasy as Jehovah's Witnesses credible when you are nothing more than pathetic individuals pretending to be one? Learn to tell the differences in arguments between secular education and biblical education that you people seem to confuse with your fights. Grow Up!

Xero, it would be like you blaming me because you can't figure out Nineveh 612 BC, when the clueless one is you.

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14 hours ago, George88 said:

Since I'm referring to someone who behaves childishly, let me point out that Jesus exhibited far more maturity as a carpenter than any of you combined. It was James who made the comparison about how people might interpret what I'm saying, and even someone considered less than average in your eyes can attain spiritual maturity, although your behavior proves the opposite. Therefore, the childish comment about being roasted is less relevant than immature remarks.

Also, what was Tom's pathetic remark about scholars as a book hack "reflecting poor scholarship and intellectual deterioration"

Pudgy: "Georgie, You assume that everybody but you is stupid, and are ignorant fools, so naturally you would not see it."
There is yet another ignorant individual in this closed club who dares to insult scholars, despite lacking the necessary education. And yet, they shamelessly boast about it. I find it baffling that you foolish people continue to engage in a pointless argument with me, instead of condemning other people and yourself. It is clear to me that you are all immature and lacking in wisdom. Tom attempted to reprimand me for not behaving like a witness, but the truth is that it is you who are failing to act as witnesses by not recognizing your own role in perpetuating conflict and discord.

What is the experience like of being a Pharisee? By assuming this role, you have essentially placed yourself in opposition to being a Nazirite.

That suggests that you may have some mental concerns, and it would be advisable to seek professional evaluation.
I can only deduce from your arguments that you simply prove your own ignorance. It is rather ironic how you unknowingly contradict yourself.

Even though Tom has made the outrageous claim that I am leading a double life, it is actually him who is living a double life as an apostate. If Tom truly believes that the Elders are aware of what is happening here, as he implies, then he should have the courage to inform them that he is defending a disfellowshipped pervert here in the name of Christian love. Let's see how they respond to that. It is this lack of critical thinking that truly characterizes people like Tom as ignorant individuals.

Did Jesus have contact with Judas after his resurrection? Before making misguided comparisons about Jesus as a carpenter, one should first seek to understand scripture. Doing so will prevent you from looking more foolish. So, let's not start being blasphemers as well, witnesses, what a joke.

Remember, you are proud of defending a disfellowshipped pervert. Would the Watchtower commend you or condemn you for showing your Christian love to such a deviant, especially an unrepentant one, when scripture won't?

You lack secular and scriptural expertise. Why should people find your nonsense and apostasy as Jehovah's Witnesses credible when you are nothing more than pathetic individuals pretending to be one? Learn to tell the differences in arguments between secular education and biblical education that you people seem to confuse with your fights. Grow Up!

Xero, it would be like you blaming me because you can't figure out Nineveh 612 BC, when the clueless one is you.



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On 4/27/2024 at 8:08 AM, xero said:

Overall, the psychology of bloviating individuals is complex and multifaceted,

I just think he is around 15 years old. Talks like a immature numpty, must be a teenager.

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22 hours ago, George88 said:

Since I'm referring to someone who behaves childishly, let me point out that Jesus exhibited far more maturity as a carpenter than any of you combined.

Well, sure, but it’s not really apples to apples, is it? Nobody in the closed club thinks, even combined, that he or she is going to approach the maturity of Jesus, save for one or two insufferable ones.

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2 hours ago, Anna said:

I just think he is around 15 years old. Talks like a immature numpty, must be a teenager.

You are clearly an immature person, Anna, seeking to ban others like you have done in the past. Your behavior reflects poorly on you. So, crawl back in your hole the closed club with the right of the fake witnesses.

Why are you condoning their insults and profanity? Have you even heard of a nob? Educate yourself! And to think, Tom, Xero, Pudgy, Pete started the fights and yet you have the audacity to call me immature. There's a limit to delusion, you know.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Well, sure, but it’s not really apples to apples, is it? Nobody in the closed club thinks, even combined, that he or she is going to approach the maturity of Jesus, save for one or two insufferable ones.

Why do you persist in defending a loudmouth who is indefensible? By now, one would expect spiritual maturity to have set in and made a significant impact. You complain about fights and Christian love, when you can't even show it to me. That is also indefensible and has been for about a decade. 

You are not my enemy, but your actions are aligned with those of God's enemy. How does publicly representing Jehovah's Witnesses, like the dishonest witness Anna, fit into your scheme? You seem to pick and choose which of Paul's words to abide by while imposing those same words on others in the name of human loyalty. James' perverse behavior is his fault, not mine. Despite this, he chooses to argue about sexual child abuse alongside the other apostate, Srecko, even though he cannot justify his own actions.

Where does such a mindset belong in a rational debate? This is why I have become an adversary in the eyes of your people, because you refuse to accept the truth. Therefore, your perspective lacks any valid justification based on scripture, and it will continue to do so unless you modify your mindset.

The way Srecko tirelessly seeks unjust consequences for child abuse, despite being backed by an individual who lacks moral integrity, is quite remarkable. It raises the question: is Srecko's behavior foolish, ultimately robbing him of any credibility? It brings to mind the foolishness exhibited by John Butler, who shamelessly spread unfounded allegations of child abuse. Many gullible individuals like Anna fell for his deceit, until he changed his stance to support James. Suddenly, James' claims lacked substantial evidence, reducing them to mere gossip. 

Where is the rationale for any of it? Your behavior is creating a negative impression, and it appears that professional help may be necessary.

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    • Clearly, they are already demanding your exile. Yes! It's unfortunate that Pudgy spoiled a great discussion about science. I hope the discussion can continue without any more nonsensical interruptions. Just a suggestion since they are on your heels. Wow! You speak! It seems you have a lot to say! Now they are going to treat like, who do you think you are, mister big stuff! Are those aliens now going to imply that anyone who speaks out against the five or six key contributors to this site will be treated as though it is George just because those in opposition speak the language they hate to hear, the TRUTH? They are seeking individuals who will embrace their nonconformist values and appreciate what they can offer in shaping public opinion contrary to the established agenda of God and Christ. Their goal is to enhance their writing abilities and avoid squandering time on frivolous pursuits, mainly arguing about the truth they don't care for. They see it all as a mere game, even when leading people astray. They believe they have every right to and will face no biblical repercussions, or so they believe. They just want to have fun just like that Cyndi Lauper song. Be prepared to be belittled and ridiculed, all the while they claim to be angels. Haha! By the way, please refrain from using the same language as George. They appear to believe that when others use the same words, it means they are the same person, and they emphasize this as if no one else is allowed to use similar grammar. It seems they think only they have the right to use the same or similar writing styles. Quite amusing, isn't it? See, what I just placed in bold, now I'm George, lol! Now, let's leave this nice science thread for people that want to know more about science. I believe George left it at "Zero Distance."  
    • Nice little thread you’ve got going here, SciTech. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
    • It's truly disheartening when someone who is supposed to be a friend of the exclusive group resorts to using profanity in their comments, just like other members claiming to be witnesses. It's quite a ludicrous situation for the public to witness.  Yet, the "defense" of such a person, continues. 
    • No. However, I would appreciate if you do not reveal to all and sundry the secret meeting place of the closed club. (I do feel someone bad stomping on Sci’s little thread. But I see that has already happened.)
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