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Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.

Jack Ryan

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Regarding a change to a song title, the study article on page 7 paragraph 17 of November 2017 Watchtower explained, “The change of the title “Guard Your Heart” to “We Guard Our Hearts” was most considerate. Why? In the audience at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions are many new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do. So the title and the lyrics were modified.”

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Sometimes things are so insane that you think someone is repeating a Parody off of "The Onion" .... but then you realize .... these folks are dead serious.

It’s okay.  Your comments made me think of myself and my own experiences.  I take it all in stride now.  Thanks for sharing!!!  ... now my problem is makeup.  LOLOLOLOL #itsgoodtolaugh

I can imagine a situation where it was a sister's fault that the entire songbook had to be updated again. And, although it's pure speculation, it wouldn't be the first time something like this happene

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Why? Because before, when a person sang the words of this song, he was telling others what to do. This could be awkward for new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who are at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. So the title and the lyrics were changed.


Why? In the audience at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions are many new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do. So the title and the lyrics were modified.

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Back in the day... I used to be a ‘letter of the law’ kinda gal.  One day, someone had problems with my braids.  They spoke to my ‘head’ at the time and I took the braids out on my way home from the meeting.  I looked at the scripture referenced- 1Pet. 3:3.  I decided I’d go to the next meeting naked.   Well, almost. I’d be wearing shoes.  I started heading to the door and my husband looked at me like I was crazy.  Before he parted his lips, I said, ‘I’m following the scriptures.  That’s what you wanted right? Do not let the your adornment be... the wearing of... outer garments.’  I’m safe now since the new translation says, ‘...fine clothing’. But  I do alright if you ask me. My second hand clothing is mighty fine.  Mighty fine! 


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In general, it is a good thing not to tell others what to do. I see no problem in re-wording a song to avoid giving that impression.

The article is not  endorsing that view. It is merely acknowledging some people would have it. And some would. Many cultures are that way. Some Witnesses would feel that way.  And some backgounds - almost to the person they would feel that way. Take, for example, a woman from a Muslim background. Imagine how comfortable she would be singing out instructions for her husband to follow.

The article first of all mentions "new ones" and "interested ones" we are considerate of. Why would anyone ridicule consideration?

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Why would anyone ridicule consideration?

@TrueTomHarley I agree.  My own situation was a bit different.  Being that I lived in a predominately African American community with modesty being of great concern to me (as it was not my dress but hair) it NOW seems laughable.  Modest braids are on WT and AWAKE! covers and they are beautiful.   Sisters are now participating on Assemblies with modest ‘sisterlocks’! Yes- dreadlocks! Brothers wearing beards. ?Things have changed and a focus is on the inner not the outter.  I adjusted ofcourse ... but I also know that I should have been considered too.  It is well.  I follow the chariot wherever it goes. 

P.S.  I pay close attention when singing to prevent me from belting out the wrong words to ‘old songs’ I think I know.  ??‍♀️

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I love that "outer garments" story.

I have found that to cater to the borderline inane and clueless never works with discussion. 

It's like the old story of the talking mule that never talked when the farmer wanted to show guests he had a talking mule .... a section of 2"x4" lumber across the head gets 'em talking.

I don't mind following the chariot ... wherever it goes, but I am apprehensive about  following the circus clown car.

There is a difference.

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The article first of all mentions "new ones" and "interested ones" we are considerate of. Why would anyone ridicule consideration?

This could not merely be about being considerate of the new ones or interested ones. It appears to be more about being considerate to the 'rest of us' who might feel offended being told what to do by a 'new one.' It's pretty much the opposite of what Jesus said about 'out of the mouths of babes.'

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2 hours ago, Sharon Washington said:

My own situation was a bit different

You were not the one I had in mind, and I frankly think we overdo it on personal neat-as-a-pin dress and grooming. But that is how it is with any group of people. Not everything goes your way and one simply must avoid being the bull in the china shop.

At times in my life I have been a little bit 'out there' in terms of grooming, yet I have never once had anyone call it to my attention, and I have enjoyed a few priviledges.  You may like the following story: one such time my wife and I came to a packed assembly hall where a branch committee brother was the speaker. He gave a very hard-hitting talk - the blunt sort with observations that would not appear in print, and if he had adopted the same tone as to dress and grooming, he could have pointed to me as Exhibit A. I was well overdue for a haircut and whenever that happens I will run product through my hair and sweep it back once with my fingers - I get freebee haircuts from a relative but sometimes I must wait for him to fit me in and neither he nor I get around to it.

Because we arrived down to the wire, if not slightly over it, the attendants put us in one of the few seats available - up front and directly in front of the branch brother. I didn't particularly want to speak with him - I am not one of those who goes for selfies with the speaker - but after prayer I turned about and I was face to face with him. So I said some genuine pleasantry, thanking him for coming and such, and he said "I wasn't too hard on you folks, was I?"

"We'll adjust," I told him.

2 hours ago, Sharon Washington said:

P.S.  I pay close attention when singing to prevent me from belting out the wrong words to ‘old songs’ I think I know.

You are a better person than I am.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In general, it is a good thing not to tell others what to do. I see no problem in re-wording a song to avoid giving that impression.

The article is not  endorsing that view. It is merely acknowledging some people would have it. And some would. Many cultures are that way. Some Witnesses would feel that way.  And some backgounds - almost to the person they would feel that way. Take, for example, a woman from a Muslim background. Imagine how comfortable she would be singing out instructions for her husband to follow.

The article first of all mentions "new ones" and "interested ones" we are considerate of. Why would anyone ridicule consideration?

I must admit I found that paragraph strange. I raised the issue at the table (we had hospitality for our friend who gave the talk, his wife and in laws were also with us, the other in law being an elder too) and everyone didn't get why this particular song was included either. I mean what about the song "listen obey and be blessed"? And other songs which also tell people what to do. It was just very odd, and I wondered why this issue was even raised. (some of your ideas may be valid, but why make a point of it this way in the paragraph, it almost makes me want to write to Bethel and ask for the "real" reason behind it. But it's not important) My husband had a good point as well. He said he's never known in his life any sister to be bothered about telling people what to do. Everyone cracked up and agreed.

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