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How about an "Expose Wrongdoing / Hypocrisy" category on here?

Jack Ryan

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I've seen a few JW's who are currently in good standing with photos at rap concerts and local bars with other non-witnesses and sometimes even a few other JW's.

I don't like confrontation nor do I have the time to track down which congregation they go to or the addresses on where to send photos.

Is there a way we could submit photos on here so that local elder bodies could follow up and disfellowship them?

Sort of a JW wikileaks to clean out hypocrites?

What do you think of the idea?

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Enhancing the JW paparazzi aspect eh? Hmm. Pretty subjective. And there might be a problem with eye-rafters. Pictures may speak a thousand words, but maybe not always those spoken by the persons 

Their actions are between themselves and Jehovah. He knows their hearts and will see that his faithful are rewarded. it is not for us to become the conscience police or to publicly shame them on soc

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