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In Azerbaijan broke up a clandestine meeting of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

Baku. April 10. INTERFAX – the state Committee for work with religious organizations in cooperation with law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan have stopped the illegal activities of members of the sect “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, the press service of the Ministry.

“GCRs together with law enforcement bodies held on 9 April on the territory of Garadagh district of Baku swift action on two addresses. As a result of the activities was identified and stopped an illegal meeting of members of nontraditional religious movements “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, – stated in the message.

It is noted that out of 33 participants of meetings in two locations ten were young children.

In addition, were found and withdrawn in a large amount of propaganda literature of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”.

The investigation is ongoing.


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