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Are children capable of committing fornication?


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I am looking at these watchtower articles that state if a woman is being raped, if she doesn't scream or try to get away, she is committing fornication. So following that messed up logic, if a 5 year old child is being raped, and they don't scream for help, does that make that 5 year old a fornicator?

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11 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I am looking at these watchtower articles that state if a woman is being raped, if she doesn't scream or try to get away, she is committing fornication.

Then this reading is superficial, the question is preposterous.

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The answer would be yes. Children can succumb to ill sexual desires and or fornication. Fornication is the act of sexual intercourse between people not married to each other. It is far worse today because this is the norm whereas fornication is tweaked to the extreme whereas male to male and or female to female immorality is done and or having multiple sexual partners at once, more so, children are being taught about sodomy and it is being pushed on to them and this has been going on for some time now.

So those who have the wisdom must teach said wisdom to the and or their children, although not many adults like speaking of this subject, but talking to your children about sex is also vital, otherwise they will all into the branches of sexual immorality fairly easily.

In my experience, I am blessed to hear stories and experiences from children on how they have combated the issue and how they are helping other youth, praise Yah.

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17 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:


That is a bit of a lackluster response granted that what was said is actually true, i.e. a teenager being pregnant, a teenager engaging in sexual misconduct and or immorality, the over sexualization of children, even in the social media space. You cannot be this dense if you assume people 18 and below do not do these things. Reasons why a lot of guardians and or parents refuse to have their child go to some public schools. It does not stop at sexual immorality either, for it stems to behavioral issues as well, i.e. a former blue ribbon high school, baseball team (of course wealthy parents) causing trouble at a newly built fast food establishment.

A blue Ribbon status is a BIG deal regarding educational institutions for middle and high schools, even elementary. In my case, I have done 4 years in the very blue ribbon school that has now, as of late, loss that status. More and more children today are being homeschooled.

That being said, you once said that your church has partaken in various things, perhaps when it comes to educating children on morality, that example should be strongly advised, especially in the type of world we are living in.

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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That is a bit of a lackluster response granted that what was said is actually true, i.e. a teenager being pregnant, a teenager engaging in sexual misconduct and or immorality, the over sexualization of children, even in the social media space. You cannot be this dense if you assume people 18 and below do not do these things. Reasons why a lot of guardians and or parents refuse to have their child go to some public schools. It does not stop at sexual immorality either, for it stems to behavioral issues as well, i.e. a former blue ribbon high school, baseball team (of course wealthy parents) causing trouble at a newly built fast food establishment.

A blue Ribbon status is a BIG deal regarding educational institutions for middle and high schools, even elementary. In my case, I have done 4 years in the very blue ribbon school that has now, as of late, loss that status. More and more children today are being homeschooled.

That being said, you once said that your church has partaken in various things, perhaps when it comes to educating children on morality, that example should be strongly advised, especially in the type of world we are living in.

I am aware of some younger kids will experiment with sex and what not. But if you read my post again, I'm talking about a 5-10 year old who is raped, you idiot! And children who are raped by family members in their homes. You guys are disgusting pigs who believe these young children who are raped are the fornicators in the rape. There really are no words to describe how disgusting and disturbing and downright demonic some of you jw's are. I'm starting to wonder if some of you are currently raping children, maybe even your own child.

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There seems to be myth being addressed in this discussion hence the erroneous and void conclusions.

Fact: Rape by definition takes place when force or the threat of force is used to gain sexual penetration, of any kind whatsoever, against a person's will. It is the rapist's use of force against an unwilling victim that makes him a rapist. Thus, a rape victim is not guilty of fornication. Like an incest victim, they may be forced to submit to an act they doesn't want because of the perceived power held over them by another person. In some cases this coercion could be very subtle, but nevertheless, coercion it is. When a person is forced to submit to a rapist out of terror or disorientation, it does not mean that they consent to the act. Consent is based on choice without threat and is active, not passive. 

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5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I am aware of some younger kids will experiment with sex and what not.

What I speak of is not experimentation, and regardless, that in of itself is sexual immorality, mainly in what follows after that, more so, there was a children's care book that speaks of this matter.

5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

But if you read my post again, I'm talking about a 5-10 year old who is raped, you idiot!

You brought forth fornication, and I've made a response to that. Calling someone an idiot in regards to speaking about fornication makes you below an idiot, so I suggest you not trend in said waters otherwise you will be thoroughly refuted with ease.

Lucky for you, I am forgiving even though you are a misguided hypocrite.

5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

And children who are raped by family members in their homes.

Yes, cases like this do happen. In the US as well as the UK, a victim of child sexual abuse and or violent abuse. Race wise, abuse is primarily done by Caucasian/white males and it is always the father figure, if not the father, the uncle and or older sibling, which brings forth child on child abuse, which is a difficult and complex form of abuse to watch for and or deal with regarding the aftermath.

5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

You guys are disgusting pigs who believe these young children who are raped are the fornicators in the rape.

And where have anyone stated that rape is okay? More so, you idiotically mixing 2 concepts together: rape and fornication. 

Last I check God made humans who can discern, humans are not literal animals, and evolution is not biblical. 

5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

There really are no words to describe how disgusting and disturbing and downright demonic some of you jw's are.

Not everyone here is a Jehovah's Witness, there are Trinitarians, and even Atheists here, I myself is a Biblical Unitarian, and we are not blind to child abuse, in fact because I push to educate people on child abuse, my actions have helped many, as is with others and the children I speak to on a daily basis whenever I am available.

Now, as I told many before, no all JWs are bad people, like in any group, religious or not, any community, etc. there is good people and there is bad people, to throw everyone into one basket for the sins of a single soul goes foolishness, stupidity and bigotry on your part. It is like if someone were to attack, physically, a group for people with intent to injury or kill, the media and folks who support such media will put everyone into one group.

That being said, you also made yourself foolish granted what was said within your response in this regard.

5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I'm starting to wonder if some of you are currently raping children

Seriously? That is a deprave minded response. You may want to look into the statistics and see who commits more child abuse in the sex/race demographic and then come back here and speak.

That being said, this response shows everyone here how you do not adhere to Jesus teachings. If one JW abused a child, you assume, willfully that all JWs and other faith groups do the same thing, even the good people among them.

That in of itself is hypocrisy on your part.

Child abuse is everyone in every group in every race in every nation. Even the people you seek to end child abuse, do it far worse than those in the churches and schools, i.e. deliberately killing children, black mass, etc.

Other than that, Jesus' lessons teach Christians to discern, which you lack granted you mixed 2 things together out of foolishness when people can see it for themselves.

5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

maybe even your own child.

So how do you know if I have a child or not? Assuming?

I do not have children, nor do I plan on having children granted my situation. I do however care for children and teach them, be it blood relative and or those who leave their child in my care, in other cases, whenever there is a gathering, I put emphasis on for children to share their feelings (both the good and the bad because some children suffer depression) and experiences, speak their mind on certain matters, come to an even ground with on another by means of peace, to spread a good message in order for them to apply so they can take said wisdom and teach others, and so forth. Even beyond that, my own culture adheres to respect of not just women, but of children also, something it seems a majority of you guys in America ignore; granted the ignorance of the cultural background of others.

When our children is raised right, when we teach our children to do good by means of education, even education in the home, when they are out, they not only represent themselves, but those of their household and those of whom they support.

That being said, to assume, to mix concepts, to throw Jesus' lessons in the mud makes you the credible idiot, Matthew.

I will leave you with this and perhaps you learn from @Outta Here response.

I gave you the definition of fornication, but I will link it this time so you know the difference:



At the end of the day, I suggest you teach the children, be it you have or not, or communicate with them. For it is such ones like you who contribute to the problem if you do not take action to help our children, granted that Child Abuse Prevention Services, all of them, encourages strongly to teach our children. I suggest read what I had posted before:


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@Outta Here There is also the whole situation with the age of consent, human trafficking. It is far worse for young girls vs. boys apparently, and today's society in this age are sexualizing children in conjunction with pornography.

Truly truly in all honesty, sexual immorality is the biggest villain to mankind concerning sin, and it often promotes people to attempt to fight it in the wrong way which also contributes to the problem. I and others proclaim this a lot and now we see where this leads, reasons why I prefer to protect children by means of teaching them, compared to those who toot their horn and do nothing concerning the problem.

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Words are the tools with which we think.

If you use the proper tools, with skill, you will have thoughts and ideas worth something.

If you use crappy words without skill, your thinking will just be poorly made crap.

It seems to me that children of almost  ANY age can commit fornication ... which is what the original question asked.

In like manner, children of almost any age can commit murder.

Whether or not  they should be held responsible for it ... or ARE responsible for it, is a completely different matter.

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