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Dutch TV crew kicked out of Circuit Assembly

The Librarian

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In the Netherlands, a TV crew for PowNed (a website/TV station known for their non-conventional approach and love for controversy) visited a Circuit Assembly

The video starts with them asking 'Is everyone welcome here, even criminals, bikers, gays?', and the answer is of course yes.

Then the clip focuses on asking JW's questions about gays and the Caleb video.

In the end the crew is asked to stop filming and leave. Their 'implied invitation' has been withdrawn as they were 'creating unrest'.

Possibly they actually were stirring things up a bit and left that out in editing; I wouldn't put that past them.

Video in Dutch here 


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In the Netherlands, a TV crew for PowNed (a website/TV station known for their non-conventional approach and love for controversy) visited a Circuit Assembly The video starts with them asking 'Is

My friend was there. They had been really disturbing and had been asked to leave few times, but came back. I usually don't watch any show they make because they are always very annoying and

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