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The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?

Jack Ryan

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Did it ever occur to you that the early scribes may be have been at fault for leaving out this passage, and that God made sure it was replaced, especially for our sake in the last days?  Read it, and

Can someone explain to me, to whom would it have been advantageous to insert that piece of writing ? 'Religions' have always been about control. That piece of writing was concerning forgiveness.

Not a misstep, they actually tried to change Gods “times and laws”. It finishes in Acts 1:7 when “He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own

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On 8/8/2021 at 4:56 PM, Jack Ryan said:

Fast forward to 2020.... JW's turn into Televangelists conveniently in the mid 2010's and all it takes is a bad flu to stop "the constant feature"

According to Robert Hendriks III, this move is showing "love for one's neighbor", the very people that are to die a gruesome death in Armageddon - those who will be "weeping and gnashing their teeth".  What a conundrum.  

On 8/8/2021 at 4:56 PM, Jack Ryan said:

So many lives wasted......


So many hours spent, following the rules of men who change their mind when it suits their purpose. 

Their purpose today?

On 8/8/2021 at 4:56 PM, Jack Ryan said:




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On 8/8/2021 at 7:56 PM, Jack Ryan said:


They don't do televangelism, in fact, majority of the Restorationism community do not do televangelism at all, be it individuals (granted most are off grid) or a group.

televangelism is primarily used by Charismatic Preachers otherwise known as Prosperity Preachers.

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14 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Thank you again. I've just listened to David Splaine's talk and wow, what a slick tongue he has. 

He misused the scripture at Matthew 5 : 25  

25  “Be quick to settle matters with your legal opponent, while you are with him on the way there, so that somehow the opponent may not turn you over to the judge, and the judge to the court attendant, and you get thrown into prison.

Splaine was obviously refering to court cases involving CSA which they have settled out of court. But those cases have been settled after the Victim had taken the Org to court. 

Another thing Splaine said, and it's there on that video, is that a judge may have 'been paid under the table' to judge against them. Wow, that is strong stuff from a GB member to suggest.

This talk obviously shows how worried the GB are about JWs getting hold of the truth about the Watchtower / JW Org.  They are worried about truthful negitive reports, and there are lots of those Earthwide. 


On the other side of things, a 'man of colour', I think his name is William Turner, gave a good talk about the Kingdom. I think it's in the Sunday morning session.  He didn't mention any 'date'. He didn't mention being part of the Org. The talk was purely about how we know the Kingdom is real. Fabulous talk.  A couple of things i got from it were : Gods promises always come true, and, Having faith in the Good News. The scriptures he used proved what he was saying. A nice, easy to understand, truthful talk. 

Such a contrast to the talk Splaine gave. 

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

They don't do televangelism,

I believe they are well on their way.  

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Televangelism is primarily used by Charismatic Preachers otherwise known as Prosperity Preachers.

That term fits the organization's leaders, perfectly.

‘Two things I ask of you, Lord;
    do not refuse me before I die:
keep falsehood and lies far from me;
    give me neither poverty nor riches,
    but give me only my daily bread.
9 Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
    and say, “Who is the Lord?”
Or I may become poor and steal,
    and so dishonour the name of my God.  Prov 30:7,8


"For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.’

41 At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he said, ‘I am the bread that came down from heaven.’

Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. 48 I am the bread of life. 49 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. 50 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live for ever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.’"  John 6

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

I believe they are well on their way.  

Again, and I will quote myself:

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

majority of the Restorationism community do not do televangelism at all, be it individuals (granted most are off grid) or a group.

That being said, they won't do such nor are they on their way, for Restorationists, as a whole, do not adhere to what the mainstream does. Babylon wouldn't even allow it if they tried, due to what has been taking place regarding religion from the early 2000s to now, even more due to former members of the faith in question.

So your belief does not reside with the history, let alone the view of Restorationist Christians, mainly due to the fact of how they themselves view Prosperity Preachers. Likewise with Prosperity Preachers, who for over the years mock others who do not do the same as they do regarding Televangelism, i.e. Creflo Dollar, an American televangelist. Some of the off grid Restorationists had a lone of negative things to say about Televangelism for years now.

Prosperity Preachers are rooted from The New Thought movement (also called  Higher Thought), is a spiritual movement which coalesced in the United States in the early 19th century, this was around the same time the Great Awakening took place. It was during the Healing Revivals of the 1950s that Prosperity Theology first came to prominence in the United States in full force - thus these types of preachers are born.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

That term fits the organization's leaders, perfectly.

No, it does not. hence the following -  how they themselves view Prosperity Preachers.

Restorationist, and most Anti-Trinitarian Christians are, in this case, sworn enemies of Prosperity Preachers (similarly to how Muslims view Televised Dawah). This so called rivalry was possibly due to everything that transpired after the Great Awakening of Christianity (which is true hence the history) and where the Prosperity Preachers came in some years later to shift the battleground due to tools and technology unitized in that time, as for Televangelism, during the 1960s, Prosperity Preachers embraced it and came to dominance with televised religious programming in the United States, the first among them in this regard being Granville Oral Roberts was an American Charismatic Christian televangelist, ordained in both the Pentecostal Holiness and United Methodist churches. He was among the first, developing a weekly program that became the most watched religious show in the United States, and others followed suite in the Prosperity space. In the 1990s and 2000s, it was adopted by Influential Leaders in the Pentecostal Movement and Charismatic Movement in the United States and has spread around the globe.

This is why Prosperity Preachers often use uncanny information to demonize anyone who is in the camp of Anti-Trinitarian, example would be Francis Chan, who essentially weaponized the Bible against not to just JWs and Anti-Trinitarians, even won over a big number of ExJWs (true - if you go to any material where preachers like him speaks of JWs, him specifically, likewise with those against the Trinity as a whole) and others of former faiths  prior to and after the Babylon fueled event of 2016, as stated in the other thread, Babylon's wave took a lot of folks, even EXJws.

Lastly, the very reasons they do this with Anti-Trinitarians is because their root of existence, which was explained.

Also as for the verses you mentioned, not sure what was the reason for citing it.

That being said,

The situation with them and these types of preachers is no different to the difference between those who had their view of Jesus, Jesus being the Son of God, and those that see Jesus as God, going as far as to alter the Scriptures, even killing people, to do so.

Other then that Prosperity Preachers are essentially an obstacle for sometime now, granted Babylon has been using them.

History is always key, Witness, mainly if the history is factual. 


Also Tiktok?

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Oh, mon doux enfant dété.

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13 hours ago, Arauna said:
16 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

since leaving the JW Org I am able to view both sides clearly.

LOL - misconception. You think too much of yourself

I really cannot understand this problem that you have. Here i am saying that I am able to view both sides of a situation, and you call that 'thinking too much of myself'.  I would say it shows an open mind, thinking outside of that box which the GB keep you in. David Splaine's talk proves that point clearly. He is obviously frightened of people knowing the truth, just as you seem to be. 

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

No, it does not.

Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith)is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.  

You know, things are not always as they seem on the surface.  In the organization’s case, the only one benefitting from “prosperity theology” are the preachers – the gb and the elders at the top.  They build with gusto, they buy and sell       real estate, they live behind locked gates protected from the world, their needs are met.  They don’t physically work with their hands as the apostle Paul did, as many of the adherents do.  They don’t worry about receiving a paycheck, paying bills, wondering where the next meal will come from.  They have no basic need worries.  There is no example of walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, in these prosperity preachers. 

They have gained rulership, authority, power and riches, that Christ rejected when on the earth. Luke 4:5-8

You may know a lot about a lot of things, but you just don't know what it is to be a JW...for decades.  

"Experience is the teacher of all things"  Julius Caesar


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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith)is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.  

Did you even bother to look at the citation on the wiki quotation? Evidently - no. Also Restorationism aren't Protestants, since Protestant was the result of a break away from Catholicism. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Protestantism#16th_century

That being said, it shows you really do not know the history of Prosperity Preachers, let alone of where they originated from.

Again, those who know the history can speak on said history. Just highlighting a quotation without knowing the citation or context behind it shows the lack.


I encourage you to learn the difference.

This still stands


1 hour ago, Witness said:

You know, things are always as they seem on the surface.  In the organization’s case, the only one benefitting from “prosperity theology” are the preachers – the gb and the elders at the top.  They build with gusto, they buy and sell       real estate, they live behind locked gates protected from the world, their needs are met.  They don’t physically work with their hands as the apostle Paul did, as many of the adherents do.  They don’t worry about receiving a paycheck, paying bills, wondering where the next meal will come from.  They have no basic need worries.  There is no example of walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, in these prosperity preachers. 

I don't focus on surface information sadly. Again, you are making a claim of which Restorationist in general have a strong disdain for - Prosperity Preachers and everything pertaining to it. We see here you are equating two rivals together of which whom do not like each other for a very very long time, even before JWs existed. This stems back to again, The Great Awakening prior to, during and after. As pointed out in the past, Restorationist mostly use whatever means to push the Commission, they do not do what the Prosperity Preachers are doing, for which you are equating the two, which seems to be the case because you attempt this with Smurf and Zelda, in addition to that fact, you could not make any connection of the two.

How can you call Restorationist Christians Prosperity Preachers if they for a very very LONG time have consider them sworn enemies?

1 hour ago, Witness said:

You may know a lot about a lot of things, but you just don't know what it is to be a JW...for decades.  

"Experience is the teacher of all things"  Julius Caesar

I do know a lot and I have experience, this is why I live up to what I said

On 7/27/2018 at 1:25 PM, Space Merchant said:

that alone should tell you something for me and others who study religions

On 7/19/2018 at 3:48 PM, Space Merchant said:

I said the following: No, but I am very well aware of their Christology and the only reason I speak of them is because there is many misconceptions and things said of them that can and will be addressed

Christology is the field of study within Christian theology itself, which is primarily concerned with the ontology and person of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels Accounts and the Epistles shown in the Greek the New Testament. The ontology and person of Jesus in conjunction with his relationship with that of God the Father. Christology is concerned with the details of Jesus' ministry, his acts and teachings, to arrive at a clearer understanding of who he is in his person, and his role in salvation. The views of Paul the Apostle provided a major component of the Christology of the Apostolic Age. To some extend at times the levels reach to based Apostolic Christology. This also connects with Exegesis and Hermeneutics in regards to Theological studies of both scripture and history of said text.

Such also falls in line with the study of religion, their theology, practices, beliefs in regards to the teachings and or the Church, of which the foundation itself is the Christ.


So the idea of, your claim of Anti-Trinitarians, among them, Restorationist being like that of a rival of whom some spoke ill of, is false here.

In all respects, like I said to you before, you say you are chosen, but little lies and errs you at times preach as a truth. The very reason Kosenen called you out on this, as have I. Be careful of what you profess if the history speaks more truth. As for any JW here, they are rooted from Restorationism, due to it being their history be it they know it or not.


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@AraunaUnfortunately, this is the case made by a lot of people. At times former members of a faith group just go on their way, most of the time, if they seek God (Allah), they end up adopting a lot of ideas that. If not there, most disgruntled few stem into apostasy. Then you have the rift between former members and those that dwell on odd ideas, hope at times, will combat each other, in some instances, they'll end up defending their former faith against a former faith brother or sister, in other cases, it spawns Christian Infighting also called infighting of faith where as it is like a 2 or 3 way wrestling match at times. Even outside of Religion, this applies to the common man or woman regarding views, even in the higher education system regards students.

That being said, as the fact and point I made clear to the latter regarding Televangelism, the root of JWs and Bible Students, even the rest of the Anti-Trinitarian camp who make up Restorationist, wouldn't even consider such. It is one of the very reasons why back then Prosperity Preachers were dominate due to having such technology to do what they do, and to this day, there is still the enemy aspect between them and Anti-Trinitarians. The history is clear, but as you see, people refuse to even do research and assume things, conjuring misinformation themselves. It amazes me how some ignore the fact of what the real enemy is doing, therefore, when Babylon sweeps, there would not be anything to say for such ones because they've been told.

But let's imagine your faith does Televangelism, that would mean siding with Babylon wholeheartedly. This is why, in reality, you wouldn't be able to regardless if you tried, granted, Babylon already deems you an enemy. 

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