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Looking at the 'news' on MSN. Yes I know I've been warned not to believe MSN etc.... 

But my point is that world conditions appear to be getting much worse more quickly.

I'm wondering, is it because we have the world wide web, this internet, that tells us everything. Or is it because I'm getting old and not liking 'change'. 

Or, is it really getting much worse more quickly ?

God's words warns us as to what is coming. God's words gives us the signs of the times. But is it now ?

If it is now and if God really wants more people to be saved, then hopefully God will put things into place, so that honest hearted people will know where to find the honest Truth.

10 men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. That keeps coming back into my mind every day now. Spiritual Jews, the Heavenly chosen ones. 

Yes i come on here and spout out loud, sometimes with anger in my heart, but underneath i am looking for truth. May God be kind enough to show us the way forward. 

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Looking at the 'news' on MSN. Yes I know I've been warned not to believe MSN etc....  But my point is that world conditions appear to be getting much worse more quickly. I'm wondering, is it

Interesting point. From about 1914 through 1948, there was so much bad stuff affecting so many people and very large population groups (India-Pakistan, etc) that it would have been difficult to argue

Quite a  relevant observation:  (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) . . ."For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying,

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@JOHN BUTLER There is a lot of things going out that is kept on the hush-hush to the general public. Government wise, Education wise, Religion wise, Money Wise, Technology wise.

There is a lot I can say about this, I can go on, some things I can say here but it isn't PG-rated for everyone here, regardless of their faith and or background.

All I can say, briefly, perhaps later on I can give some insight on US, UK, FR, and their allies regarding 2021/30.

Other than that, God's day is near. There are things that some are not paying attention to which is being spoken about by others, such as truthers and a list independent reporters, some of which who end up being assassinated for speaking what is true for we have an example already

The more you know, the more you shall find. Now if you were a famous person and or a well known doctor or some engineer, the more you know and the more you find, it will only get you killed, but since we are common folk, we find and proclaim what is true, reasons why I am type to seek the truth in such matters.

That being said, I had dug up some things in the UK, mainly related to grooming gangs and immigration, both of which having a role to play in the global mafia in of itself.

Remain vigilant and enduring - always. Don't be consumed by anger and hatred either, it does no one any good later on.

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First ... consider that people educated in History, are not only NOT doomed to repeat it, but understand the world and its interactions with a lot greater clarity and accuracy of those who think History is dull and un-interesting.

For those that really do understand the facts and lessons from History, it is crystal clear that we are currently living in a time of unparalleled peace and prosperity, advancement and enlightenment ... such has never been seen before in the history of Mankind.

Using ANY criteria ... there is less "bad stuff going on", and has been for the last 70 years, all over the world, an every area of human interaction.  

Those ignorant of History will adamantly disagree with this, but that is just agenda driven total ignorance.

All that being said ... I will tell you the answer to the question


It is this ........  and is accurate, complete, comprehensive, and most of all.... TRUE.

Ahem! (here it is............)

No one knows.

The pretenders to know have prognosticated for 2.000 and more years.

They have .... without exception ... always been wrong.

Now, does that make you fell better?

Silly question.

Of course it doesn't.



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15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Using ANY criteria ... there is less "bad stuff going on", and has been for the last 70 years, all over the world, an every area of human interaction.

Interesting point. From about 1914 through 1948, there was so much bad stuff affecting so many people and very large population groups (India-Pakistan, etc) that it would have been difficult to argue against the Watchtower's message that Jesus had been present since 1874 (changed to 1914 in 1943) and that "Babylon had fallen" and that the "Great Tribulation" had actually started in 1914, with a short reprieve for the chosen ones, only to start up again "shortly." The "tribulation" was expected to start up again in the few "remaining months" remaining in this system. That expression about only a few months, not years, was used in the 1940's, 1950's, and then again about the 1970's.

It was easy to explain that Satan was angry and knew he had only a short period of time when looking at the world from 1914 through 1945, especially in Western terms. But the great wars grew mostly cold after 1945, and even though millions have died since in smaller wars, these have not really reached levels reported in the 1914-1945 era, or even the few hundred years prior to that. Pestilence and plague even famine have reached the lowest levels in hundreds of years due to soap and the end of the age of exploration.

Of course, the "outbreak" of human population is now due in large part due to lack of pestilence, plague, war and famine. This means another reckoning when the population of this "outbreak" reaches the ends of the terrestrial Petri dish. This means war, famine (and thirst) all over again.

But for the moment, it takes a bit of extra fearmongering to convince people that Satan's anger is at its highest peak, because his short period of time is even shorter now than it was in 1916 and 1941. Even as Witnesses, we may no longer be growing in population relative to the rest of the earth, but we still enjoy the greatest levels of peace and security. We can only assume that Satan changed his tactics, and that the end will just as likely come during a period of peace and security. To keep us on our toes, however, showing a few videos anticipating armed forces against us might be useful, too.

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53 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

But for the moment, it takes a bit of extra fearmongering to convince people that Satan's anger is at its highest peak, because his short period of time is even shorter now than it was in 1916 and 1941

Three years ago the expression Fake News was absolutely unheard of. Today it is ubiquitous.

Gays took decades to enter into the mainstream. Transgenders took mere months.

I wrote in Tom Irregardless and Me that VR porn promises sex so steamy that it is feared persons will lose interest in the real thing. It was half in jest. The reality has become that sex robots will do the trick. Both genders have become so leery of the other & the rapidly changing dynamics, so as to lean into this latest craze.

In many quarters, and expect it to increase, you will be identified as a CIS male, that is, a male who identifies with the sex that was assigned to you. Perhaps it will be your grandchildren, in the hands of today's educators, who will tell you this.

What is all the rage among the young today? Suicide, upping several-fold in but a few years, by youngsters sending the strongest message they can send that they don't buy the offerings of Hotel World and decide that they can indeed leave.

Autism, which once claimed one in a thousand, now claims one in forty. 

Anxiety has replaced depression as the #1 mental health malady. It cannot be because there is nothing to worry about. Previous generations, wartime aside, have laid down economic rules so as to enable success of their young. This generation eats them.

The Church of Satan didn't command much ground until recently.

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

the end will just as likely come during a period of peace and security.

Quite a  relevant observation: 

(1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) . . ."For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape." 

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

To keep us on our toes, however, showing a few videos anticipating armed forces against us might be useful, too.

That, too ... is only a pretentious guess.

However the blatant, brazen  attempt to generate fear based only on a guess that has ALWAYS been wrong, is unconscionable ... and the motive of manipulation is so transparent and palpable, it has its own heartbeat.

John 9:41


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On 12/2/2018 at 4:07 PM, JOHN BUTLER said:

God's words gives us the signs of the times. But is it now ?. 

Yes i come on here and spout out loud, sometimes with anger in my heart, but underneath i am looking for truth. May God be kind enough to show us the way forward. 

Hello John Butler,

We are approuching the final 1260, 1290, 1335, 2300 days spoken of in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

A very easy way to determine that is by understanding that Donald Trump is the fierce-looking king spoken of in Daniel 8:23-25. And in an earlier vision Daniel saw a little horn that grows bigger and bigger and has eyes and a mouth that speaks arrogantly.(Daniel 7) This part of that vision is about the same king as in Daniel 8:23-25. 

This king or horn will during his reign begin to persecute the saints and he will be allowed to do that during 1260 days or in other words during a time, times and half a time. 

So because Donald Trump is this king and this horn in the prophecy in Daniel's book, it means that we are really living in the end times. And the 1260 day period of persecution should begin during Donald Trump's reign. So it should happen within maximum of a few years.

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3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But for the moment, it takes a bit of extra fearmongering to convince people that Satan's anger is at its highest peak, because his short period of time is even shorter now than it was in 1916 and 1941.

I think you provided some very good examples of what I meant. These things you mentioned are serious or symptoms of serious problems, but they don't give us the kind of ammunition we had in the 40's and 50's. Also the fearmongering of the 70's was coming at us from all directions. The WTS did not invent it, it just resonated with the WTS when brothers read books like "Famine 1975" "The Population Bomb" and any quote that indicated the world couldn't last but a few more years at most.

But now, we are so enamored to problems, that even the usual fearmongering has fizzled.

As @Outta Here helps remind us indirectly, and as @Kosonen reminds us directly, however, there is enough flexibility in the Bible passages to account for anything and any situation. If it's madness and chaos, it's because it was exactly predicted for our time. If it's relative peace and security, it's because it was exactly predicted for our time.

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3 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

But now, we are so enamored to problems, that even the usual fearmongering has fizzled.

Well, people do clean up after their dogs today. That’s a good thing. Gone forever are the days when you as a child might slide through a pile of you-know-what in pursuit of a fly ball.

Let me assure younger readers that there is no experience quite like it. 

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I shared a post a while back on how exactly that sort of thing is now happening...and who’s to blame for it.


@TrueTomHarley  Your article made for very interesting reading. 

Quote "Time was that if you fell under the spell of a charismatic leader, withdrew from all normal societal contact, and began doing strange things, you just might be part of a cult."

charismatic leader = Governing Body

withdrew from all normal societal contact = being no part of the world

began doing strange things = We used to attend THREE religious meetings per week. Now only two. Travelling for hours across country, and sometimes to a different country, ' just for a religious event'.  

And then the stop doing normal things such as parties / drinking / dating / going to the gym, with people of the world. 

Quote "Today, the word is expanded to cover those thinking outside of the box that we are not supposed to think outside of. " 

Coming from a JW that is sooooo funny.  JW's are not supposed to 'think outside of the JW box'.

Quote“You can’t claim that people are ‘terrorists’ or ‘extremists’ and then simply knock on their doors to arrest them, "


  1. a person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action.
    Extremists are not necessarily the same as terrorists. JW's have 'extreme' religious views when viewed against other 'christian' religions. JW's advocate illegal action (not going to war when conscripted). 
    What was it the Apostle Paul said 'We must obey God as ruler rather than men'.
    Other extreme action. Die rather than have a blood transfusion. 
    Most strange to say that you couldn't knock on the door of an extremist. 
    Quote  "And what have the Jehovah’s Witnesses done to deserve such an outcome? Do they interpret the Bible differently? "
    Of course no one deserves to be treated in such away. 
    However, yes JW's do interpret the Bible differently to most other so called 'christian' religions. And, unfortunately sometimes the GB of the JW Org get things wrong. 
    One question. Who was responsible for SAUL's persecution of the early Christians ? 
    He was 'visited' by Christ of course and shown right from wrong. 
    What is happening to the Witnesses in Russia is surely what God's word the Bible predicts will happen. 
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