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11 killed, 45 injured in St. Petersburg Metro blast


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It is always sad to hear of these extremist terror attacks, no matter where in the world that they occur, however, one thing that it it will not be.............is an attack by the "extremists" known a

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A suspected bomb blast inside a train in the St. Petersburg Metro killed eleven passengers and injured dozens of others. The entire Metro system was shut down as bomb squads and rescuers responded to the emergency.

Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a search for two people suspected of being implicated in the bombing. The information on the search for organizers and perpetrators of the explosion has been confirmed by the National Antiterrorism Committee (NAC) as well.

The explosion happened as the train was travelling between the stations Tekhnologichesky Institut and Sennaya Ploshchad of the St. Petersburg Metro, the NAC confirmed.

Terrorism probe has been launched over the blast by Russia’s Investigative Committee.



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It is always sad to hear of these extremist terror attacks, no matter where in the world that they occur, however, one thing that it it will not be.............is an attack by the "extremists" known as Jehovah's Witnesses.............Mr Putin and co., this is what REAL extremists do, and you can be assured that ALL of Jehovah's witnesses are as appalled as yourselves by the events that have taken place in St. Petersburg, including our Brothers in the Russian Federation. 

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