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9 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

A few of them also used Jesus' name from evidence I've read.

Thanks for helping me research more.


(V = U), (UV = W), (I = J), (J SUBSTITUTE for Y), the name YHWH/JHVH was injected into the text of the Old Testament by the Pharisees and others who practiced Babylonian Satanism (the precursor to Cabalism and Talmudism). For those who don’t believe the Talmud is Satanic it proclaims that Christ is in Hell boiling in excrement and semen.

An agreement was forged between the Jewish Masoretes and the Catholic Church c. 1000 A.D. to change the name of AHAYAH in the Hebrew Old Testament to the pagan name Yahweh/Jehovah via the Tetragrammatons’.

This explains Rosenthal’s saying, “We are amazed by the Christians’ stupidity in receiving our teachings and propagating them as their own”.

In Henry Ford’s words. “The Christian cannot read his Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong”.

The demonic disdain for humanity exhibited by the Luciferian Jew, Harold Rosenthal, typifies the end result of a lethal amalgamation: Jewish religious ritual combined with the worship of knowledge and self. The Jews as a people, by rejecting God and/or accepting Jehovah, have been given over “to a reprobate mind…Being filled with all unrighteousness…” (Romans 1:28-31).

Of course, Mr. Rosenthal was a member of an elite, openly satanic minority among the Jewish people. Everyday Jews do not know that the god of their faith is in fact Satan hiding behind a mystical name. It is of no consequence to Satan whether he is worshipped deliberately or through subtle lies and deceptions. (Genesis 3).

The wise Solomon ask, “what is [God’s] name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell?” (Proverbs 30:4). God’s name is AHAYAH (sometimes transliterated Ehyeh) meaning I AM. This is the name given to Moses along with the law. “And God sad unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM; and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you…this is my memorial unto all generations.” (Exodus 3:14-15). “I AM the Lord thy God…thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 32:4-5).

Originally these four Consonants in(YHWH)represented the four members of the Heavenly Family:

Y – represented EL the Father
H – represented Asherah the Mother
W – represented He the Son
H – represented the Daughter Anath

The Jewish name for god is represented by the Tetragrammatons’ (YHWH/YHVH) can be pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah. The significance of God’s name is repeated emphasized throughout the scriptures.

“Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.”

When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. “Yah” (#H3050) means “god”. “Hovah” (#H1942) translates to “eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness.”

Jehovah is synonymous with Baal:

“Baal (#H1180) from ba’al with pron. Suff.; my master; Baali, a symbolical name for Jehovah — Baali.”

The Jewish encyclopedia (“Adonai and Ba’al”) reveals: “The name Ba’al, apparently an equivalent for Yhwh.”

Since the days of Jeremiah, the Jews have forgotten their god’s name and replaced it with the title “Baal” or “YHWH/YHVH”: The lying prophets “Which think to cause my people to forget my [God’s] name…as their father have forgotten my name for Baal.” (Jeremiah 23:27).

YHWH/YHVH and Ba’al both represent the god of sexual perversion and wickedness, Satan.

However, Jews claim that this name (YHWH/YHVH) is not to be spoken aloud, despite God’s command to declare His name throughout the earth (Exodus 9:16). Why ignore this commandment?

By reverencing their name of God (YHWH/YHVH) by not speaking it, Jews create an air of mystery and holiness around the name while enhancing the curiosity surrounding its pronunciations and power.

When curious Jews and non-Jews alike see the “sacred” Tetragrammatons’ being used in occult practice, they are intrigued by the prospective that these sorcerers have harnessed the mystical powers of the name. Wicca, Satanism, Tarot, occult Catholicism, Masonry and Cabalism use their knowledge of the “scared” name of god” as bait to recruit cult members. If the name were not hidden, these cults would lack a critical tool in their recruitment processes.

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13 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

"relative" worship of Jehovah

When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. “Yah” (#H3050) means “god”. “Hovah” (#H1942) translates to “eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness.”

YHWH was injected into the Tetragrammatons’, which you see in your Bible versions that the Masoretes brakes down the name of the Most High, (3068) יְהֹוָה in Phoenician Hebrew is pronounce from right to left as YA-HA-WAH or YAHWEH which the Jewish people used or in English JEHOVAH or YEHOVAH. This name יְהֹוָה was injected by the Masoretes between the 6th or 10th century under the Masorete text. The Masoretes were European who hides the true God name from the Israelites.

This יְהֹוָה in the Strong’s Concordance (3068), stated that this is the JEHOVAH, YEHOVAH, YAHWEH, YAHAWAH, is the Jewish National name of God, so it was NOT all mankind National name of God. This is the Jewish people's national name of God NOT the Israelites. HOW DID THAT BECOME THE Jewish NAME OF GOD? DO YOU QUESTION THAT? YAHWEH derives from YAH or JAH, the Egyptian name for MOON is YAH, so the YAH came out of Egypt, because our people learned of this God when they were under the Egyptian Rule.

“YHWH”, can NEVER mean “I AM” or “I EXIST” or “I BE”.

“hayah or hayaw” meaning “to be or exist”, AH in Hebrew means a first or singular person, hence AH-Hayah means that I EXIST, or I BE, or I AM, so this is how you know the true name of the Most High, I AM = AHAYAH.

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