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Do Demons Live in Vases, Books and other Articles?

Jack Ryan

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Ever notice that demon possessed objects are always discovered by Sisters from stuff at a yard sale? They are NEVER discovered by men buying a used car at a car auction sale. I mean ... if y

I remember when this was a hot topic ..... 1966 .... I had just graduated from High School.. I was young, and had NO life experience ... and took it all at face value, as presented. 51 years

When I was fairly new in the Truth ( 40+yrs ago), I lived in Salt Lake City, home of the LDS Church (Mormons).  I was raised a Mormon but left on my own in my early 20s.   Mormons always seem to have

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21 minutes ago, Jay Witness said:

I continue to hear some JW's believe that shopping at second hand shops is risky since one could purchase a demon infested object.

Is this true?

If so, how is one to detect such an object?

Yes,  seems  thats  true !  I  heard  diff. cases  from  my  girlfirnd.  Humans, they're  open  for  that,  sensing  demonds  in  their  nearness. They  hear  voices, seeing  mystery  humans  and  alot  other  things....  for  me  its  hokum !   I  never  saw  any  of  these  things  in  my  life.  Hahahahaha  ;o)

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When I was fairly new in the Truth ( 40+yrs ago), I lived in Salt Lake City, home of the LDS Church (Mormons).  I was raised a Mormon but left on my own in my early 20s.   Mormons always seem to have story about some "spiritual experience" (my family is no exception).  So when I became a JW, I wasn't too surprised when the friends talked about things having demonic attraction.  I heard of pictures that wouldn't burn when it was discovered it were possessed.  There was a husband to a pioneer sister (I'm sure he was a JW or not), but whenever they were invited to someone's house he would point out something was demon possessed in their home.  Friends were getting rid of things left and right I was told (this is purely hearsay and I didn't attend the same congregation).   I had a copy of book by Kahill Gibran, The Prophet, that my husband gave me as a gift.  I was told it was causing demonic activity in my apt when I was gone (JWs lived downstairs from us at the time and it was disclosed later they were involved in very bad behavior).   When I was studying, a sister told me my wind chime attracted demons.   I haven't heard of such things for many years now and I enjoy the soft sound of a wind chime and I miss the book I threw away.    I tend to try  reasoning on such things  and not be gullible.  But I do believe demons can be attracted to things and people, even attaching themselves (for lack of a better term).   I played the Ouji board when I was young and super natural experiences scared the life out of me.  From my experience in life, caution is the word I would use when it comes to buying some things.

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Ever notice that demon possessed objects are always discovered by Sisters from stuff at a yard sale?

They are NEVER discovered by men buying a used car at a car auction sale.

I mean ... if you buy a used car and it has no demons, just stop making the payments ... and it will get  ... *coff* .... repossessed!

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On 4/11/2016 at 10:28 PM, Jay Witness said:

I continue to hear some JW's believe that shopping at second hand shops is risky since one could purchase a demon infested object.

This is true for jewelry, such as antique pocket watches purchased at second hand stores, that have the dial hands missing, particularly the second hand, and it has been replaced by a second hand second hand and not a first hand second hand.

You would think that a first hand second hand is a demon to find, but no, its the second hand second hands that keep your mind in mind.

.... and also, to detect possession, which is 90% of the law, and you can't do it yourself .... WHO YA GONNA CALL?


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I remember hearing a sister telling a story about a woman who had an experience with a dress which was previously owned by a witch.  Also I read about a coin inserted into a door  in a Missionary House which was used by demons to frighten, they said the house was previously owned by a wizard.  

Sale of used clothing is a very common business in Nicaragua, I know some brothers and sisters who make a living from that. All the  clothing I wear come from second-hand shops (with the exception of my work uniforms) my purses, some of my shoes, bed sheets and towels. Even some wealthy people buy at these places, they can find good prices for Michael Kors, D&G, Calvin Klein items, different conditions. There are stores selling new clothing,  different prices, manufactured in Central America or China. I've noticed that after 3 or 4 times of washed, they get a worn look. Honestly I've never had an incident of demonism with one of my items. Unless it explains all the madness inside me ?

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I wonder with the colorful comments, if it isn’t true, then why does Christendom “believe” in exorcism, while JW’s don’t find it a need, other than to rely upon God’s Holy Spirit.


While poltergeist might attach themselves to a physical object? The understanding is depending, if an object was used for evil purposes, such as using a car to run over 16 bicyclists, or used a gun to kill 58 people and injure 500, a home used for satanic rituals, etc. Those are the kind of secondhand objects that could tether a demonic entity.

Is it a real concept? Why would Jesus command an evil spirit from a possessed person? Luke 4:35-44

Does this mean Jesus got rid of all evil, and it's nonexistent today? 1 Peter 2 ?

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I remember when this was a hot topic ..... 1966 .... I had just graduated from High School..

I was young, and had NO life experience ... and took it all at face value, as presented.

51 years later, and never having seen one particle of evidence of demon activity at any time

... anywhere ...  I am less concerned.

I did give it some thought in one 2014 Bible Movie "Son of God",  when they cast an actor that looked exactly like Barack Obama, as Satan.



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1 hour ago, Alithís Gnosis said:

I wonder with the colorful comments, if it isn’t true, then why does Christendom “believe” in exorcism, while JW’s don’t find it a need, other than to rely upon God’s Holy Spirit.

Catholics charge money for exorcisms, Weddings, Baptisms, etc. 

Sometimes it's formal and sometimes it's informal ... a "green handshake", or a little white envelope with "something in it", but exorcisms are even more so a way to convince the gullible that they have the POWER to do so, and the authority of God to do so.

Very persuasive !

A few years ago the head religious guy at the Vatican, in charge of the "Department of Exorcisms",  a Bishop or something, about 85 years old embarrassed the church by declaring to the news media that (paraphrased) " .. the Vatican is FULL OF DEMONS !".  I took that at face value ... and besides ... him being in charge of the Department that oversaw global exorcisms,.... he should know!

Then there is the joke about the Catholic who had to pay for her exorcism on the installment plan ... and when she missed a payment ... she was ... um ... repossessed.



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