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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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1 hour ago, Thinking said:

Truth is truth Dmitar

Well there's none substance truth and there is truth about the truth. Witnesses shouldn't involve themselves with outsiders world views. Proclaimers of the truth, Jesus truth, is the only truth about the truth that counts. 

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11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's a shame. I guess in your area, COVID-19 is still high. Soon! 

Just before the start of the war in Ukraine covid began to decline. Maybe because of the nicer weather and the tourist pre-season. But the war raised new fears about everything.

JWs don’t stand on the street here, they don’t go from house to house and they don’t have live meetings.

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2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Just before the start of the war in Ukraine covid began to decline. Maybe because of the nicer weather and the tourist pre-season. But the war raised new fears about everything.

JWs don’t stand on the street here, they don’t go from house to house and they don’t have live meetings.

Oh! I see. I guess there are some restrictions in your area. But, you're correct. People will be more cautious about everything in the meantime. 

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@Pudgy Care to tell @Thinking the TRUTH about your Voter Registration in 2016, way before you were d'fd? The good thing, your right to vote for plenty of government positions hasn't been denied.

So, how are you not afflicted. In your state it's classified as UNA, but tell me, you go for the Republican Party as a NRA enthusiast, right? Or are you now an NRA member too. 

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Just before the start of the war in Ukraine covid began to decline. Maybe because of the nicer weather and the tourist pre-season. But the war raised new fears about everything.

Declined, but it has not gone away, hence why there are some who are afraid to say it is Endemic, regardless, caution must be taken. In the spring/summer time, COVID-19 has always been on the low, just like last year, yet it is quite different in fall/winter, cooler weather.

COVID-19 is quite slightly low, however still contagious, unless, you are among the fortunate who seemingly cannot get it, you should have nothing to worry about. There is the Omicron variant and the BA.2 variant, sub variant. The irony in this is that the MSM and the CDC suddenly changed their tune on the Endemic. Deaths are high, and due to the vaccine situation, information has been changed, others scrubbed.

As for War, this is true, and it draws concern for some, however, outside of war, there are other problems in which the people will shift into a mindset, some of which, could be dangerous, in conjunction with that the mention of inflation, and the like. For instance, if you buy, for example, apples, do not be surprised by the fact you'll be attacked for those apples. Other then that, practice being vigilant.

As we speak, there are some ramifications that are about to take place, even in the realm of cyberspace in the coming days, so in that regard, secure yourself should it effects your country.

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

JWs don’t stand on the street here, they don’t go from house to house and they don’t have live meetings.

True, but should they return, for there is a New Normalcy, it won't be the same. For their churches also, hence what I told Linda months ago.

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8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I have nothing against it.

In your case it is fine, however NoiseySrecko was confused. Granted, the reason was given; from the quotation that was in response to Butler.

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It means that you are a kind of individual who does not want to be part of an organized religion, under any name.

Not quite. My position was due to the upbringing in a dangerous time, therefore, it was somewhat of a practice, for observing the Bible and professing faith in home only. Especially during a time where there was literally no churches anywhere.

I've also made the point to you before, of those who are organized and those who are not, especially due to the experience of constantly being in Bible based debates for a long time. This is the same with our counterparts in the other group, The Trinirarians, in which they are lone or organized, but the idea persist.

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So why are you trying so hard to defend a WTJWorg that doesn’t allow that kind of individualism to its followers?

It ahs nothing to do with defending the JWs, more so, speaking against misconceptions and falsehoods. The same case can be made when early on in my debates with the notation of Islam.

The thing is, with JWs, people can agree/disagree on things, however, to pertain to legitimate falsehoods, leads to problems, and one should not be surprised should the notation be challenged and or refuted.

An example of this would be my debate with you concerning Abraham and the Church of Corinth, and Judge Deborah. In which you used these examples to protest claim of Sexism concerning religious office in your former faith, not realizing that God's Order has not changed and remains the same. Just because the world has changed even the Mainstream, does not mean the JWs, or anyone aware of God's Order should change this too. In that same debate, you stated I was defending JWs because I respected God's Order in the very Bible you and I both read. You even told me that a woman lead the Church of Corinth, as is, Churches in Ancient Israel which makes no sense because Christians didn't exist in the time of Judges, then your remarks on Deborah.

Then we have Abraham, for in short you attested to the idea he was selfish, whereas the Bible says otherwise, and somehow you manage to rope in JWs.

Likewise in a recent debate concerning historical points in US history and Germany.

Another instance where you stood with Trinitarians for a justifiable cause knowing well the Trinitarians is essentially the other faction; deem you as the enemy concerning Christ. I mentioned to @Dmitar my debate with @Cos in which you were involved attempting to defend the Trinitarian's altering view of history all because of JWs.

Likewise with Witness, who is essentially Lisa Haven in this regard, i.e. attempted to use Smurf Girl as a source, and like you, cannot do the research.

You were also shown to accept things without doing the research.

That being said, for, if God's Order has not change and many even JWs are aware of this and you and others say otherwise, then of course, you will be refuted.

As for Individualism, you can't real have this stance if you get tricked by misleading information and profess it as a truth. In Witness' case, she rely mostly on others and not herself, therefore some of her notations and Exegesis, tends to backfire, i.e. Church of Corinth. In both of your cases, in regards to Trintiarians, you were both used as tools by them, in some of these debates, such as yourself when I debated @Cos.

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do your like-minded people consider you an "apostate" because you are not part of their church?

You mean my Father? We had no churches at all, hence learning in home in a dangerous time.

You seem to not understand what the term Apostate is and used it in a way that makes no sense.

Clearly my faith in God and his Christ was never renounced.

8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And if you are, why did you come out of it?

How can I come out of something if I was never in it to begin with?

The quotation of the legitimate explanation of a Truther, notes my upbringing.


That being said, you may want to look at the quote I left for Butler. Don't make another mistake.


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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

@Pudgy Care to tell @Thinking the TRUTH about your Voter Registration in 2016, way before you were d'fd? The good thing, your right to vote for plenty of government positions hasn't been denied.

So, how are you not afflicted. In your state it's classified as UNA, but tell me, you go for the Republican Party as a NRA enthusiast, right? Or are you now an NRA member too. 

Since we seem to be asking a lot of mutual questions, Dmitar, perhaps you can tell Us what relevance your comment has to your being a proven liar, denigrator, and slanderer?

…… and how do you move from topic to topic so cluelessly without leaving a slime trail?



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… and since I have made no representations about myself to @Thinking about anything on any subject whatsoever, that I can recall, why would he or she even care about my voter registration …. ?



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4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

… Concerning Dmitar’s compulsion to lie, denegrate, and slander, I am reminded of the words of Abraham Lincoln “Trolls on the Internet are trying to save face, without regard to which one they save.”


He never said that! What a bunch of rubbish!

What he said was, “You can lead a horse to drink but you can’t make him water.”

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