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Some say one thing, and some say something completely different

Srecko Sostar

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12 minutes ago, George88 said:

It has been a while, so please bear in mind that the information I'm about to share is based on my memory and may not be entirely accurate. However, to the best of my recollection, Although the exact date of Christ's birth remains unknown, the concern among modern Christians lies not so much in his actual birthday, but rather in the connection that has been researched between his birth and the celebration of the pagan sun god, which took place from December 19 to December 25.

The birthdate is additionally marred by the ominous presence of Herod Antipas, as he cruelly executed John the Baptist during his own birthday feast. Should a Christian celebrate their birthday if it is tainted by an evil action? I'm not referring to a disingenuous or a disgruntled one that doesn't share Christian values.

I agree that celebrating Christmas is nonsense, because the date of that celebration is not connected with the date of the birth of Jesus. Plus, in general, the custom took on a materialistic character, rather than the meaning of the alleged event. A short visit to church and mass is not enough to bring people closer to Jesus, because most are too busy with formalism and a consumer mentality.

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