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Think Outside the Box- By Tie Bros. Bible Illustrations

Guest Indiana

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Guest Indiana

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Before deciding to date it is important you pay close attention to the person you are interested in. How do they treat others? Are they spiritually mature? How do they handle money matters? How do they handle responsibility? What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? There is never a reason to settle for less. We don’t need to look for perfection, but when it is clear that they require a ton of assembly or when they don’t have very important qualities or skills needed to make a marriage a success, we would be wise to hold off from pursing a courtship. Normally, when purchasing an item we do research to make sure we are getting the best quality. Why would we do any less when it comes to something as life changing and important as choosing a marriage mate. Also, if I am aware that I have a ton of assembly required and lack in many areas of life, why not work on those things first before trying to date. If we really like someone we should want them to have the best, right? “Patience is the key”. (See YPA Vol 2 Chapter 1)


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In short, simply say in your head, is this the type of person to take home to mama and papa?

My pops tell me, I can get married anytime when I turn 18, but says that get my experience up then look for the right sister. He is really strict on morality and education, but his lectures does help.

Some people are desperate, they don't wanna pass the expiration date, or so that is what they think lol.


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Five years ago, at age 67, and two previous marriages, found a Sister in El Paso, Texas, the love of my life, and we are fine!

I made many, many mistakes before that, marrying Sisters, thinking that is all that was needed.

...but then again, too few to mention.

Experience is when you get the tests FIRST ... and the lessons afterwards !

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Guest Indiana
9 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Five years ago, at age 67, and two previous marriages, found a Sister in El Paso, Texas, the love of my life, and we are fine!

At 67 😍

love GIF


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