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Ripple Effect by Tie Bros

Guest Indiana

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Guest Indiana

Who does adultery effect? First and foremost, it effects God. He sees all that we do. So when a husband or wife cheats on their mate, not only does he see the steps that lead to the adultery, but he sees the act itself. Next, the innocent mate is effected once they are told or find out about the actions of their unfaithful mate. If the couple has children, then they will be effected by this as well. 

Both the families of the guilty mate and the innocent mate will no doubt be hurt. The congregation may become aware of what happened, and this can be damaging. Especially is this the case if the ones involved were viewed as exemplary in the congregation. Finally, in some instances (see WT 1991 11/15 p.22 par 15), even Non-Witnesses in the community may find out. This reflects poorly on the very first person who was effected by all of this...Jehovah. 

So before committing any sin, it is vital to think about the ripple effect our actions will have on those around us. (Based on a recent C.O. talk) -Proverbs 22:3





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(1 Corinthians 6:18) . . .Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body. First the person sins against his own

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When I worked a part time job with a lot of twenty-somethings, some wanted to know how long I had been married. They were dumbfounded when I told them I had been married for over 20 years. Raised in single parent families, most of them, they had never heard of a marriage lasting so long!

How likely is it that they are going to try a model that they have never seen work?

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Well at least this topic gives signs of truth, to admit that there is immorality within the JW Org. 

I would imagine that some people might think the JW Org was a safe place to be. As Tom would tell us, immorality happens everywhere. It's just that most congregants and interested ones do not expect it in the Org.  Unfortunately I've seen many cases of adultery and divorce here in the South of England JW Org. In honesty i could cry for some of them. Life is difficult and demanding in or out of JW Org. One example :-

My wife was invited out for coffee by a sister the other day (yes they still talk to my wife), and they were talking about ( in a constructive way) another sister who has many problems. This sister, was a single mum, was once D/fed, but would bring her two teenage children to the hall for Sunday meetings, just drop them off and pick them up afterwards. Then she got married to a man that had a son (and possibly other children) and she was also reinstated... She would then attend meetings with her children but her new husband was not interested in the JW Org / meetings. In fact her new husband, it seems, was not a pleasant man. So this sister then separated from this new husband. But unfortunately, not long after they split up, her new ex-husband's son, committed suicide.... How this sister is feeling now, who knows. I am wondering, are the Elders visiting her. Is anyone visiting her. She isn't attending meeting it seems... I know her, though not closely, but her situation is very sad.   People are individuals and live in different ways, have different thoughts, different needs. 

Quote "Finally, in some instances (see WT 1991 11/15 p.22 par 15), even Non-Witnesses in the community may find out. This reflects poorly on the very first person who was effected by all of this...Jehovah. "

I think this is twaddle. It is a C. O. trying to protect JW Org, not trying to help people. I think in reality the  more that the community know the better. This relates to all immorality in the JW Org. Let people know the ups and downs of the Org and that people inside it are just human. It's the hiding of things in the Org that bring the shame on the Org itself.  


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