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FRONT PAGE: Jehovah's Witness film DANGEROUS to the children - OVER ONE MILLION people reading this today (see comments for translation)

Jack Ryan

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A major front page headline and two page article in Sweden's Metro newspaper.

The Metro newspaper is a free newspaper that distributes 550,000-copies daily with a daily readership of some 1,153,000 people

HBTQ = Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer.

Defector: Jehovah's film dangerous to the children

Metro (Sweden), Monday, July 2, 2018 - front page (via Google Translate)

Anti-HBTQ. Jehovah's Witnesses had a great gathering in the capital this weekend with many children in the audience. Then religious society showed a film of hbtq-critical message - which the state did not have to review.

Jehovah's Witnesses Show Movies That Disregard Children's HBTQ - Missing permission

Metro (Sweden), Monday, July 2, 2018 - page 4 (via Google Translate)

Religion. At Jehovah's Witnesses annual gathering, films with anti-HBTQ messages are displayed. Although the community lacks the permissions required, the movies are displayed to thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses with hundreds of children in the audience.

"You do not realize how dangerous this is for children," says Sabina Sjöberg

PICTURE: Several large-scale displays show the message of Jehovah's Witness during the annual gathering - but no permission for the film that conveys society's view of HBTQ.

The yearly gathering of Jehovah's Witnesses begins with the conference calling on the audience not to record anything from the day for other than private use.

About 8,000 people have gathered at the Stockholm Fair in Älvsjö, just outside central Stockholm. The event is open to the public.

It is the fourth year that Jehovah's Witnesses annual gathering is held at the Stockholm Fair, which is part of the City of Stockholm. This year, the key message is to show courage.

With well-produced films from the community's governing circle in the United States, we can see, among other things, how a woman distances a manifestation of hbtq people. Another film shows how a little boy is dealt with the fear of 'harmageddon', which Jehovah's Witnesses see as the final battle between God and those who refused to submit to God's rule.

The movies and the tales are displayed on four large screen monitors for an audience with hundreds of children and young people.

"Parents do not say that it's just a movie without something that's actually going to happen," said Sabina Sjöberg, who left Jehovah's Witnesses just over 20 years ago.

Today she is engaged in the organization Children's voice in a closed sect which collects testimony from people who left Jehovah's Witnesses. They have consulted both the State Media Council and the police to alert the video material that is being played during the gathering. But according to Sabina Sjöberg, the police have not responded.

-They do not realize how dangerous this is for children. Two years ago, films were shown with families and children hiding in a basement. In the final scene, soldiers storm up with automatic weapons, she says.

-Looking at an action film at home as a child, the parents can comfort. If you're taking movies from Disney, parents can comfort the kids and say it's not true, but here's no comfort and the kids get awful nightmares.

According to the National Media Council, which has the task of setting the age limits for films to be shown to children under the age of 15, the event fulfills the criteria for a general gathering and the films must, by law, have an age limit set by the authority.

They have pointed out to the police that the organizers of the gathering failed to seek permission to display the films. Penalty scale for violation of the law includes prison.

When Metro talks with the press department at the Stockholm Stock Exchange, they say they do not know anything about the permission and refer questions about the films to the community's legal department.

"We hope that nothing will be experienced in a negative way for anyone. Of course, this is not the goal of something we show, but it is our legal department that answers such questions, "said Niklas Sondell from the press department.

Yesterday, the Stockholm Police could not answer if they had been to the event to check whether a breach was committed.

"We hope that nothing will be experienced in a negative way for anyone." Niklas Sondell at the Jehovah's Witnesses Press Department

BOX: 22,000 witnesses in Sweden

More than eight million members worldwide, distributed in 240 countries.

In Sweden there are approximately 22,000 active members in 310 parliaments.

Is the only religious community that has been denied state subsidies. In 2017, the government said no with the motivation that society urges its members not to receive blood transfusions for minors.

Read original language online article:

I'm compared to pedophiles and killers - to the joy of the sect

Metro (Sweden), Monday, July 2, 2018 - page 24 (via Google Translate)

PICTURE: When Jehovah's Witnesses gathered for an open gathering in the Friends Arena in 2015, 50,000 people participated. "I remember the feeling of happiness and togetherness," writes Erik Engelv, who has experience in similar fairs since before hoping for Jehovah's Witnesses.

Sect. Now that I stand outside Jehovah's Witnesses, I see a propaganda machine claiming that the Hbt movement is God's opponent. Can I really just watch when my parents applaud this to the same place where I worked a few months ago as a married gayman? writes Erik Engelv.

"Those who are leading society today know that HBTQ questions are sensitive and a great subject to show we are against them" Defector Erik Engelv

Ever since childbirth, I was fed with what Jehovah's Witnesses believe is original Christianity in the Bible. You will certainly recognize that you do not receive blood, celebrate birthdays or have sex before marriage. A little inquisitive when you look at theology deeper, you find further ideas that all other religion is fake, that those who leave the congregation are to be completely thrown out and that gay men are equated with rapists, pedophiles and killer.

I was absolutely convinced that this was the truth. I remember the feeling of happiness and togetherness when you gathered in thousands for the annual summer gathering and received thorough education in the Bible's teachings and how I'm expected to live like a true Christian.

When I now, as an adult, is out of the sect, I see something completely different. I see a propaganda machine who wants to claim that the entire HBTQ movement is God's opponent. I see how to produce and show movies with messages calling for zero tolerance to married marriages. And I am reminded that, when he has received enough of the misery on earth, Jesus comes down on his white horse to clean up all of us who believe that one must love just who one wants. And it happens completely open. On my own home.

We must never forget that everyone is entitled to his own faith and thank God for freedom of speech! But we must also sharply question and visualize what was actually said this weekend at the Stockholm Fair, where the city of Stockholm is a partner.

Quite honestly, I have difficulty believing that all individuals who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses will dare to base themselves on this. But this is how sect mechanisms work in practice. The leaders of society today know that hbtq questions are sensitive and an excellent topic for creating a "we against them" spirit. And the more we who look from the outside react and act, the more they see the reason to quit.

Should we be quiet? Can I really just watch when my parents are sitting and applauding this message in the same place where I worked a few months ago like a married gayman? Is it okay that, on the one hand, the city of Stockholm is receiving income from a society with socially destructive messages, on the other hand, being one of the world's most hbtq-friendly cities? Should we offer a platform for this message around the corner from the staircase where I hung up in the summer rain with that young man who had so soft lips and so beautiful curly hair?

Ironically, I will think of a verse in the Old Testament often used in religious rhetoric. "Do not be afraid, because there are more with us than with them." Do you know what I think? I think we are far many more who stand for all people's equal value and equal rights. I am absolutely sure that we will be many, many more who celebrate all the Pride Parades around the country than the religious group gathered at the Stockholm Fair.

For love overcomes everything. It says so. Also in their Bible!

BOX: Erik Engelv

Age: 34.

Location: Stockholm.

Employment: Head of sales.

BOX: Do you need someone listening?

The help source is a religious and politically unrelated activity that offers support and information to people who are, are, no longer want to be, or are considering becoming members of a closed religious community.

Read more here: hjalpkallan.se

Read original language online article:

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It just isn't possible to understand the Bible's code of conduct unless you accept it as of divine origin and obligatory. With that as a basis, then personal difficulties with it's requirements remain

I wonder why they would choose that theme? Yeah, like how police have shown up in Russia, typically in full riot gear, to arrest members of the faith.

A major front page headline and two page article in Sweden's Metro newspaper. The Metro newspaper is a free newspaper that distributes 550,000-copies daily with a daily readership of some 1,153

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Debate article today in Metro (Swedish edition) - JW and LBGT

My friend got his debate article published today in the Swedish edition of Metro!:


This is my translation of the article, might be a bit hurried so ask questions in comments for clarification:

Debate: My parents applaud when I am compared to pedofiles and murderers

Erik Engelv | Metro | Publicised: 02 July 2018 - 09:12

(text under picture with “JESUS”)

Are we supposed to offer a platform for this message across the corner from the stairs where I in the summer rain was making out with that young man with such soft lips and such beautiful hair?, writes Erik Engelv.

(text under the picture of Erik)

Photo: Edward Cisneros/Unsplash, Yurika Palmqvist


I can today when I am outside the Jehovah's Witnesses see the propaganda machine that insinuates that the LGBT-movement is God's enemy. Can I just stand here and watch while my parents approvingly applaud this in the same place where I just a few months ago worked as a married gay man?, writes Erik Engelv.

(text in box)

This a debate article. The opinions expressed is of the person who wrote the text, not Metro. Metro is a politically neutral paper.


Ever since childhood I was fed with what Jehovah’s witnesses deems to be original christendom in the Bible. You might recognize that they do not accept blood, celebrate birthdays or have sex before marriage. But when you look closer at the ideology you will find, nicely packaged, further ideas that all other religions are false, that those who leave the congregation must be shunned completely and that homosexuals are equal to rapists, pedofiles and murderers.

(text by vertical bar)

“Is it really acceptable that the city of Stockholm on one hand makes profit from an association with antisocial messages while on the other hand is supposed to be one of the worlds most LGBT-friendly cities?”


I was completely convinced that this was the truth. I remember the feeling of happiness and community when we gathered by the thousands for the yearly convention and was given thorough education in the teachings of the Bible and how I was supposed to live as a true christian.

Now that I as an adult stand separate from the sect I see something completely different. I see a propaganda machine that wants to portray the whole LGBT-movements as God’s enemy. I see how they produce and broadcast videos with messages that incites zero-tolerance for same-sex marriages. I am also reminded of Jesus, when he has had enough of the mess on Earth, will arrive on his white horse and cleanse from it all of us who believe that you are allowed to love whomever you want. This is happening publicly. On my own doorstep.

We must never forget that everyone has the right to their own beliefs and thank God for freedom of speech! But we must also sharply question and make public what really was said this weekend in Stockholmsmässan (translator's note: the place where the convention was held) where our capital city is a partner/co-owner.

Honestly I have a hard time believing that each and all individuals who calls themselves Jehovah’s witnesses will dare to support this. But that is how sects works in practice. They who are the leaders today know that LGBT-issues are sensitive and a fertile ground where they can create a “us versus them”-feeling. The more they see us on the outside reaction and acting, the more they see a reason to become a closed community.

Are we to be silent? Can I just stand here and watch while my parents approvingly applaud this in the same place where I just a few months ago worked as a married gay man? Is it really acceptable that the city of Stockholm on one hand makes profit from an association with antisocial messages while on the other hand is supposed to be one of the worlds most LGBT-friendly cities? Are we supposed to offer a platform for this message across the corner from the stairs where I in the summer rain was making out with that young man with such soft lips and such beautiful hair?

Ironically enough I am reminded of a verse in the old testament that is commonly used in their religious rhetoric. "Don't be afraid, for there are more on our side than on theirs". You know what? I think there are many more of us that approves of the idea that all people have the same worth and has equal rights. I am convinced that we are going to be much more numerous when we celebrate all the Pride parades all over the country than the religious group was when they gathered at Stockholmsmässan.

Love conquers all. That is written. Even i their Bible.

Erik Engelv

(text in box)

About the author

Age: 34.

Location: Stockholm.

Occupation: Head of sales.

(text in box)

Do you need a listening ear?

Hjälpkällan is a religiously and politically neutral organisation that offers support and information to persons who has been, is, or want to leave or join a closed religious community.

Read more at: hjalpkallan.se

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On 7/2/2018 at 11:15 PM, Jack Ryan said:

It is the fourth year that Jehovah's Witnesses annual gathering is held at the Stockholm Fair, which is part of the City of Stockholm. This year, the key message is to show courage.


I wonder why they would choose that theme?

On 7/2/2018 at 11:15 PM, Jack Ryan said:

-They do not realize how dangerous this is for children. Two years ago, films were shown with families and children hiding in a basement. In the final scene, soldiers storm up with automatic weapons, she says.


Yeah, like how police have shown up in Russia, typically in full riot gear, to arrest members of the faith.

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Stockholm Sweden is famous for it's acceptance of all kinds of people, ideas and philosophies, and welcoming people that will eventually lead to their destruction ( such as immigrants who will not eat ham sandwiches ...) .

Speaking of controversial choices, and Sweden, and Food, and diversity ....


Food Fight! (Extended Version) _ with The Swedish Chef _ Muppisode _ The Muppets.mp4

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3 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

Swedish POLICE launch preliminary INVESTIGATION in Jehovah's Witnesses anti-LGBT video from 2018 Regional Convention

It just isn't possible to understand the Bible's code of conduct unless you accept it as of divine origin and obligatory. With that as a basis, then personal difficulties with it's requirements remain in that context, as a problem for the individual to resolve, not a problem with the requirement.

It just isn't possible to compromise the Bible's view on specific LBGT behavioural issues, despite the attempts of various religionists. So there will always be conflict between those who reject the Bible standard for sexual behaviour and those who adhere to and promote it. This conflict extends into the legal arena as the conflict has been blended with a human rights issue which basically excludes a consideration of God's will on the matter.

The Bible does not always give the reasons for why a course of conduct is right or wrong in God's eyes. That determination is left to the individual and may either be deduced by logic or by observation, over time. (Why circumcision on the 8th day? Also, see the book "None of These Diseases").

The basic, ubiquitous reason given for keeping God's requirements is the rather generally stated: "That it may go well for you" but this is just not enough of a reason for many. In fact, no reason is sufficient for those who just do not want to live by the Bible's code of conduct. What is most puzzling however is the fact that those who "do not" seek to impose by force an acceptance of that preference on those who "do". This takes the conflict into the thorny area of state control v freedom of religious expression.

Nevertheless, this conflict will continue. The fact remains that Jehovah's Witnesses do not discriminate against those who describe themselves in the terms of the LBGT movement. However they do discriminate, vigorously, against the sexual practices that identify such ones, and that will never change.

There's nothing new about rejection of the standards of the God of the Bible, and there's nothing new about the attempts on one group or another to introduce a reversal of those standards, even to the point of asserting that the practice once abhorred is now promoted by God. It follows the pattern of behaviour prevalent at the time of the prophet Isaiah and expressed at Isaiah 5:20:

"Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good,those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Yeah, like how police have shown up in Russia, typically in full riot gear, to arrest members of the faith.

Sweden is just exercising their right to challenge anyone they think is no conforming to the E.U. empowerment of gay rights.

While they can scrutinize the Watchtower, they will not be able to prove malice. We are in an age of religion being challenged by the far left that has embodied itself to atheism rather than a religious order. But why would it surprise anyone within the Watchtower organization, if these events are foretold?

LGBT people have the same human rights as all individuals, which include the right to non-discrimination in the enjoyment of these rights. This

principle is enshrined in numerous international instruments, providing

for a wide scope in its application. Specifically, at the global level, it is

embodied in Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political

Rights (ICCPR) and Article 2 of the International Covenant on Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) (see Annex 1).

The EU unanimously supported the December 2008 United Nations

General Assembly (UNGA) Statement on human rights, sexual orientation

and gender identity


supported by 68 countries from five continents. The Statement reaffirms the principle of non-discrimination and condemns executions, arbitrary arrest or violations of human rights on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.


The same principle that is emerging in the U.S. Religion has been steadily being attacked since the millennials took over. 2000’s

The E.U will someday decide who is more beneficial. Christianity had a long run, So, now?

For now, just like article 26 give rights to gays? Article 9 give the same rights to religion. What the E.U. wants is a balanced approach by conscience.

In the meantime? Read up on all the sensational propaganda news.

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On 7/2/2018 at 11:15 PM, Jack Ryan said:

Sabina Sjöberg, who left Jehovah's Witnesses just over 20 years ago.


On 7/2/2018 at 11:15 PM, Jack Ryan said:

If you're taking movies from Disney, parents can comfort the kids and say it's not true, but here's no comfort and the kids get awful nightmares.

I guess she is talking from personal experience or the "testimony" from others who have left?

She makes it sound like JW parents revel in the idea that their children are going to personally witness and suffer persecution. "There is no comfort" ? Of course there is comfort, and I would hope parents of young children who show concern and fear over the videos would be sensible enough to put their child's mind at ease with age appropriate explanations.  A good topic for family worship no doubt. I have read a few "life stories" of ex witnesses who say that as children they were traumatized by images of Armageddon in the earlier publications. The scene with the little boy in the video perhaps illustrates that very instance.  Parents however are shown clearly a suggestion of how to deal with that kind of concern a child might have. I would say the video alerts parents to keep an eye out and be proactive in addressing great tribulation and Armageddon related issues....Just my thoughts anyway, but since I no longer have young children, out of interest I will ask a few of the moms who do.

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6 hours ago, alvi languore insanabili said:

While they can scrutinize the Watchtower, they will not be able to prove malice. We are in an age of religion being challenged by the far left that has embodied itself to atheism rather than a religious order. But why would it surprise anyone within the Watchtower organization, if these events are foretold?



You are right, and it does not. I will admit, however being surprised as the suddenness of the onslaught. This makes the third of three entirely separate reasons to viciously attack Jehovah's Witnesses, in Russia even banning them.

It appears to be like Jesus said abut the theif not announcing his presence beforehand and so the householder must keep on the watch. To the extent ones have done that, they are probably glad of it. It appears to be getting near to crunch time.

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8 minutes ago, Anna said:

I have read a few "life stories" of ex witnesses who say that as children they were traumatized by images of Armageddon in the earlier publications. The scene with the little boy in the video perhaps illustrates that very instance. 

Yes, it reminds me of the Newsweek cover a few years back emblazoning the headlines of recent disasters on all fronts, then concluding (on the cover) with a nice reassuring message for the children , because it didn't want to frighten them: "What the !@!* is next?" it read.


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Isn't there a big difference between active condemnation or criticism of the LGBT community and a mere non support of it? Isn't being forced to support that movement or being criticized/ostracized for not supporting it actually interfering with human rights?

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Acts 5:38,39  "So under the present circumstances, I say to you, do not meddle with these men, but let them alone. For if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself."

These words were spoken by Gamaliel an esteemed Law teacher and member of the Sanhedrin.

When the book  "The Finished Mystery" was released in 1917 exposing Babylonish teachings i.e. hellfire, immortal soul, trinity doctrines as being false, the religious community came after Jehovah's people. Their smear campaigns designed to destroy the Bible Students had an affect in some quarters (politically) but the more instigators stirred the hate filled pot, the more people came in the organization. Is that a surprise? Not really....because the louder the noise, the more interest was aroused in people who had not heard of Jehovah's organization.

Hitler's third Reich were to wipe out Jehovah's Witnesses but who is gone and who is left standing? Although many hundreds of us were killed, thousands more became Jehovah's Witnesses. That chariot spoken of in Ezekiel continues moving in all directions and is our support and even though the trying times in Russia are not pleasant, we have to remember the book has already been written and we know the ending. Revelation ch.19

Apostates and disfellowshipped ones are all over the internet and interacting with you....be careful. If disfellowshipped ones didn't want to be in the organization, why are they crying now? They should be happy and rejoicing, I know we are. Those disfellowshipped have these primary reasons....IMMORAL BEHAVIOR, APOSTASY AND/OR GOSSIP and they show no remorse or repentance.  Make no mistake, there are also those in the congregations who will be exposed in Jehovah's due time. Why don't they leave? It is because they think that they will have a chance to jump back over the fence when the tribulation begins. Warped are those having such a view....they cannot fool Jehovah who has read the heart.

Those who are whining about a video or videos scaring their children, are the same people who have bought tablets and let them play violent video games for many hours a day because it keeps them quiet and out of their hair...OR they allow them to watch TV shows advocating spirit take over. 



Yes, the question IS one of Integrity. When one knows better do they have the integrity to do better? Integrity is a word that is used often and has, for most, lost its import and meaning and become just a word that is thrown out and not assimilated, pondered and meditated over. Does God’s Word and the reasons behind the deliberate and specific usages and word choices have meaning for you? Do we live our lives with integrity as its core or do we choose to believe every vile wind no matter from which direction it blows because it is in keeping with our own corrupted heart condition? Integrity is rooted in the heart.

The Hebrew word for integrity - (tom) has its foundation in a relevant biblical concept. That is the Hebrew word for heart (lev). In the ancient Paleo or pictographs - this word is represented by the combination of the lamed and the beyt. The lamed is Lev represented by the ancient pictograph of the staff--standing for authority, as it was used to direct the flocks and it was the motivator serving to move the flock in the desired direction. It is combined then with the beyt--the picture of the tent floor plan, meaning inside, as the family lives inside the tent.

Combined, you have the “authority within”, or heart – a person’s true authority within themselves. A similar English phrase, “the heart of the matter” still reflects this understanding [also reflected in Matthew 12:40, Exodus 15:8, Jonah 2:3, 2 Samuel 18:14]. It is the lev which proves the inner most core motivator of the human being – the authority within.

In the Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 1882, page 67, offers this: “It is said to stand for the central part in general, the inside, and so for the interior man as manifesting himself in all his various activities, in his desires, affections, emotions, passions, purposes, his thoughts, perceptions, imaginations, his wisdom, knowledge, skill, his beliefs, his reasonings, his memory, and his consciousness”, and they go on to state, “not mere outward appearances but what a person really is inside is what counts with God, who is an examiner of hearts.”

Further substantiation of this concept, the bible describes that such a person is lacking, void or empty, of certain traits in their lev, or authority within - such as void of understanding, lacking good judgment or discernment, lacking experience, lacking wisdom, et al – showing that the “positive qualities of the inner person” are deficient. And so the heart or lev is not full, it is lacking, deficient, dysfunctional, and perhaps even corrupted.

Just as tom, integrity pictured by the [taw & mem] is the mark of water, or waterline, used to assess fullness, completeness, intactness – a way to measure the fullness of a lake, a water vessel, or even the human vessel [by the fullness, or “integrity” of heart], or conversely, a way of assessing whether something is not completely full, and therefore in want, or lacking something, in need of something, deficient, divided, or corrupted.

In Psalm 7:8, David states, “Jehovah himself will pass judgment on the peoples. Judge me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness [tsedeq] and according to my integrity [tom, a full and complete heart by biblical measure] in me.”

In Psalm 26:1, David writes, “Judge me, O Jehovah, for I myself have walked in my own integrity [tom, a full and complete heart by biblical measure]”

Proverbs 26:28 “ A tongue that is false hates the one crushed by it, and a flattering mouth causes an overthrow.”

Proverbs 6:16 “16 There are six things that Jehovah hates; Yes, seven things that he detests:

17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart plotting wicked schemes, and feet that run quickly to evil,

19 A false witness who lies with every breath, And anyone sowing contentions among brothers.”

1 John 3:15 “. 15 Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer, and YOU know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him.”









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