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Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?


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20 hours ago, BroRando said:

"You, therefore, beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard so that you may not be led astray with them by the error of the lawless people and fall from your own steadfastness." (2 Peter 3:17)

What are God’s people in 2 Pet 3 looking forward to?  Some “advanced knowledge” as your translation puts it, of a projected date signifying the end?

"Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position."

What were they being forewarned about, or given advanced knowledge about?

Because the “day of the Lord” will come as a thief, they were told to “make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him”.   2 Pet 3:14

He said this because… “Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.”  2 Pet 3:3

You cannot use these scriptures to bolster your date.  Peter was telling God's holy people how easy they could fall from their "heavenly" calling.  The works of all anointed down to today, would be revealed by "fire" - the Word of God. (Jer 23:29)  Everything that they said and did, will be "laid bare".  His word is the touchstone of judgment.  

9 hours ago, BroRando said:

 As for that on the fine soil, these are the ones who, after hearing the word with a fine and good heart,t retain it and bear fruit with endurance.


This is talking about the teachings of Jesus Christ. You are saying that your prediction is truth.  Do you dare compare it to the words of Jesus which must settle and grow in the heart?  Are your words more important than what Jesus said in Acts 1:7?  Do you believe that both “words”, yours and those of Jesus, can find room in a heart that must remove all “weeds”/lies in order to flourish?

How shameful.  Jer 6:15


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Please explain the difference between the first part of that scripture and the second part. After all there is an "AND" between the two parts so we should be able to understand both the first portion

I appreciate that you finally fixed part of your mistake. In the past few years you kept insisting that this quote about 1914 +120 years came from Russell himself. Later, you reworded slightly to

No. Because the night on the third day would not have been completed before dawn of that second day. If someone dies on Friday afternoon and they are buried that Friday night, then the night of t

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9 hours ago, BroRando said:

It's spiritual sister. 

Please understand me - I am not challenging you.   You say Hosea 6: 2 is spiritual, then why are you not applying it figuratively ?  Instead you are putting on it concrete reasoning and a specific date like 2034.

I am honest with you - when some witnesses here were saying that we are wrong about 1914 and it has been "overlapping" generations in order to criticize the 1914 date,  I myself said to them it is not over yet........ wait until 120 years has passed.  The "generation" in Noah's day was 120 years before the destruction. It could apply in this way....   I am open to it.  But I would not use Hosea; or the sign of Jonah, to get to this number.

However, things are moving preeetty fast right now. ...  the extreme lack of food is here, this cannot last too long because a lot of people will die from hunger and govts. will lock us down again on some pretext to keep law and order (until they completely don't care) - together with these pestilences, untimely death by "beasts" and so forth. 

I am happy we are here in this time - it is time to lift up our heads - we see things moving forward... but also sad that so many are not listening.  I am frantic to try to get old friends to listen.

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8 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

of course its not talking about only a few 120 year olds enduring to the end,and just as people have rebelled against the generation issue makes it difficult for THEM


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6 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

Now, if you don't understand, WW1 and the Jews being freed by the grips of the Muslims (Ottoman Empire), when they were handed over to the Arabs by G-d (Babylonians), thus ending the gentile times, your ignorance is as bad as JWI.

I know much of this history.  I live in a country now that is nominally Muslim, was under the Ottoman empire for 500 years. I also know the history of the Sultans, Ataturk, I watch Erdogan's antics, I read the Quran and studied Sharia law....... 

BUT I still do not understand your presumed application of what you were trying to bring across. The Jews were put under a protectorate after WW1 until they received their own state since 1948, but there are very few true worshippers of Jehovah in this state at present and and very few who accept that Jesus was the Messiah.  As a nation, they are no longer Jehovah's people.  (Jer 31 from verse 31 onward)  They do not even pronounce  Jehovah's name to make it known and bring glory to it! 

After 1914 - when Jehovah chose those who would do the preaching work globally -  the JW remnant were freed from Babylon the Great (and the prisons) and they really preached against Babylon the Great!   It was like the plagues in the Book of revelation.... painful to Christendom to be exposed in such a fiery way!

Most of the scriptures now going into fulfillment is about the true Israel of God (Gal 6:16) not the State of Israel. 

Jer31:  33  “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares Jehovah. “I will put my law within them,b and in their heart I will write it.c And I will become their God, and they will become my people.”d34  “And they will no longer teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know Jehovah!’e for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them,”f declares Jehovah. “For I will forgive their error, and I will no longer remember their sin.”g


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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Please understand me - I am not challenging you.   You say Hosea 6: 2 is spiritual, then why are you not applying it figuratively ?  Instead you are putting on it concrete reasoning and a specific date like 2034.

So let's review Jesus' Prophecy that has been unfolding since Pentecost 33 CE. “Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) This temple is Christ's Brothers of the 144,000 which are in turn Christ's Body. Jesus stated "in three days I will raise it up."

Jesus could of stated this in several ways.

  • in three days
  • on the third day
  • after two days

Again, allow scripture to interpret scripture. "He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him." (Hosea 6:2)

Look and see with eyes of faith. Apply the scriptures. "However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." (2 Peter 3:8)

  • The Body of Christ began to be collected on Pentecost 33 CE.
  • Pentecost happened on 33 CE + 2000 yrs = 2033 CE the third day begins 2034. Not all anointed will be heavenly at this point but you can apply other scriptures during the Last Days of this Age as they come to their End:

"Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we will be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

You won't find 2034 in the Bible, but you won't find 33 CE either. Yet, 33 CE was a 'timed event' that comes from the Messiah being cut off in the middle of that 70th week and Pentecost followed 50 days later. They looked with their eyes but they could not see.

We also get 1914 from another 'timed event' that occurred. But when you add the Last Days of Noah, what do you get for the Last Days of this Age? 1914 + 120 yrs = 2034

Knowing these things doesn't give you divine protection or extraordinary insight but it may make you more accountable to Jehovah. "For the vision is yet for its appointed time, And it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!" (Habakkuk 2:3)

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2 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

It's a "timed event".  Keep walking and do not look back. Remember Lot's wife... After the wicked witness our brothers and sisters surviving beyond the 70 or 80 years, Gog of Magog, that is Satan's entire Political Systems will come to bring harm to Jehovah's Witnesses.... 

im liking the idea of the living beyond 70 or 80 years in the near future ,but this is say that this will happen while satans system is still active ,think this is not as current understanding has it ,,you maybe going down a rabbit hole this time

it is a timed event  and the reference to lots wife is really meaning people will harden thier hearts in the last days

you really need to put YOUR TIME LINE IN SOME GRAPHIC FORM as this isnt just a minor event ,its big time once and once only event

I have. Anyways after the Great Tribulation begins, the seperation of the sheep begins in secret. The Great Crowd simply keeps living on into Jehovah's New World. While the wicked SEE and lament over their dying condition. They wll relaize that they are dying the second death and become AFRAID of Jehovah's People. 

"All the peoples of the earth will have to SEE that Jehovah’s name has been called upon you, and they will be afraid of you." (Deut 28:10)


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19 minutes ago, BroRando said:

“Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

In this instance he was speaking figuratively of his BODY - not the congregation or the millennial reign.   


23 minutes ago, BroRando said:

three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19)

Read verse 21 and you will see Jesus was talking about his personal body -  " "21 but he was talking about the temple of his body".  As I said before' one cannot use this reference to the most sacred event to refer to his reign. 


24 minutes ago, BroRando said:

"He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him." (Hosea 6:2)

Out of context because Jehovah spoke about the restoring of his people after genuine repentance NOT about millennial end of times.   "he struck us but he will bind out wounds, He will revive us after two days, on the third day he will raise us up.  We know that the number two and three has significance for the assurance that it will happen. When did Jehovah struck Christian believers down?   However, he did strike Israel when he allowed them to be exiled.

33 minutes ago, BroRando said:

We also get 1914 from another 'timed event' that occurred. But when you add the Last Days of Noah, what do you get for the Last Days of this Age? 1914 + 120 yrs = 2034

Now this comparison I can agree with because you are comparing concrete numbers and a specific timed event.  It may apply - but Jehovah is going to cut the time short in order to save some..... so Armageddon can come at any time between today and the date you are giving - which is derived from the flood event.

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