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JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?

Jack Ryan

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@Jack Ryan said:How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention? Never happened yet. But if it did, I would tak

Does wearing a badge determine if one is on the path of righteousness?  Do you remember the cross and crown on the early Watchtower magazines?  It is a Masonic symbol that can be worn as a pin.  Would

The Brothers in Mexico, specifically, the Sierra Madre Mountains had the same problem with badges we have ... people expected to see them all the time. We don't need no stinking badges!.mp4

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2 minutes ago, Anna said:

it is a recommendation (not a MUST) Soooo.....where's the problem?

There is a quite a difference between a suggestion and a directive.

Was the direction given as a suggestion? So delegates were free not to wear it?

What would happen if one of them chose NOT to wear it?

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31 minutes ago, Jack Ryan said:

What would happen if one of them chose NOT to wear it?

That's an easy one. I did not wear mine two out of the three days. And guess what happened? Absolutely nothing!

I think you are a little misguided there Jack. Do you really think that some elder is going to hunt someone down for not wearing a badge? If you really think that, then you have been damaged more than I thought. I am sorry and wish I could help.

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I believe we are witnesses of Jehovah 24/7 if there is a request to wear badges at a meal in a hotel it is a witness to everyone who is staying at the hotel also it reminds us we are not on holiday we are there because Jehovah invited us to be at His table for the spiritual food that we need at this time, you don`t have to wear your badge if you don`t want to give a witness and say this is how we are when we come to Jehovah`s table,  it may open the way for someone to give you the experience that you only hear about from others. If you moan about a small thing like the wearing of a badge at dinner at the hotel where you`re staying, then what are you going to do when we are instructed to do/go something that is not practical in our eyes,  just not do it, Small things we comply with will give us the determination to do a bigger life saving thing in the future. Please don`t squabble or moan about the small things LOOK at the bigger picture keep your minds on what Jehovah will bring

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@derek1956 Derek, I don't think anyone is squabbling here. Jack made it clear that he no longer believes the Bible and JW organization, so listening or not listening to any instructions big or small is irrelevant to him. As for me, I had legitimate reasons for not wearing my badge twice. What I was trying to point out was that it is up to each individual whether they wear one or not, just like it will be up to each individual whether they listen to some directive in the future. We are not robots, no one is going to MAKE us do anything now, or in the future. 

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3 hours ago, derek1956 said:

If you moan about a small thing like the wearing of a badge at dinner at the hotel where you`re staying, then what are you going to do when we are instructed to do/go something that is not practical in our eyes, 

But as for you, communicate the behavior that goes with sound teaching.  Titus 2:1

For there will be a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things. (NET)

Hold to the standard of sound words that you heard from me and do so with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.  2 Tim 1:13

Believe what the Bible says.  Be like a Berean, "examining the scriptures carefully every day to see if these things were so."  ("when we are instructed to do/go something that is not practical in our eyes")   Acts 17:11

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7 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

What if you are ordered to do some other crazy thing like.... never use a credit card?

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Really? You answer a question with another question?

Why should the watchtower organization even tell you what to do in your own time?!

Jesus NEVER instituted an organisation or theocratic kingdom on earth

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4 hours ago, derek1956 said:

I believe we are witnesses of Jehovah 24/7 if there is a request to wear badges at a meal in a hotel it is a witness to everyone who is staying at the hotel also it reminds us we are not on holiday we are there because Jehovah invited us to be at His table for the spiritual food that we need at this time, you don`t have to wear your badge if you don`t want to give a witness and say this is how we are when we come to Jehovah`s table,  it may open the way for someone to give you the experience that you only hear about from others. If you moan about a small thing like the wearing of a badge at dinner at the hotel where you`re staying, then what are you going to do when we are instructed to do/go something that is not practical in our eyes,  just not do it, Small things we comply with will give us the determination to do a bigger life saving thing in the future. Please don`t squabble or moan about the small things LOOK at the bigger picture keep your minds on what Jehovah will bring

No, you are witnesses of the watchtower.




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