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JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests


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Would it be fair to surmise your post as a “conspiracy theory?” I am working on a post on that topic now, a few separate items having gelled together over the last few weeks. 

Maybe, depending on the action here, I will even put it on this thread—not as a competing idea, nor dovetailing—just the same topic as seen from another angle—with focus on how it relates to our people.

When push comes to shove, all is a manifestation of the whole world lying in the power of the you-know-who of 1 Jn 5:19. It is odd that Tom Irregardless’s remark (quoted from Willie Whitepebble’s recollection) comes across as so stupid on the surface and so spot-on overall:

“And to think that Tom Irregardless, when confronted with some news report he didn’t understand, which was almost anything, would dismiss it all with ‘it just goes to show we need the Kingdom!’ How long had he been saying that?”

I’ve known plenty of people apt to use that quick retort. I becomes exasperating. Still, that does not mean that it is wrong.

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I had no doubt that YOU knew it. But there are some people here from the UK, like @4Jah2me (assuming of course that he is the reincarnation of @John Butler). And, I'm not so sure that they had any gro

I know the original lyric. And I also know something of women. I once told JTR that I would love to hear from his kids. I begin to think that I would love to hear from yours as well.  

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31 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Would it be fair to surmise your post as a “conspiracy theory?”

Wow! I saw a little notification that you had posted, and I came back from breakfast to look for that Washington Post article, and clicked send. I didn't realize that we already dovetailed on 1 John 5:19.

The longer post definitely includes some assumptions, but not intended to be conspiratorial. But the recent shorter post was intended to show a relationship between "conspiracies" and "reality" which will allow persons to easily dismiss the longer post, or look at it to help explain some real and serious phenomena.

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Wow, um, no part of the world. I would think it's all driven by the Devil and the demons and best left alone. We, that is people with knowledge of God and His written word, and wisdom from above, know only too well that man's inhumanity to man will continue up until Armageddon. 

The only one question I've been asking (as a person with no political knowledge) is, How did Obama make it up to President ? If racism is that strong then how did he climb the long ladder of 'success' ? The answer is not important to me, but just curious.   

You will know that the protests have caused havoc here in England too. And will it contribute to the larger spread of Covid-19 ?  

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22 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Wow, um, no part of the world.

He’s on your thread, JWI, not mine.

22 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

How did Obama make it up to President ? If racism is that strong then how did he climb the long ladder of 'success' ? The answer is not important to me, but just curious.   

If it is not important to you, then why ask it?

Look, it is not a bad question.** No need to act as though so pious that a “worldly” thought would never cross your mind. Obviously it has, and it is not a sin to ask about what’s going on. If you don’t know what is going on, then you are ever inclined to say stupid things. Tom Irregardless may have been right, but his knee-jerk response was annoying nonetheless: 

“And to think that Tom Irregardless, when confronted with some news report he didn’t understand, which was almost anything, would dismiss it all with ‘it just goes to show we need the Kingdom!’ How long had he been saying that?”

**I won’t answer it, of course, because I am too pure for that sort of thing—I only think of God. But maybe “worldly” JWI will.

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@TrueTomHarley  Good olde Tom. A little perspective then. We have an infestation of rats in both our front garden and rear garden. We are having great fun in 'culling' them. So removing rats is an important issue to me in a practical way, Obama isn't an important issue to me :) . Also, debating scripture and meanings of same are important to me in a spiritual way, Obama isn't important to me. And BLM protests are not important to me as I know it's all part of the Devil's system, not God's.  Not long ago it was Extinction Rebellion protests. 

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

Wow, um, no part of the world.

I knew I should try to keep religion completely out of this. But. . .

How did Jesus know that Herod Antipas was a fox? How did Luke know that Felix was probably looking for a bribe from Paul? How do you think that the writers for the Daniel and Revelation books could try to come up with the political entities that seemed to match up to the entities and symbols found in various Bible prophecies. Outside of those flimsy excuses, you might still be right. (That I shouldn't offer my two cents.)

But I did fully expect this comment from you. I wasn't sure who might attack first, though, since there are others besides you who could even be more anxious to pounce. I consider these posts to be much more trivial than a Bible discussion, but I have no problem providing something for others to pounce on, especially if someone's comfort level with other topics might be too strained if they feel it necessary to take them too seriously.

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Unrelated, but remember the AntiJWs I mentioned in the past? These guys do not just dislike JWs, but they also dislike Christianity as a whole. According to them, they spotted some ExJws using the current situation as a tool of some sort. Reasons why I asked you lot if you think you are safe, for you have even some Christians out there that is pretending to be protesters to destroy their own property to fake victimhood.


3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Would it be fair to surmise your post as a “conspiracy theory?” I am working on a post on that topic now, a few separate items having gelled together over the last few weeks. 

Maybe, depending on the action here, I will even put it on this thread—not as a competing idea, nor dovetailing—just the same topic as seen from another angle—with focus on how it relates to our people.

When push comes to shove, all is a manifestation of the whole world lying in the power of the you-know-who of 1 Jn 5:19. It is odd that Tom Irregardless’s remark (quoted from Willie Whitepebble’s recollection) comes across as so stupid on the surface and so spot-on overall:

“And to think that Tom Irregardless, when confronted with some news report he didn’t understand, which was almost anything, would dismiss it all with ‘it just goes to show we need the Kingdom!’ How long had he been saying that?”

I’ve known plenty of people apt to use that quick retort. I becomes exasperating. Still, that does not mean that it is wrong.

Well that is understandable. The crazy thing is due to Cancel Culture, denying BLM will result in a number of things against you. Some people lost their jobs for pointing out the hypocrisy of BLM.

Granted my position because of the skin of my color, people expect me to support BLM. But I do not. These fanatics want to defund the police and deem anyone a threat if you think otherwise. Granted I dwell in business and all things cooperate, I have seen business executive's too afraid to say they do not support BLM, for if they do, they will not just be fired, but their name will be dragged around the mud and tarred, branded a heretic by the US, the EU and Asia. Can you imagine that, your name being thrown about in this matter.

That being said, never accept the mindless mantra of BLM.

2 hours ago, Anna said:

Look y'all, all I'm interested in is: When is Armagedon coming? 

Soon. But the whole narrative of seeing Yahweh, Jehovah, YHWH being written, vandalized on to property as well as Jesus and or Yeshua being written all over the place, it is understandable as to those out there that seems to be ready for God's day when they haven't even gotten to the End Time Tribulations yet.

On the other side of the spectrum, the UN has made a small movement, as is with the powers that be. These things alone tells you things will not return to normalcy 100%, even for you guys.

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26 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

I consider these posts to be much more trivial than a Bible discussion

I like the account in which Paul’s accuser gushes on and on about Felix—showering him with insincere praise. When it becomes Paul’s turn, he all but says “Well—you’ve certainly been around for awhile.” Felix was a rotter through and through, and everyone knew it.

“When the governor nodded to Paul to speak, he answered: “Knowing well that this nation has had you as judge for many years, I readily speak in my own defense.” Acts 10:24

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