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JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests


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It looks or sounds as if JWs are surprised by world 'trends' in protests and violence. Surely this is just all part of Satan's system. Yes of course i noticed JWI's sarcasm.  But i laugh at the deep investigating and the guessing, by some, about the next US election. 

My son has just informed me of more protests in London from BLM and it's opposition.  He also told me about the trouble in Seattle........  Then I read somewhere about China sending troops into India, but I don't deeply investigate these things as i just see it as the continuing story of the Devil's way of pulling people away from God....  

Maybe if it was 'on my doorstep' then maybe I'd investigate it more, concerning the safety of my family, but not getting mentally or emotionally involved. Perhaps I just live a too quiet a life and don't find the need to get involved. 

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I had no doubt that YOU knew it. But there are some people here from the UK, like @4Jah2me (assuming of course that he is the reincarnation of @John Butler). And, I'm not so sure that they had any gro

I know the original lyric. And I also know something of women. I once told JTR that I would love to hear from his kids. I begin to think that I would love to hear from yours as well.  

Research from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University confirm the results of a more limited study a couple years ago of the Philly Police Dept—that the race of the officer is not a fa

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

JWs are surprised by world 'trends' in protests and violence.

Actually, you are right not to get involved - until they want you to compromise your faith.

If you remember correctly, I have been warning of a commie-style totalitarian take-over. This is part of the cultural revolution. They want to destroy businesses to remove the independence of people and have all wealth redistributed.

The indoctrinated youth, in the post modern philosophy, want a total new collective system. They blame the whites and slavery for the world conditions. Here is a good video about it.  I watched it earlier today..posted below.

Our youth are ready for acceptance of the One World Order for peace and security ...... - which is not a conspiracy - because top world leaders have secretly been working towards this goal since 1950's.  Kissenger is one of them together with the first Bush president.  All the super rich, technocrats, and digital moguls are on board as well. They have been spending their money on the front organizations and in subversive ways to bring about their technocracy of the future...... which in all probability will be led by the policies of the UN......... who has been spearheading this all along.  Most nations have signed on to the UN visions for the future as laid out in agenda 21 and UN agenda 2030.

Worship of the state only with no religion allowed.  Digital money and surveillance in the future. We will be tested as one will not be able to buy or sell if you are a thought-terrorist - one who does not agree with the state and sticks to religion. 

So set aside the beefs you have with Jehovahs people and start calling on him in earnest, He is the only one who can help us all. We are sitting ducks........ like Israel was with Pharoah next to the red sea. Hopefully our rescue will be as spectacular.


This is about a short history of slavery and how far they are going to break down statues - a removal of all old culture....... which is Maoist. 


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4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I seriously try not to get involved in 'worldly affairs'.  Protests are just tools of the devil. Not long ago we had Extinction Rebellion. Now we have Black Lives Matter.  The protesters are looking to 'men' for answers and those that obey the governments of the world are also looking to 'men' for answers. But we know better. We look to God through Christ for the answers. The prayer that Jesus gave as an example, says it all. 

Yes, but you should be vigilant, for that is what the Bible tells us to apply, as is with discerning, and aware. You seem to be confused on the narrative of BLM and or anyone on the Left (Far-Left). BLM are Reformed. The Reformed wants liberty, they want equality (egalitarianism), progress, and lastly, they are internationalist, therefore, they demand more government, and the latter is primarily Democrat, likewise to you in the UK, that mentality is the same, granted, in the EU, The United Kingdom is a superior ally to the United States. They seek social justice through distributive social and economical polices, reasons why sometimes people refer to them as Social Justice Warriors (SJWs).

That is a misconception, they do listen to ALL the "men and women" even the statist (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), they are the Far-Left, so to assume otherwise, you can easily be branded as a Sexist by them, if we are talking about race, and to anyone who is White/Caucasian, they can be branded as a Nazi, whereas in this case, if met with ANTIFA the one they branded will quickly be surrounded by young people and college students fully adorn in black attire and ready to, "beat-down" the one they've branded. As for those called Sexist, the victim must be ready to have his or her life ruin. That is the game the Far-Left plays. Lastly, they list primarily to Democrats, who are partnered with the Government, in turn, the United Nations (for the UN has hands in a multitude of political and religious superpowers).

Of course, the only side we must be on is on God's side, and of his Christ, all the more reasons why to remain neutral in the affairs of the world. However, that does not mean we should give up on being vigilant, for as Christians, as told in Scripture, we are the types to be watchful for all things even though we do not partake in them, this also connects to the fact that we are Preachers, despite these things, we preach to the people.

3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

My son has just informed me of more protests in London from BLM and it's opposition.

There will always be more. There was a Truther out there who had nearly beaten to death when recording the events. The protesting will not stop anytime soon because as I mentioned to JWInsider and Matthew, the MSM is constantly throwing racism into the mix, moreover, the mob mentality has increased, so you can easily be in danger directly and or indirectly.

London you say? That reminds me of something.

3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

He also told me about the trouble in Seattle........ 

This is recent. I am awaiting to see what honorable Anderson has to say about this. Anderson was a police officer, who was kicked out of the force for speaking the truth. Granted he is a Good Cop (former), BLM and the Left deem him an enemy, for they believe for the sake of one evil soul, all other good souls are guilty, which is a absurd way of thinking and application.

3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Then I read somewhere about China sending troops into India, but I don't deeply investigate these things as i just see it as the continuing story of the Devil's way of pulling people away from God....  

People are unaware of China's movements, which is obvious, but best be careful of what the MSM is telling you, this goes for what you see and hear on Social Media, for even on those platforms, people lie and through misconception.

The majority are irreligious. They have twisted the actions of Jesus and his words and of his God to the SJW narrative, BLM and others on the Far-Left has been doing this.

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Quote SM " #fffefa; color:#353c41; font-size:14px; text-align:start">I ask these things because most people who speak on CSA just shout it, but yield no sort of solution whatsoever#fffefa; color:#353c41; font-size:14px; text-align:start">, "

As for CSA, I do not try to look for answers in the 'world', and I do not get involved in trying to find solutions for the Devil's system of things. My concern with CSA is only in the CCJW. That religion is quite different to most because each congregation acts like a 'family unit'. Because of that people spend more time together in the Kingdom Halls, on the ministry, in congregants private homes and at social gatherings.. It can give a false sense of friendship and trust. This has been proven by the amount of CSA in the CCJW Earth wide. 

I'm asking you though. You are very adamant of Child Sex Abuse, are you not? I am not talking about JWs, I am not talking about anything else but BLM. WE already know Child Sex Abuse, as well as violence against them is all over the place, as of recent, even in planes they are not safe. For I asked you this question because what is being pushed into the children, for example, is to hate another child who is white - that is one of many, many examples.

So I ask you, #2980b9">since you are a parent, to make it easier for you, what is best needed to negate this kind of application of today's world, especially from BLM from entering into the mind of the child? What is the most important thing that defends a child from these things, mind you even the Bible mentions this.

Granted, to JWInsider's credit, you mention CSA everywhere, this question I pose to you is an honorable contribution to the cause, for I have been fighting child sex and violence abuse, a lot of children look up to me because of what I passed on to them, hence the question posed I've integrated BLM.

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An update, in the Truther community I found this, the whole religious aspect of BLM is being talked about now, since prior we talked about the political aspect of BLM, which turned out to be true, granted the history.

The whole chanting thing, as is with the chant "kill all the whites" is a scary notion for the common man. But still, you have the Dems siding with them and paying for them as is with ANTIFA.

Now we have another problem, which is added into the mix, Pride Month. We all know what happens during these events outside of the LGBTQ community. That being said, another fight with the Little Boy and cohorts, the Desmond Crew.

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On 6/12/2020 at 2:33 PM, Space Merchant said:

@JW Insider I think he started one

Yes, especially the one about a CSA case JB knew about, wondering about whether some here thought he should report it. This is why I said "rarely." But I'm  hoping to say no more about JB, CSA, 4J except for what might be relevant to this topic. I shouldn't have made the Beatle's joke at his expense, but 4J was the only one I thought of with a particular connection to the UK.

On 6/11/2020 at 1:52 PM, Space Merchant said:

There are people out there, even in the black community that are referred to as race traitors for not agreeing with BLM, let alone if they speak of statistics involving police killings.

True, and it's a shame how a movement that could have been a simple cry for human for justice, and which had prided itself on an intelligent platform, can be so easily subverted. Not just from the outside, but from irrational people who tend to rise to the top of so many organizations. And even if the non-thinkers don't rise to the top, their voices will surely drown out those who are truly sighing and groaning over this system of things. These types of failures of all governments (to meets the needs of all the people) gives us a renewed impetus to preach our own version of reform. And those sincere among them who join our movement might find some measures of justice already available to them, and at the very least, a true and realistic hope for future justice.

17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

They seek social justice through distributive social and economical polices, reasons why sometimes people refer to them as Social Justice Warriors (SJWs).

Certain types of governments respond well to this means of creating change and progress. And it really is more difficult for some groups and races to effect needed change in many countries in this world. In some countries, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and many others, real racism is part of their literal constitution; SJWs need not apply. But racism is only a part of the story, smaller than most people think when they see it coalescing around the initials BLM. And those who want to make racism the whole story, are hypocritically using violence to make people see things in their own myopic way.

17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

MSM is constantly throwing racism into the mix, moreover, the mob mentality has increased

Exactly. And MSM (mainstream media) is a slippery term, too, these days. Many don't see the connection to the other form of MSM: manipulated social media. HBO's Homeland series did a couple of seasons that exposed media manipulation pretty well, I thought. It should also have come as no surprise that when FB/Twitter/etc decide to make a decision about where HK-related news can come from, they can instantly find tens of thousands of "bot" accounts to eliminate.

17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

People are unaware of China's movements, which is obvious, but best be careful of what the MSM is telling you, this goes for what you see and hear on Social Media, for even on those platforms, people lie and through misconception.

I think this is good advice, too. China and India have several border disputes, and anything that can come across as anti-China, especially in the UK or USA, will quickly make a mountain out of a molehill. Then again, a nuclear power can also make just the opposite happen. (BTW, India claims to own  a big part of Tibet, too.) I think India's new fascist leaning government will likely begin to push these issues in several additional ways. (FWIW, FB just loves Modi.)

9 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, another fight with the Little Boy and cohorts, the Desmond Crew.

You make a lot of obscure references, and I suppose I do, too. (Otherwise, posts would be even longer.) But I had to look up both of these ideas. It's a shame, even to many LGB persons in the LGBTQ++++++++ communities, that they see themselves as devalued and even debased by such young participants in their "movements." (And diluted by the extra ++++'s as every new letter wants to join the "expression.") It's a different story in their cases, but to many it's also another case of people thinking they are crying out for justice, and then subverted and sabotaged by SJW and other factions of identity politics.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

And those who want to make racism the whole story, are hypocritically using violence to make people see things in their own myopic way.

Research from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University confirm the results of a more limited study a couple years ago of the Philly Police Dept—that the race of the officer is not a factor in who gets shot. Yet the MSM would all but have us believe that the entire purpose of the police is to shoot back people. One can only wonder at their motive.


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@JW Insider Yes, and granted the position of the far-left, the far-right is reacting differently. The whole religious concept though, don't know if you are aware of the following below. When I saw this, I was shocked. Even yesterday, out of nowhere, a woman, older than me she looks early-mid 30s, she told me she was sorry, and I asked for what because the whites oppressed black people in the past. I told her she did not have to be sorry about it, for that is the past, we need to focus on the now and the future, regardless of one's race. My curiosity is granted most areas support BLM, how would the reaction be if they found out people such as myself do not support it. I've been in confrontation before because of the Bible, as I told JB before, so it may be similar with not supporting this group.


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Sorry to @TrueTomHarley but i had to give the laughing emoji due to this.:-

Higher education is not good says GB / CCJW  But to quote Tom :-

Research from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University confirm the results of ... " 

Oh so you mustn't go to Uni but you can rely on them for research. So funny Tom 


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@4Jah2me Higher Education is only deemed a problem when it comes to the shift of faith into other ideologies and or practices, some practices deem unChristian, as is, turning most students into uneeding of God, and or a different view of God, i.e. God is okay with homosexuality, God is okay with killing other Christians, etc. This is why some parents fear both public schooling and higher education, and the rabbit hole only goes deeper than that, something I addressed when it comes to educating children a while back, let alone, making them strong to not fall for this. Should a child go into higher education, for them to cross that path without abandoning God starts with what is to protect them, so they do not stumble.


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On 6/12/2020 at 8:26 PM, JW Insider said:

topic on CSA his own.

It is CSA-OCD lol. 

Video....... empty-headed......people........... but they want chaos...... a revolution.

They want no police so they can traffic children, loot and just be lawless.

UNESco pushing the sexualuzation of young children in the name of sex education. Radical feminine studies and post modern philosophy has been pushed at schools and universities - this is the result. 

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12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Research from the University of Maryland and Michigan State University confirm the results of a more limited study a couple years ago of the Philly Police Dept—that the race of the officer is not a factor in who gets shot. Yet the MSM would all but have us believe that the entire purpose of the police is to shoot back people. One can only wonder at their motive.


Exactly. But the narrative is White to Black, which is sparking outrage. If it is Black to Black, or as the Black Community refers to it, Black on Black Crime, media is silent because the story would not sell, and BLM is silent. The irony is that police officer confront and or kill white people at a higher rate vs. black people. Since the demographic of black people is 13%, a small percentage are within the criminal underworld, about 6% if my memory is correct whereas about 60%-70% makes up the population for white people, and a small percentage of those who do crime, for this percent is larger than the 6%. I'm still looking into this too, so this is based off of what I have been reading, so ongoing til I get a conclusion.

I do not know if anyone recalls the killing of Daniel Shaver, Kelly Thomas, there was also the little boy who was killed, but his father survived. Then there is Tony Timpa, who died in the same manner as George Floyd. Former and Retired Officer, David Dorn, 77, was killed, but no, MSM do not think his death would sell, mind you, his death, him bleeding out was live on Facebook. This was, as stated, Black on Black crime. His killer is Stefan Cannon, charged with 1st degree murder. This guy had a record, yet he was always lucky with being out and about. He was charged with armed robbery in 2014, was supposed to be jailed for 7 years, but got probation instead to which he violated twice. The Justice System is semi good and bad, for it does help to lock up criminals, killers, pedophiles, thieves, etc, they seem to let go those who are not willfully repentant, and or someone who can succumb to doing bad again.

I mean, they released some prisoners around the early moments of the pandemic, I think someone committed a crime sometime upon release.

That being said, The Justice System is like that of someone flipping a coin, simply choose Heads or Tails.

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10 minutes ago, Arauna said:

It is CSA-OCD lol. 

Video....... empty-headed......people........... but they want chaos...... a revolution.

They want no police so they can traffic children, loot and just be lawless.

That is going to be a problem, granted CSA is minimized, the idea of no police at all will result in would be abusers and current to come out of the woodwork, thus should one get any ideas, it will come to that. Essentially, you will have the purge, Mad Max, Gotham City, Deus Ex Prague all mixed into one, that is a recipe for disaster. This will result in Vigilante Justice to increase (There was literally a guy in a Batman suit walking about a few days ago, and a guy fending off attackers with a sword), granted the far-right are the types to, as what can be seen, practitioners of the second amendment and will use it. The irony is before COVID-19, people were buying guns in surplus, and still they continue. The guy at the fish market can be his own judge, jury and executioner, and granted these guys are locked and loaded, the bad guys are doing the same thing too, if it comes to that.

There is a possibility, for people are talking about Civil War, even my own brother says this, and he is not as up there in the updates compared to me.The rich moving out, etc. Well, if the Left and the Right clashes again but at a higher level, they have done so before, several times.

That being said, children are indeed vulnerable if it comes that not, not just CSA alone, but by influence, i.e. you have children attacking people, thinking they are justified and in the right. Look at the UK for example.

The bells of Lawlessness is ringing louder and louder by the day, as pestilence spreads throughout broken economical powers, as more and more people come out to play for the wrong reasons, but among it all, a new religion somehow is born.

Yikes, edit to come to the realization I may run into The Black Isrealites again.

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