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Trump insists he put ‘no pressure’ on Ukrainian President Zelenskiy


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Back to the topic of the OP. I think that the Democrats have show a usual level of stupidity, and then in addition, are falling into a huge trap here. I have seen Giuliani so sloppy at times that he d

I think that the new president of Ukraine wants a ride on Trump's plane and is willing to buy Javelins and stay in Trump Tower and buy more American oil to get it. 😎

Well, one can hardly blame him for that. Forgive me. My family made me drive Ramblers (AMC) growing up—the ultimate in child abuse. I developed an unreasonable underdog defense mentality about th

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The Democrat Party has top to bottom gone bat-crap crazy, and what they used to be good at is now concentrated, unmitigated EVIL.

They are trying to destroy the properly elected President of the United States with CONTINUOUS lies. If one doesn't work, they try another. When that doesn't work, they keep attacking with more completely made up lies.

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is incredibly competent at this evil slander, and is rabid to bring down Trump with any vile thing she can dream up ... RELYING on the fact that Democrat voters in general do NOT know what is real and what is not.

Here is the PROOF from the transcript that Pelosi wants to impeach the President for high treason.  Her suppositions are bald face slander, and pure, unadulterated evil, on parade!

The Democrat Party has become a cancer on the heart of America.

The following is a photo of the transcript of the "treasonous" phone call.

Download it and pass it on.

YOU read it and decide if it was a "quid pro quo" conversation, worthy of bringing down a U.S. President.



Ukrainian Transcript of Trump's call  .jpg

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9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

YOU read it and decide if it was a "quid pro quo" conversation, worthy of bringing down a U.S. President.

Some do. Some don’t.

I think the key point to take away from this is is, not only can people not agree on what to do in light of the facts, but they cannot even agree on what the facts are.

Pew Research puts it this way:


The Bible puts it this way:

But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,  betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,  having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

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10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Download it and pass it on.

I even fashioned this into a post, old boy. Thanks for the inspiration:


(any comments go here, not on the post itself. I won’’t allow them there. We must not tic off the Librarian. (that old hen)

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35 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

I think that the new president of Ukraine wants a ride on Trump's plane and is willing to buy Javelins 

Well, one can hardly blame him for that.

Forgive me. My family made me drive Ramblers (AMC) growing up—the ultimate in child abuse. I developed an unreasonable underdog defense mentality about them.



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17 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

That's a 2-seater AMX; Javelins were almost the same (with some hood and grill differences) but were 4-seaters (in 1970). I was always afraid that under such a large hood, I'd open it and a Gremlin would pop out.

AMC didn’t have a lot of money. They recycled a lot, often detrimentally but in this case for the better. Some of the best looking cars around were AMC but also some of the most hideous 


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On 9/26/2019 at 1:09 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

When that doesn't work, they keep attacking with more completely made up lies.

Back to the topic of the OP. I think that the Democrats have show a usual level of stupidity, and then in addition, are falling into a huge trap here. I have seen Giuliani so sloppy at times that he doesn't realize he was being an accidental whistleblower himself (against Trump), but I saw him much better prepared on this particular story (in a Fox News interview) and even there he hinted that the Democrats are walking into a trap. Trump himself does not usually come across so well prepared on any particular news story, either, and he often wings it with statements he ends up walking back.

But this is so clearly a story they are well prepared for, not just in defense against attacks by Democrats, but as a proactive strategy to bring down Biden a couple notches, and embarrass the Democratic party.

The Democrats had many Republicans on their side in creating a big anti-Russia strategy that attempted to tie everything Trump did to a close "nefarious" association with Putin. To this end, Democrats even sloppily tried to tie Paul Manifort to Russia, when Manifort was mostly an anti-Russian working for Ukraine's interests (which are opposed to Russia).

A lot of people think that it's unfair to speak of any nation as having a "Nazi" agenda, but Ukraine is really an exception, because it has truly held onto the Nazi legacy from 1945 until today. Although we don't know if the new president, a former Jewish comedian, will attempt to stem the Nazi party which has dominated official Ukrainian government agencies for years.

Democrats had to ignore this "Nazi" agenda when FaceBook and the Democrats were looking into Ukrainian accusations against Russia. Ukraine had to be presented as "the good guys" to try to paint Russia in such a bad light.

Inseparably, Russian oil pipelines always ran through Ukraine although Russia only recently created some workarounds, so the "oilgarchs" of Russia and Ukraine might have less leverage now. But corrupt "officials" and "unofficials" from the US and elsewhere have been able to profit off the oily corruption between these two states for years.  I mention this because the only parry to the sword hanging over Biden right now was the fact that Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manifort was ALSO involved in getting money from related entities in Ukraine. Then, Biden's son (Hunter) was evidently put on the board of a mid-sized energy company and paid about a million euros a year. Ukraine's Attorney General wanted to look into this and his father, VP Joe Biden, tried to get that Attorney General removed. (There are also additional monthly payments totalling closer to 2 million a year going to undisclosed persons.) 

The Democrats have already gloated over the demise of Manifort, but on separate grounds, so that it would just create confusion or appear like sour grapes to try to present Manifort as Biden "parity." Letting the whole Mueller thing play out was a bit risky, but has paid off for Republicans. Democrats are now just grasping at the few remaining straws.

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How many US citizens are put behind bars each year on "technicalities"?

Sounds to me like this country could end up in a civil war over stuff like this.

Although the Senate probably won't convict him if impeached...... unless the Republicans would also like to secretly get rid of Trump?

Could this be another Julius Caesar scenario?

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When people that think guns are "icky", and don't have any, or very few, engage in a real Civil War with those that  have been preparing for  this all their lives, my guess is that the outcome is a certainty.

To paraphrase ... "The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots, and the fertilizer of fools".

To quote Brother Dave Gardner:

Julius Caesar--Brother Dave Gardner.mp4
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