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3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I think I remember you saying things like 'people wanted to kill you' etc.  That's living amongst normal people is it ? 

And it's so funny when peeps tell me what i know and what I don't know.

I just wiped out two paragraphs because i don't really need to explain myself to a boy. And I've noticed looking back that you use racism in your comments a bit, and that is not cool. 

Yes I did say that. But that doesn't mean that guy is from the, to quote you, "The Hood". And I can see here with that little remark of yours you assume people from there are killers, a typical sign here that you take the misconceptions seriously even though its false lol. No one from "The Hood" who speak about Jehovah God to be OK with something that isn't from the Bible, reasons why this man easily gets frustrated. He was wearing shorts with a white polo shirt with short sleeves and sandals, not to mention his Yankees hat, tell me, that's a normal get up for someone from the "Hood"? Not likely. But I guess to you a guy in socks and sandals is a major threat. If you wanna know, this guy is like this to everyone and despite his threat towards me I was calm. 

You sure about that? Because of what the guy said doesn't mean he's from the hood. People in the US threaten others out of small things even road rage, doesn't mean that they are from the hood and you assuming such shows you don't have a clue, quite the foreshadowing of what was said in another thread. 

I've never used any sort of racism in any of my comments anywhere, nor did I attempt to speak the way you did just now to anyone about anything. You yourself accused someone of being inferior because of their skin color. 

Can you show the class where I used racism in my comments? I want you to link it because all I see is a man who was exposed and skip to nonsense to cover himself.

But was said before still stands before you started with the personal attacks.

What is modest and immodest to you and this tradition of men you talking about you haven't elaborated on that.

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2 hours ago, Outta Here said:

Rules? What Rules? These Rules?Mark.jpg

Some people just like to pretend rules from the Bible doesn't exist.

Reasons why when it comes to modesty vs. imodesty you can see it in people most of the time. I see it everyday at school, even when family friends and I go out we see it.

What some people don't realize is that in today's world immodesty is like royalty.

One thing Johnny 5 brought up is attractiveness. Some people expose themselves to the point where anything or something on them is nearly visible.

Others in this predicament sometimes give in. I can name one example of a guy at school, he is senior now, who takes things on another level. He is a prime example of how things in this system can push people off the deep end.

You tell people but they'll think you are a not that bright for following the rules, especially when it comes to grooming and clothing. 

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To quote  " A guy who uses a red hat that reads messages of racism to trigger aggressive response by people at a random bagel shop "

" But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism "

Another quote. " I've never used any sort of racism in any of my comments anywhere, "

You don't like mentioning racism, um looks different to me. 



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13 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

To quote  " A guy who uses a red hat that reads messages of racism to trigger aggressive response by people at a random bagel shop "

" But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism "


Lol is that the best you can do? How am I racist because of a legitimate story that took place months ago?


This still doesn't hide the fact of you speaking the way you did and assume people in that pot are all from the hood. And your hood talk is indeed stereotyping and near the line of racism and YOU were the one who made that comment.

Again, can you show me a legitimate comment of mine that shows any type of racism or pretending that contains racism? I can easily bring up you commenting on someone who is inferior because of their skin color.  Surely you can't "Hood Talk" your way out of this one.

The fact you didn't link my name shows you show harm to yourself, Johnny 5.

And I know that this point about this thread you have no answer for modesty vs immodesty when it comes to clothing. 

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13 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Lol is that the best you can do? How am I racist because of a legitimate story that took place months ago?


This still doesn't hide the fact of you speaking the way you did and assume people in that pot are all from the hood. And your hood talk is indeed stereotyping and near the line of racism and YOU were the one who made that comment.

Again, can you show me a legitimate comment of mine that shows any type of racism or pretending that contains racism? I can easily bring up you commenting on someone who is inferior because of their skin color.  Surely you can't "Hood Talk" your way out of this one.

The fact you didn't link my name shows you show harm to yourself, Johnny 5.

And I know that this point about this thread you have no answer for modesty vs immodesty when it comes to clothing. 

So bring up a comment where I said a person is inferior because of their skin colour. But make sure it is those EXACT WORDS because you are being slanderous if you are accusing me of racism. 

I note you were careful last time saying ' near the line of racism ' But if you are telling me that i said a man of colour was inferior then I want your proof. When I have your proof i will go back and see if I can find the comment myself. 

But remember i want whole sentences, not just a misquote form the middle of a sentence like the GB have a habit of doing. 

If you cannot prove your accusation I will ask Admin to get an apology from you. Please do not bring this forum into disrepute just because you are not happy. I have never seen any racism on here and I do not wish to see any either. 

All humans are equal. We are all sinners and will answer to God through Christ. 

And please note, I never said you are racist, I said 

" And I've noticed looking back that you use racism in your comments a bit, and that is not cool. "

I eagerly await your reply young man. 

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And what is the point you are trying to make with John the Baptist vs. today, Shiwii? And I am very well aware of what John the Baptist wore and in what position he is in, but for some they misuse what he says rather than worry about what he is wearing.

That being said, this remark of yours does not negate the targeted response in question.

Lemming mentality? As to where you draw this silliness? What you fail to see is all persons who are of their culture differ from each other. Also such persons like to be referred to as Buddhist Monks, the other, Shaolin Monk.

What you seem to miss here is that if you have met people as a preacher in other countries, they will view you carefully. They are most likely to respond to a preacher who is open for discussion and dressed in a modest fashion vs. a charismatic preacher who is dressed in a fashionable way with parts of him or her nearly exposed with clothing that isn’t appropriate.

If you went to preach in the country of my mother and my father as I had recently and wore tight clothing, you will not gain any sort of attention, and we there is a saying for immodest folk, therefore, when it comes to respect, you should appear as in such to earn a positive attention of others.

One thing is for certain, if Jesus walked among us today, surely he wouldn’t want someone walking about to speak gospel whereas his or her body is either exposed and or nearly showing out of their garments, in the faces of all persons, young and old.

No I am not. If you actually read my response clearly, you’d see the point I am trying to make regarding this secondary response. Unless you want to point out clearly s to what I am equating, by all means Shiwii, please do.

Well Shiwii, it is called reading the previous response and seeing as to where and why this response is made. It’s not difficult as you are making it out to be.

Again, and what does beggars have to do with my response to the other person in regard to what you have said?

Beggars? Unless you have found a way to speak to the dead or have built some time traveling device, perhaps I could – but let’s be realistic. My response was about the church and modesty, so this response of yours is fruitless at best.

As for the beggars, these folks followed Jesus, they took to his word and listened. These beggars also do not even think twice to twist Jesus word into some outlandish teaching, nor do they do something that is beyond the teachings.




Poor choice of words. That, my ignorance friend, is race mocking.

Psalm 1:1 - Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

Proverbs 15:12 - A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.

That being said, what the boy says is indeed true, but you wouldn't not have known that because of the sheer ignorance of the situation that is and has taken place in the West.

In the examples below, it shows how people are and can become violent for the political theater going on in the US as we speak, the situation the boy mention was not him being, quote on quote "racist", in fact, this situation actually took place, therefore, your claim is at a level of idiocy and ignorance.

These are not PG, letting you know this now. Hate is what imperfect men embrace, and we can see it in full display in men, in women, and even children who haven't even hit their teens yet.

NOTE: Regarding the students, there were people, grown people, calling for the death and killing of these teenagers.

Lastly, surely you are better than that, Mr. Butler... The boy made no mention of the Hood, yet your comment shows one of your true colors on this platform for all to bear witness to, and it shows you are in total subjection to misconceptions which can easily be refuted by even that of a child. The next time you do such mockery to anyone, man, woman or child, an engrave portrait of what you have uttered will be in full display.

Other than that, what you professed before the closing of 2018, I saw no information, so it is a lack of care from you, or abandon.

As for his claim about one being inferior, he was referring to what you said of me (mind you, you didn't even mention me, so I had looked at my name), hence the response I had, strongly, given you. One does not feel inferior because of his or her color and or race, Mr. Butler, and at the time, that remark from you was out of the blue. And I find it very odd you are now doing this, in conjunction with making a mockery of those who live somewhere, playing into the misconceptions and the like. A shame on you and woe to you too.

@Equivocation We are living in an age where people do not want to here a word from the Bible. They paint God as something else. It is no surprise that people of this nature will react to what the Bible really says and those who will threaten you to attack you. Fear no man, but rather, be God fearing, always, and know what you are doing is what Jesus has been doing, for the message has been passed on, it is up to the individual to make that change.

That being said, I had run into folks who used the Bible to defend Polygamy, Pedophilia, Homosexuality, using weapons to murder (some want to kill atheists, be it man woman or child) and a list of other things, some believe only black people are of God and everyone is an Edomite or a child of Esau, but they are hypocrites who carry a Bible that was crafted by an Englishmen and fail to realize that God is impartial, and the list goes on.

During my time out, I had been preaching the Word and did so in the birthplaces of my family, and when I came back, I had to deal with those who saw God as Molech, which is NOT okay with me, so the truth had been spoken.

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On 2/24/2019 at 7:56 AM, Space Merchant said:




Poor choice of words. That, my ignorance friend, is race mocking.

Psalm 1:1 - Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

Proverbs 15:12 - A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.

That being said, what the boy says is indeed true, but you wouldn't not have known that because of the sheer ignorance of the situation that is and has taken place in the West.

In the examples below, it shows how people are and can become violent for the political theater going on in the US as we speak, the situation the boy mention was not him being, quote on quote "racist", in fact, this situation actually took place, therefore, your claim is at a level of idiocy and ignorance.

These are not PG, letting you know this now. Hate is what imperfect men embrace, and we can see it in full display in men, in women, and even children who haven't even hit their teens yet.

NOTE: Regarding the students, there were people, grown people, calling for the death and killing of these teenagers.

Lastly, surely you are better than that, Mr. Butler... The boy made no mention of the Hood, yet your comment shows one of your true colors on this platform for all to bear witness to, and it shows you are in total subjection to misconceptions which can easily be refuted by even that of a child. The next time you do such mockery to anyone, man, woman or child, an engrave portrait of what you have uttered will be in full display.

Other than that, what you professed before the closing of 2018, I saw no information, so it is a lack of care from you, or abandon.

As for his claim about one being inferior, he was referring to what you said of me (mind you, you didn't even mention me, so I had looked at my name), hence the response I had, strongly, given you. One does not feel inferior because of his or her color and or race, Mr. Butler, and at the time, that remark from you was out of the blue. And I find it very odd you are now doing this, in conjunction with making a mockery of those who live somewhere, playing into the misconceptions and the like. A shame on you and woe to you too.

@Equivocation We are living in an age where people do not want to here a word from the Bible. They paint God as something else. It is no surprise that people of this nature will react to what the Bible really says and those who will threaten you to attack you. Fear no man, but rather, be God fearing, always, and know what you are doing is what Jesus has been doing, for the message has been passed on, it is up to the individual to make that change.

That being said, I had run into folks who used the Bible to defend Polygamy, Pedophilia, Homosexuality, using weapons to murder (some want to kill atheists, be it man woman or child) and a list of other things, some believe only black people are of God and everyone is an Edomite or a child of Esau, but they are hypocrites who carry a Bible that was crafted by an Englishmen and fail to realize that God is impartial, and the list goes on.

During my time out, I had been preaching the Word and did so in the birthplaces of my family, and when I came back, I had to deal with those who saw God as Molech, which is NOT okay with me, so the truth had been spoken.

You know that woman in the video they caught her ya know. She might be deported soon as we virtually speak.

Other than that Pops haven't said a word so far so he shut kept it radio silent. 


But is is crazy how a piece of clothing with a slogan that comes straight from a video game could drive people hot water crazy lol

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