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Exact, per capita donations now "encouraged" from the platform at assemblies?

Jack Ryan

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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth. 

At least that's the regular place that speech was intended to come from. ?

1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

no problem at all from me about what jws want to do with their money and time.

Glad to hear. None from me either.

1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

condemning others for the same practices

Still trying to figure out what practices you are observing.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The congregations are only allowed to keep so much then have to hand over the rest. 

I'm not surprised you went, the way you describe your experiences. You seem to have been in one of those cookie congs. At least you have been able to stop playing the hypocrite. It must have been a great relief to actually come out.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

selling Kingdom Halls here in the UK

The more the better. I'm glad to see the back of old fashioned, run down, half empty, under-utilised buildings, particularly in countries that can afford better. A bit of pruning never hurts.

2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

reduction in both magazines and book publications, inc Calendars and Day Texts.

And good riddance to all these unecessary bits of paper. I don't even need a "ministry" bag any more most of the time or silly plastic sleeves, let alone the saving in shelf space. And I'm actually going through Bibles in only a little more than 12 months now. Much more effective approach.

Anyway folks, have the last words if you wish. Nothing personal if I don't respond further on this thread. I'm glad at least you have each other. Bye for now. ?

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Most assemblies don't word it quite that way. I have seen only a couple that made my eyebrow raise a little. I think most people don't realize how much it costs to run an assembly hall too.

Are you both serious? Really?  You mean to tell me that you cannot see the similarities between passing the plate and requesting money? Had this come from the Catholic church encouraging their me

what do you want me to do about your struggle? 

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8 hours ago, Gone Away said:

At least that's the regular place that speech was intended to come from. ?

Glad to hear. None from me either.

Still trying to figure out what practices you are observing.

I'm not surprised you went, the way you describe your experiences. You seem to have been in one of those cookie congs. At least you have been able to stop playing the hypocrite. It must have been a great relief to actually come out.

The more the better. I'm glad to see the back of old fashioned, run down, half empty, under-utilised buildings, particularly in countries that can afford better. A bit of pruning never hurts.

And good riddance to all these unecessary bits of paper. I don't even need a "ministry" bag any more most of the time or silly plastic sleeves, let alone the saving in shelf space. And I'm actually going through Bibles in only a little more than 12 months now. Much more effective approach.

Anyway folks, have the last words if you wish. Nothing personal if I don't respond further on this thread. I'm glad at least you have each other. Bye for now. ?

Nice to read some humour in the morning.  

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I noticed for the past few years at our convention, i am not sure if i am the only one that finds this wrong but i dont agree with such practices. For example, they will announce $5000 bank balance at the convention account then they will anoounce all donations made to the world wide work and other places and  always leaves a balance of $0 then they will announce the cost of running the convention for example $3000 then they will announce donations made by everyone which never covers the cost so then this is what i find disturbing they will say thanks for all contributions but then there make an announcenment on how to make donations to cover all costs and that donations will be accepted till the end of the convention. Is it just me or is this way wrong....

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1 hour ago, Jay Iza said:

I noticed for the past few years at our convention, i am not sure if i am the only one that finds this wrong but i dont agree with such practices. For example, they will announce $5000 bank balance at the convention account then they will anoounce all donations made to the world wide work and other places and  always leaves a balance of $0 then they will announce the cost of running the convention for example $3000 then they will announce donations made by everyone which never covers the cost so then this is what i find disturbing they will say thanks for all contributions but then there make an announcenment on how to make donations to cover all costs and that donations will be accepted till the end of the convention. Is it just me or is this way wrong....

You have quite normal perception :))

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