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WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used


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I tend to agree with you there. What I find curious though is that China went into overdrive about this virus as if there is something more to it.....every year there are new flu strains and yet no on

Funny how they are publicly seen as being controlled by the Chinese......

Explain away for weeks in front of incontrovertible evidence of a pandemic happening.... WHY it isn't a Pandemic....

Get criticized for allowing the lazy attitude toward containment..... all in the name of economy over health....

And when they get publicly CAUGHT.... decide to react this way....

"We don't have a pandemic level anymore"..... OOPS.

dr house oops GIF

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16 hours ago, admin said:

Explain away for weeks in front of incontrovertible evidence of a pandemic happening.... WHY it isn't a Pandemic....

It's NOT a pandemic because (  .... so far .... ) the Corona virus,  Covid-19, or Wuflu, by whatever name it is called daily, has affected about 80,000 people as of today's date, and "only" killed about 2700 people.

This means the death rate is about 3% ... even including the worst countries where treatment to keep you alive is minimal, while your body mounts a defense ... and the very old and infirm  are included in those statistics

It has symptoms like the common cold, or at worst, the flu .... part of the Corona family of "common cold" viruses, this one being labeled No. 19.. 

It's a respiratory disease in humans.

So far, that number of deaths .... is "reportedly" less than the "regular" variants of the flu.

Please feel free to check what I think I know, as my sources may have a hidden agenda.

The WHO (World Health Organization) has stated that as of today it does NOT meet the criteria for a pandemic.

To put this in perspective, Malaria, caused by mosquitos, KILLS ABOUT 100,000 PEOPLE A MONTH, continuously, worldwide. And has ... for a very long time.

My guess is that if you treat Wuflu with a CONSTANT barrage of treatments as you would for someone with severe asthma, who also has the "normal" flu, it is VERY survivable.

Statistics are made up of mostly those who do NOT have these resources, and by lack of resources, and education, are relatively doomed in advance.

THis whole thing reminds me of when William Randolph Hearst, once the owner of the nation's largest newspaper chain, artificially created news to sell newspapers, and eventually convinced the American people to demand Congress to declare war against Spain, who owned Cuba at the time.

He telegraphed his reporters in Havana, who had nothing to write about the supposed atrocities of Spain against the Cubans, to provide photographs, and he would make up the atrocities,

His telegram stated " "...you supply the pictures, I will supply the war".

In the newspaper business " If it bleeds, it leads!" ... and headlines sell papers.

... same thing.

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21 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

My guess is that if you treat Wuflu with a CONSTANT barrage of treatments as you would for someone with severe asthma, who also has the "normal" flu, it is VERY survivable.

I tend to agree with you there. What I find curious though is that China went into overdrive about this virus as if there is something more to it.....every year there are new flu strains and yet no one makes a fuss about them although these flu strains also kill. Not sure about the percentage compared to the Covid-19. I suppose it's difficult to get accurate morbidity statistics because you would have to compare apples to apples, i.e. all patients being of similar health and age, and receiving the same treatment.....

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

My best guess?

China knows one or more  of its weaponized viruses got loose.

They went berserk ..... because they did not know which one(s).

Corvid-19 may be the only one they are ADMITTING to.

That's what my hubby is thinking

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