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Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World


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Things are so absolutely nutty nowadays, that I’m beginning to wonder if Gog of Magog it’s not a specific personality, and the name Joe Biden comes immediately to mind. I wish I knew.

Agendas are met to spread deception and confuse the people. They are met to re-write what we know, be it history or Scripture. The Higher Education System is flawed and the unaware cannot see the dang

The Bible foretold not only the serious problems we now face but also the better times we can expect soon. It describes a future that is way beyond what human governments could hope to achieve, one th

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On 2/14/2022 at 9:34 AM, Space Merchant said:

Someone linked this video in the comment section of a fellow Truther, I found this to be very interesting, for it correlates with what I said in 2021:


I wouldn't celebrate too early. Your friends who favor Agendas are tryin to prevent the majority of schools. I can tell you this, even at a college level, there is a divide between mandates vs no mandates, even harder if you are in a blue state.

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@BroRando As pointed out some days ago, the Wild Beast made a move as is those who encircle it, a considerable one this time concerning what some of us have noted to happen a while back concerning the EU. The normal you once knew is legitimately never coming back. Not only the kinetic events, but due to the tiers of persons and the escalation of specific category of civil obedience, things are legitimately going to be extremely different. Economically, RICO was executed.

You should now be planning how you will tread your step accordingly, and like with any major situation of which these absurd Agendas effect the people, it will break some folks, to others even more, as with your faith community. Therefore, Endurance is key.

That being said, things are going to get more hectic and burdensome should a major ill step is taken, making the New Normalcy, a dark one.

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On 2/20/2022 at 8:21 AM, Equivocation said:

I wouldn't celebrate too early. Your friends who favor Agendas are tryin to prevent the majority of schools. I can tell you this, even at a college level, there is a divide between mandates vs no mandates, even harder if you are in a blue state.

Agendas are met to spread deception and confuse the people. They are met to re-write what we know, be it history or Scripture. The Higher Education System is flawed and the unaware cannot see the dangers of that of which has been taking place for years, only a few witness this, even those in middle and high school.

Those children in the video are in the clear, however, there is still a battle in the other institutions, especially those who are heavily Agenda-laced. Not only young souls will be able to battle the system, let alone their parents granted the battle with the Board of Education that was ongoing for months now, even after the CSA situation in Loudon County, and the situation with CRT.

These kids are going to witness a future that no one should if not prepared, the only way for them to move carefully is if an aware parent raises them. This is why God has given people the ability to teach the young not only to be a better person, but to understand who God is. They won't learn from these Agendas, as is from an unaware parent who is a sheeple to the system, and you can't blame the parent because the system has blinded them.

In short, prevent them from adhering to the cults of which one can quickly become woke, as mentioned before, these are legitimate cults, something of which explained to you and Rook.

That said be very careful of the Paradigm's Agenda, although you JWs are not part of it, but it is very easy for someone to fall, give in and or break, especially now with the kinetic escalation.

The last thing you need is someone teaching one of your own that Jehovah and Jesus are somehow non-binary, there are people doing this, just so you know.

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1 minute ago, Pudgy said:

I think that a legitimate cults are the ones WE belong to, and the illegitimate cults are the ones THEY belong to.

On the contrary there are the serious ones, not affiliated with the Black Magic/Ritualist/twisted Neo-Christianity types. Some of them setup in a way to weaken a man to easily be broken. If they can profess to you that Jesus was never a man, born of Mary, let alone allowing the use of pornography, shockingly graphic ones to teach to the kids without the knowledge of the parent, or teach that if the student is white, he should be hated - then you have a problem, hence a version of Marxism, as is the misinformation war. Hence, the term Truthers used, Woke Indoctrination Camps met to abuse and groom the child to become a woke cultist, and eject them into the paradigm.

In the past, such ones were a small fringe, but granted to the inclusiveness and the like, it allowed such things to enter into the institutions. Of course Trinitarians will convince people of who is actually a cult when the real ones will thrive and consume.

That being said, there is a reason why as to parents are among the many fighting the higher education system that harbor these things, as is those affiliated.

Then you have their future not being intact in regards to the reset and what is going to take place prior to it.

Media has been subtly with showing ads and the like to a younger audience in order to push the idea. So it'll be a surprise to the unaware because anyone who speaks of such things to warn others, are censored by big tech.

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49 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary there are the serious ones, not affiliated with the Black Magic/Ritualist/twisted Neo-Christianity types.

For a minute there, I thought you were being specific about Reverend Valerie Love

Rev. Valerie Love 2020

Confessions of a Christian Witch

How an Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Lives Magickal & How

You Can Too!

This work is lovingly dedicated to all the witches and magickal beings who’ve been told that you can’t be magickal and love Christ at the same time.

I'm sure @Pudgy's dark side can relate. 😊

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You say you are sure that my “dark side” can relate to magic?

I would be very interested in knowing what specifically brought you to that conclusion.

Discerning that you are wrong about everything is not magic …. Just simple factual observation, which like your comment above, continually confirms your slanders never cease.

Be a sport ….. tell us how you reached your latest insane conclusion.


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 @Dmitar There are many types, some more dangerous than the other, be it an individual and or a group. One of the reasons I am critical of specific so called faiths in the Caribbean outside of Trinitarian Christendom, namely Vodou, essentially the enemy of Christianity, this equal criticism I have for Ambrosia regarding blood (Blood Ritualist folks), and Transhumanism, etc. That said it isn't a surprise that some former Christians can end up in the realm of Spiritism. The less dangerous ones can be found in the States and the EU, even debating some of them, of which they old an ill view of Scripture and of people, a few of them lean towards Satanism. As for the latter concerning the woke, they came out of the culture war of the paradigm, and their actions are getting indirectly in the way of the normal person.


@Pudgy And speaking about the cult of the woke, there is something everyday, like this story [Parents' fury after biologically male counselors who identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns slept in rooms with fifth-grade girls for three nights during school-organized science camp]



So far, these are noted from the situation itself:

  • Los Alamitos parents shared their outrage after learning that nonbinary counselors, who are biologically male, shared cabins with fifth-grade girls


  • The counselors spent three nights sleeping in the same rooms as the students, which drew the fury of some parents of Weaver Elementary School students


  • The district said that it takes ‘all complaints and concerns seriously’ and would be investigating the parents’ grievances


  • The camp has defended its actions, saying that it was following California law by placing staff ‘in cabins they identify with'


  • The Los Alamitos Unified School District has spent this year at the center of a culture war over LGBTQ issues, CRT and coronavirus policies

This is one of several examples every since the culture war escalated over the years.

That being said, I pointed this out a while back to @Patiently waiting for Truth. Give them the ability to express the inclusive mantra, it will enabled them to interject other things proven to be a dangerous precedent by slowly adding in their seeds into the soil. This also contributes to a lot of factors as is other events and communities, i.e. if a man now identifies as a woman, he could, sleep in cabins with young girls, and or enter the bathroom, in real life examples was the events of Loudon County, in which those with an Agenda censored people to defend these woke ideas.

The term used, "They're coming for your children" is a serious thing so people need to be aware of what is taking place in the higher education system. Next thing you know, they'll turn your kid into a Desmond if you do not pay attention.

That being said, granted the situation in Russia/Ukraine as is Canada, of which Trudeau has still yet to drop the E.A., it would not be a surprise for such ones to plant more seeds, so to speak, while the masses are distracted and constantly being fed Agenda-laced nonsense.

This is a time to be vigilant, even more should the social credits come in along with the reset. For if Apostle Paul was alive right now and see these things, I think he would be speaking to a similar effect of what he said in Galatians 1:1-11.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

even debating some of them, of which they old an ill view of Scripture and of people, a few of them lean towards Satanism.

That is the point about that, reverend. Anyone can be influenced by Satan. Therefore, regardless of the extremism, anyone under the influence of Satan's will is dangerous.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

And speaking about the cult of the woke, there is something everyday, like this story [Parents' fury after biologically male counselors who identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns slept in rooms with fifth-grade girls for three nights during school-organized science camp]

I believe that was my point about how @Pudgy can relate, coming from his dark side. Unfortunately, he can no longer be critical about certain human frailties (conditions), much less offer an opinion in a debate about those type of conditions.


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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

anyone under the influence of Satan's will is dangerous.

That inclues the GB of JW org. 

14 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The last thing you need is someone teaching one of your own that Jehovah and Jesus are somehow non-binary, there are people doing this, just so you know.

YHWH and Yeshua are not 'men' because they are not human.  It is only for the sake of human understanding that we think of them as 'men' or 'male'.  So, do you teach that they are actually men or male ?  I prefer to teach that they are spirit and do not have human bodies. 

14 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Agendas are met to spread deception and confuse the people.

The GB of JW org has an agenda of it's own, power for the GB only. 

Part of that agenda was spreading the rumour that a person 'must be a baptised JW to be saved'. 

Another part of that agenda is the lie that only those 8 men of the GB, are the Faithful and Discreet slave. That gives the power to those 8 men. 

Can you say it is not an agenda when 8 men exalt themselves above every other person on this earth. 

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@Dmitar @Pudgy At this rate, it is best to be prepared than caught without your armor. That said not only each of us need to be better equipped and aware, but the young ones too, as mentioned, the battle is lost, for any household with children if their child (teen or young adult) becomes a Desmond effectively being turned against you, in short, game over, unless, the penny of hope reveals itself, which in some cases is rare when it comes to the mentioned latter of these types.

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