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Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World


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Then you should be banned too @Pudgy.  However, for what, telling the truth. Not wanting to be argumentative? What? Does the truth hurt so much, you can only dish out nonsense?

Think dog man. You are in probation. You can't be having any kind of discussions about children. I'm telling you this since that is a violation of the conditions of your probation. Sure, you got your lawyer to shield the information from the public, but not from their prying eyes. Any law enforcement department also has access. Therefore, I'm trying to "protect you" since you made yourself known who you really are with that crack about that specific gun you mentioned and your cartoons. The public knows who you are, BRONZE.

I'm also protecting the owner from litigation, since they know who you were and are aware of who you are now. THINK MAN!!

If I didn't care, I wouldn't be sending out these red flags. Accept your limitations.

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7 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Then you should be banned too @Pudgy.  However, for what, telling the truth. Not wanting to be argumentative? What? Does the truth hurt so much, you can only dish out nonsense?

In direct answer to your first question ….. BECAUSE YOU SLANDER EVERYONE.

Proved with your own words.


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Just now, Dmitar said:

So do you, what's your point?

The point is, the accusation of slander can be refuted by the truth. I never make a statement I cannot prove, with solid references.

Your statements are agenda based slanderous fantasy, made up without a factual basis.

That is the point.


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13 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

The point is, the accusation of slander can be refuted by the truth. I never make a statement I cannot prove, with solid references.

I do the same. Are you suggesting, I violate state law just to post your conviction?  Why don't you assert your thought about slander toward former witnesses that constantly do so? Why be a hypocrite. In your case, it's not a lie, it's the truth. Proof of it are in your slanderous words now.

So, if you're asking the owner to ban me, I'm asking the owner to ban you and former Jehovah's witnesses like you. Then we can leave this forum for real spiritual advancement instead of garbage.


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Just now, Dmitar said:

I do the same. Are you suggesting, I violate state law just to post your conviction?  Why don't you assert your thought about slander toward former witnesses that constantly do so? Why be a hypocrite. In your case, it's not a lie, it's the truth. Proof of it are in your slanderous words now.

So, if you're asking the owner to ban me, I'm asking the owner to ban you and former Jehovah's witnesses like you. Then we can leave this forum for real spiritual advancement instead of garbage.


I hereby give you full Power of Attorney to post public information for any crime of any sort that I have been convicted of.

You have accused me of being a  convict and on probation and on parole … NONE of which are true.

You are a liar in each case, and a slanderer in each case …. AND SHOULD BE BANNED for that reason alone.

Any of the above are public information which can be easily checked by anyone with a telephone.

Feel free to post it here … to prove you are NOT a liar and a slanderer. 

I think you are lying about it being against State Law to divulge public records. But that is only conjecture, just a guess.

If so, you are more of a weasel than a real weasel.

Have a checkable reference citation for ANY of the above.?

Be a sport …. Do it.

If you do not, you stand self-condemned.


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12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I just comment for fun. If Son of God came to Earth in the past as a son of man, then there is no obstacle to it happening again in the future.

Also. GB said that soon they will all go to heaven and leave JWs members on Earth, but not to worry. So when the situation with Gog is over, then the team could go back to Earth but with Jesus at the helm. :) 

Well it isn't too surprising, anyone outside of the religious leaders who is associated with the conquest of peace will be in subjection to being a target.

Also you have to know what Son of Man is. All of us, you included, know that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. The term Son of Man is associated with Jesus due to the way he was born, becoming human, hence only-begotten Son of The Most High. It made him vastly different from Angels (also former ones who became Demons) who had the ability to form humanoid bodies; spirits materializing bodies that make them appear to be human. Concerning the Christ, the term Son of Man is associated with the fact that Jesus would fulfill the prophecy, as is associated with the Signs indicating the coming of his return; draws near.

Many people today are very anxious, forthcoming of his expected return, granted no one knows the day even if taking a guess, but on the other side for the spectrum, there is Mainstream ideology, be it from a Trinitarian source, it can shift what the Bible says about Christ's return, example, some teach that Jesus, in their eyes, being God (to some who think Jesus and Jehovah/Yahweh are the same person - literally) is has already returned; some things get outlandish to the point where even legitimate Cults profess someone to have been Christ reborn and or possessed, example Vissarion, or the situation in China a while back whereas the teaching was Jesus came back as a woman.

This is why it is important to stick to the Holy Book itself, if you produce anything of God's Word, it is smart to make it match up, etc.

That being said, in this Endemic Age whereas the shift in the culture is taking place, there is, technically, a different Jesus and a different God being professed by some, example, some attesting to the idea that God was the cause of COVID-19, in other situation, God striking down blasphemers, granted there were some situations that took place, even recently where Mainstream Christians came out in full force, even arguing with and slandering Anti-Trinitarians.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Correct. But there are several Mainstream ideas concerning Jesus, even that of his ascension vs what the Bible says, mainly when you factor in the signs of the son of man in the End Times, it is also the most major debated things when it comes to Anti-Trinitarian vs Trinitarian discussions.

Since a statement was made about how Jesus and God are not human, how would people here make this skeptical statement more reasonable?

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6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Since a statement was made about how Jesus and God are not human, how would people here make this skeptical statement more reasonable?

Simply by attesting to what the Bible says in regards to the Son of Man vs the other narratives. The detail to that has already been addressed in a pervious comment, above this one and yours to Srecko.

That being said, to be brief, it is associated with the way the Christ was born and the prophecy he would fulfill, in conjunction with the signs of the End Times; as is his revealing, which can be noted with said prophecy, for instance, Daniel 7:13, 14. But as mentioned, the visitors such as the Cos, Jesus.Defender types who attempt to refute this, as is any of their counterparts who sees such things differently.

As to those already consumed heavily by Mainstream Christendom, truth is overshadowed and or hidden greatly due to the religious events that take place every year in different parts of the US and EU, as are the names already mentioned to @Patiently waiting for Truth. This is why one needs to move carefully not only with the various things taking place be it with movements or cults, but of Babylon the Great as well, for when she does something or move, it effects people who are caught up in her path. Likewise with the Beast, as of recent news.

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