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"A News Corp investigation into the global Christian sect Jehovah's Witnesses has revealed they have allegedly pushed cash offshore to avoid paying compensation to Australian child sex abuse victims."



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A pretty good guess, I would imagine. I like to think that is still quite low, in view of Invisiblechild.org  reporting that 1 out of every 5 children in the US will be suffer molestation before age 1

So much can go wrong with trying to read too much into the numbers. Even if there is a database of 12,000 or more pedophiles, this does not mean that all of them were found to be actively committing c

"A News Corp investigation into the global Christian sect Jehovah's Witnesses has revealed they have allegedly pushed cash offshore to avoid paying compensation to Australian child sex abuse victims."

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I am not going to jump on this band wagon. I'm in UK and cannot see some news articles and obviously not all news items are true anyway.

Now this is where we need Truthers.  I wonder if @Space Merchant will investigate this as a Truther ? Or if @JW Insider will investigate it as an 'insider' ?

Contrary to 'popular opinion' I do not want to see the CCJW 'go down' completely. What I want to see is honesty and mercy and justice for CSA victims, and to see the Org 'made clean'. 

Thank you @Witness for this information, and thank you JJJ for info' about New Zealand. Please keep us updated. I will obviously do my own research but as I've mentioned some news articles are being blocked for UK. 

Just another personal request. I cannot hear videos properly (awaiting new hearing aids from USA ) so any written information would be appreciated. 

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When these stories emerge, why do JWs continue to tolerate an organization that closes its eyes to its own sins, while exalting itself above all other organizations in the world?   What keeps JWs from walking away?  Fear?  Obligation to men?  Do they think that such filth could ever be connected to God and Jesus?  If we know God does not condone such atrocities, why would we? Why would we allow our heart to be influenced by men who create the atrocities by their rules and doctrine?  

Adam and Eve committed one grave sin against God.  They rejected His warning, and they lost their chance of living eternally under God’s care.  They turned away from God, to listen to the father of the lie.  How many sins has the organization committed over and over again? Every sin is a rejection of God’s decrees through Christ.  If we are to ever become sinless, should we remain in an atmosphere where sin thrives? Eph 2:1-3

God does not change, but men do, who easily dismiss their sins without apology, without repentance.  They make humorous excuses instead.  They believe they can rewrite the meaning of Christ’s teachings.  They can convince millions that Jesus is the “head” of corruption, of an organization in the realm of Satan, the enemy of Jesus Christ.

For those who continue to support this organization of sin and lies, what is wrong with their hearts?

JWs are a stubborn people, afraid to move from their false comfort of “peace and security”, and stand for decency and righteousness.  1 Thess 5:1-3; Rev 18:4-8






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7 hours ago, César Chávez said:

When news media receive their news from secondhand accounts rather than investigating a substance on their own? It just becomes unsubstantiated news propaganda to appease former members of the Watchtower. A ploy that Trump uses to satisfy his base. 😏

I really look forward to your unbiased news sources...with source's of course.


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17 hours ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

Asking the watchtower...😂😂😂J

JWs should be thinking maybe this is how God is cleaning up the society and they are working against their own God... 😂😂😂

Lol if God send Jesus again to clean the lost sheep the JWs will have him crucified again...😂😂😂

That’s actually a very sobering thought.   It truly is a “war” between truth and lies.  

Jesus rides on the side of God’s Truth (Rev 19:11), not “truth” as defined by men who lean on a few valid and truthful doctrines, but spout off a plethora of false ones.  (Rev 19:19)

Yet, it is only God’s truth and righteousness, that will win out in the end.  (Rev 19:20,21)

“Look, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me to repay each person according to his work13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes,  so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by the gates. 15 Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood."  Rev 22:12-15



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