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John 1:1

Micah Ong

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15 hours ago, bruceq said:

Show a Scripture that teaches the Trinity and tell me which Translation you are using.

New World Translation

Isaiah 45:23 "By myself I have sworn; The word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness, And it will not return:+ To me every knee will bend, Every tongue will swear loyalty

Philippians 2:10 "so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend—of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground

2 Corinthians 13:14 "The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the sharing in the holy spirit be with all of you." (Interlinear says: "fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all you.")

Interlinear John 1:1 "In beginning was the Word and the Word was with - God and God was the Word)

It doesn't say and 'a' God was the Word.  It reads how it reads and both mentions of God start with Capital letters.

The only Translation that I am aware of that puts "a god" is the the translation by a Spiritist who claims that the Holy Spirit came upon Joseph and they conceived Jesus.


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The Third Clause: ΚΑΙ ΘΕΟϹ ΗΝ Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ Finally, the clause in question. The author writes that Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ (“the word”) ΗΝ (“was”) ΘΕΟϹ. In the second clause, ΘΕΟϹ in the form of the definite, accusat

Sorry but all these Scriptures were written by Jews and Jews do not believe in a Trinity. Try a different Scripture if you want.

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The Third Clause: ΚΑΙ ΘΕΟϹ ΗΝ Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ

Finally, the clause in question. The author writes that Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ (“the word”) ΗΝ (“was”) ΘΕΟϹ. In the second clause, ΘΕΟϹ in the form of the definite, accusative ΤΟΝ ΘΕΟΝ referred to the Father (Yahveh, the creator of heaven and earth). But, Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ could not logically be identical with the Father because the second clause also stated that Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ was “with” the Father. To express a simpler analogy: if David was with Saul, then David cannot be the same person as Saul. Rather, the clause indicates that Ο ΛΟΓΟϹ and ΤΟΝ ΘΕΟΝ (1:1b) are two distinct persons.





the example is very simple .... if I was WITH @The Librarian .... I can not be the Librarian myself !!!!

and here we have 2 persons AND NOT 3 .... . 

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TERRIBLE translation.


No serious greek or hebrew scholar takes the nwt seriously.


Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, professor of New Testament at Princeton University, calls the NWT "a frightful mistranslation," "Erroneous" and "pernicious" "reprehensible" "If the Jehovah's Witnesses take this translation seriously, they are polytheists." (Professor of New Testament Language and Literature)

Dr. William Barclay, a leading Greek scholar, said "it is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest."
British scholar H.H. Rowley stated, "From beginning to end this volume is a shining example of how the Bible should not be translated."

"Well, as a backdrop, I was disturbed because they (Watchtower) had misquoted me in support of their translation." (These words were excerpted from the tape, "Martin and Julius Mantey on The New World Translation", Mantey is quoted on pages 1158-1159 of the Kingdom interlinear Translation)

Dr. Julius Mantey , author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, calls the NWT "a shocking mistranslation." "Obsolete and incorrect." "It is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 'The Word was a god.'"
"I have never read any New Testament so badly translated as The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of The Greek Scriptures.... it is a distortion of the New Testament. The translators used what J.B. Rotherham had translated in 1893, in modern speech, and changed the readings in scores of passages to state what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach. That is a distortion not a translation." (Julius Mantey , Depth Exploration in The New Testament (N.Y.: Vantage Pres, 1980), pp.136-137)

the translators of the NWT are "diabolical deceivers." (Julius Mantey in discussion with Walter Martin)

Dr. William Barclay, a leading Greek scholar, said "it is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest."

Google Bruce Metzer, Marcus Borg, N.T. Wright, Elaine Pagels, Dominic Crossan-they all believe the NWT is a travesty. It is very bad. These people studied Koine Greek and the social/political world for decades. 

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On 7/3/2018 at 4:05 AM, Jesus.defender said:

No serious greek or hebrew scholar takes the nwt seriously.

There is some that do, but their say is often drowned out by mainstream Trinity beveling scholars who claim to be Christians.

Other than that John 1:1 does not prove Jesus is God mainly if you take the verse and introduction of John into context, in addition to what the Torah had made mention of a coming prophet that is to have God's Word in him and this Word he speaks of to the people, as seen in John chapter 4.

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