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Authorities investigate attempted arson at Kingdom Hall in Yelm

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

YELM, Wash. — Authorities on Wednesday were investigating after someone tried to set fire to the Kingdom Hall of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in Yelm.

This comes after four other recent attacks on Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Thurston County that are being investigated as hate crimes.

In the latest incident, authorities were called around 7:30 a.m. Wednesday to the report of an attempted arson at the Kingdom Hall on Vail Road SE in Yelm.

The ensuing investigation closed a large section of Vail Road for most of the day.

Church elders had arrived to find fire logs stacked up against an outside wall that was smoldering. They doused the logs with water and prevented any further damage to the building.

The elders reported finding a suspicious device placed on the ground on the west side of the building. It “had the appearance of being an explosive device,” so deputies called the bomb squad to the scene.

People living nearby the church told Q13 News they were told by law enforcement to evacuate for their own safety.

“I got woken up by my roommate Zachary saying there was a device on the church next door to our house and we needed to evacuate,” said Richard McIntire.

McIntireÂ’s shared his concern about living so close to whatÂ’s become a repeated target.

“I don’t understand why people have to target churches,” he said.

Neighbors in rural Yelm expressed their worries about the attacks and hoped police would soon make an arrest before someone gets hurt.

By late afternoon investigators determined the suspicious device wasn’t dangerous. The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office later tweeted, “The suspicious device was made to look like a real bomb but in the end, it was found to be fake.”

Read more: https://q13fox.com/2018/08/08/possible-explosive-device-found-after-attempted-arson-at-kingdom-hall-in-yelm/


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Most likely a purchased firearm. Gun Store Owner will only raise a brow if you have a crazy history, but a Mr. Clean record allows you to pick any gun from the candy shop, as long as your license to c

Space Merchant: Again, I would like to congratulate you on you excellent choice of Avatar Icon for your log in, here.  It is appropriate to your posting above. The logic and reasoning you us

I was being very brief, but yes, in the EU, mainly the UK, hate crimes have been on an all time high and it is mostly directed by people of a specific race and or religious belief, other situations it

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38 minutes ago, Nicole said:

“The suspicious device was made to look like a real bomb but in the end, it was found to be fake.”

If there are surveillance videos, I think they will catch him, and most US KH I know have such systems now. Probably will turn out to be a DF'd ex-JW with some pscyhological issues. Making fake suspicious-looking devices is usually helpful to investigators, although investigation might have to be done privately if police put their "forensic" budget only into homicide investigations.

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16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

If there are surveillance videos, I think they will catch him, and most US KH I know have such systems now. Probably will turn out to be a DF'd ex-JW with some pscyhological issues. Making fake suspicious-looking devices is usually helpful to investigators, although investigation might have to be done privately if police put their "forensic" budget only into homicide investigations.

It may as well be the case for it is stated by former exjws known as anti-jws, having both jws and exjws (pretty much atheists) that a stabbing of a jw in the UK somewhere was a hate crime by means of influence, and this was even stated by the UK gov't, of all people, Theresa May, who is aware of religious hate crime due to influence, granted the hate spreading of muslims in the UK, it is done to jws too.

Sooner or later it will lead to injury and or death. It is one thing to agree/disagree with a faith, but to take it this step far, it insane. On the other side of the spectrum, there are bounty hunters who are only wanting to find this arson because they want a payout so at this point pressure to the culprit will be going from green to red.

But that being said, Religious Violence has been on the rise lately compared to the Christian vs. Satanist ordeal that took place about a yea or two ago.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Radar controlled machine guns?

Most likely a purchased firearm. Gun Store Owner will only raise a brow if you have a crazy history, but a Mr. Clean record allows you to pick any gun from the candy shop, as long as your license to carry is clean or if you speak highly 2nd amendment, the owner will give you a high five and allow you to buy.

Things can get bad to worse and set to easy mode for the US.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

It may as well be the case for it is stated by former exjws known as anti-jws, having both jws and exjws (pretty much atheists) that a stabbing of a jw in the UK somewhere was a hate crime by means of influence, and this was even stated by the UK gov't, of all people, Theresa May, who is aware of religious hate crime due to influence, granted the hate spreading of muslims in the UK, it is done to jws too. 

I wish I knew exactly what you are saying. I haven't kept up with any hate crime issues in the UK. I think I follow a lot of what you have said, but I can't tell if I am reading you as intended, and I can't say that I totally agree with some apparent assumptions of yours.

I think you are saying that it may very well be the case that the perpetrator will turn out to be a disfellowshipped person. I meant the kind of disfellowshipped person who doesn't feel that he can come back to the fold, therefore I also called him an ex-JW. The idea that he has psychological issues seems obvious to me, based on the type of crime, although I really don't know much of anything about psychiatry.

But then you responded that I might be right because "it is stated by former exjws known as anti-jws, having both jws and exjws (pretty much atheists) that a stabbing of a jw in the UK somewhere was a hate crime by means of influence . . ." I think you are saying (in the next part of the sentence) that the UK has acknowledged that there are hate crimes against Muslims that are influenced from anti-Muslim rhetoric and hate speech. Perhaps you are saying that exjws who are anti-JWs are also influenced by anti-JW hate speech. This is always possible, although I would guess that the combination of factors influencing a person to do this crime will not be clearly traceable to influence by others. My guess is that he is mentally unstable and that whatever action was taken against him personally is perceived as a humiliation or rejection that he perceives he cannot or will not be able to overcome. Rather than merely producing anger, he is lashing out wildly and perceives himself to be punishing the system that is humiliating him, rejecting him, or treating him unjustly.

What you speak about is another possibility, that of a person (likely unstable) being influenced by others to lash out based on a frenzy whipped up by others. And another possibility is that the person really was treated unjustly and knows no other world, or feels trapped that he has no other means of survival but to to lash back at the "power" over him.

What I don't believe is a generalization that exjws are pretty much atheists. Perhaps the most vocal online are, and even there I wouldn't know. I suspect that out of one million exJWs in the world, that 990,000 just drifted into a different type of belief in God that didn't require certain activities that they no longer believe are a requirement from God. Of the other remaining 10,000, many of those are quite angry at policies that left them without access to their loved ones, or made them angry enough to look for reasons to dismiss religion altogether. This same group would be expected to produce the online opposers.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Most likely a purchased firearm. Gun Store Owner will only raise a brow if you have a crazy history, but a Mr. Clean record allows you to pick any gun from the candy shop, as long as your license to carry is clean or if you speak highly 2nd amendment, the owner will give you a high five and allow you to buy.

Things can get bad to worse and set to easy mode for the US.

First of all, I was making a joke about mounting radar operated machine guns on Kingdom Halls to deter arsonists.

Second, you obviously have NO experience buying firearms from reputable licensed dealers.

You are speaking about things you do not know ... about.

With Criminals, and criminally minded vendors, of course ANYTHING could be the case.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

First of all, I was making a joke about mounting radar operated machine guns on Kingdom Halls to deter arsonists.

Second, you obviously have NO experience buying firearms from reputable licensed dealers.

You are speaking about things you do not know ... about.

With Criminals, and criminally minded vendors, of course ANYTHING could be the case.

I know I do not. But with the rate of gang stalking and religious hate rimes on the rise, this seems to be the case. The thing is here along with the arson, jw churches have been shot up by a specific firearm, that being, an assault rifle, of which is in connection with the church arson and said to have been done by the same person, such a person clearly has no bad history and or record and still conceals himself, for with no record and a license to carry, it makes such a person very elusive and hard to track and or find, which seems to be the case.

Guns store owners will sell guns to anyone anytime, mainly if the record is clean, granted the culprit manage to get by this easy by damaging the churches via fire and on other occasion bullets, thankfully no one inside, it speaks in volumes.

I do not have experience in firearms, but I know to some extend the law of the land in regards of guns and those who carry them, those against them, at the same time having a corral with the state and government

I tend to speak on this to point of what is actually true and there is no question that such things are connected: https://www.kiro7.com/news/south-sound-news/shots-fired-into-kingdom-hall-of-jehovahs-witnesses/750155526

It is easy to catch a man who has some sort of record and or history, it is far more difficult to find a man who has a clean record, and any man with ill intent can easily get their hands on such things, of which was indeed true, granted you can only acquire such things from an actual Gun Store.

In a small town like that, it is unlikely criminals would be selling guns on the street, mainly if you take into account the area's history, if anything, such is possible in areas in the Southern parts of the US.

But what is said is very much true in regards to those who upheld the 2nd amendment in order to get their hands on a weapon and use said weapon  for ill intent (hence the whole situation with government and the NRA several months ago), be it for something minor as sending a message and or something major.

Should this man end up being exposed and caught, it is without question we will see the history and we will see of where he bought the gun in the first place, again, a small area like that, you wouldn't catch criminals who sell illegal weapons in such a place compared to other areas,mainly when criminal activity is on a high percentage on a daily.

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Space Merchant:

Again, I would like to congratulate you on you excellent choice of Avatar Icon for your log in, here.  It is appropriate to your posting above.

The logic and reasoning you use is dangerously close to "prior restraint" , which is in the realm of tyrants and despots.

I disagree with your premises, reasoning, and conclusions.  They "sound reasonable", until translated into real world action.

I consider ALL competent and sane men of good intent to be armed, at all times, everywhere, to be a VERY GOOD THING.

What you are suggesting is tantamount to making the assumption that because all men have penises, they should all be be viewed as potential rapists, and treated accordingly.




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25 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I do not have experience in firearms, but I know to some extend the law of the land in regards of guns and those who carry them, those against them, at the same time having a corral with the state and government

Do you use "voice to text" software such as "Dragon Naturally Speaking"?

Your very long posts seem to be a LOT of work .... but then again, I cannot "touch type".


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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I wish I knew exactly what you are saying. I haven't kept up with any hate crime issues in the UK. I think I follow a lot of what you have said, but I can't tell if I am reading you as intended, and I can't say that I totally agree with some apparent assumptions of yours.

I think you are saying that it may very well be the case that the perpetrator will turn out to be a disfellowshipped person. I meant the kind of disfellowshipped person who doesn't feel that he can come back to the fold, therefore I also called him an ex-JW. The idea that he has psychological issues seems obvious to me, based on the type of crime, although I really don't know much of anything about psychiatry.

But then you responded that I might be right because "it is stated by former exjws known as anti-jws, having both jws and exjws (pretty much atheists) that a stabbing of a jw in the UK somewhere was a hate crime by means of influence . . ." I think you are saying (in the next part of the sentence) that the UK has acknowledged that there are hate crimes against Muslims that are influenced from anti-Muslim rhetoric and hate speech. Perhaps you are saying that exjws who are anti-JWs are also influenced by anti-JW hate speech. This is always possible, although I would guess that the combination of factors influencing a person to do this crime will not be clearly traceable to influence by others. My guess is that he is mentally unstable and that whatever action was taken against him personally is perceived as a humiliation or rejection that he perceives he cannot or will not be able to overcome. Rather than merely producing anger, he is lashing out wildly and perceives himself to be punishing the system that is humiliating him, rejecting him, or treating him unjustly.

What you speak about is another possibility, that of a person (likely unstable) being influenced by others to lash out based on a frenzy whipped up by others. And another possibility is that the person really was treated unjustly and knows no other world, or feels trapped that he has no other means of survival but to to lash back at the "power" over him.

What I don't believe is a generalization that exjws are pretty much atheists. Perhaps the most vocal online are, and even there I wouldn't know. I suspect that out of one million exJWs in the world, that 990,000 just drifted into a different type of belief in God that didn't require certain activities that they no longer believe are a requirement from God. Of the other remaining 10,000, many of those are quite angry at policies that left them without access to their loved ones, or made them angry enough to look for reasons to dismiss religion altogether. This same group would be expected to produce the online opposers.

I was being very brief, but yes, in the EU, mainly the UK, hate crimes have been on an all time high and it is mostly directed by people of a specific race and or religious belief, other situations it is of a radicalized person killing anyone in his or her path. Hate Crimes are usually carried out by both acid and knife attacks, for knife attacks end up causing the great injury and or death. Granted with the up in religious violence nowadays, pretty much anyone can and will be a target.

Yes, this might be the case, but we have to take into account of how much hate you guys get also, and despite such action of what this person, as with the others, are doing, such ones against you will pin the blame on you without having all the facts together and should something bad do happen, they will point the finger easily, as is of what has taken place in some situations already; several arson, a church of yours riddled with assault rifle fire, etc.

All in all, influence is also a factor, and such influence can drive people to do things be it physically and or verbally, from minor to major, being of the cause in question they are against and or for something. Granted on the actions of the arsonist, and others, already it is clear such ones hatred, and is fully aware of what they are doing, and what we see on the other side of the spectrum are those mocking and attacking such ones like yourself and making the claim that you people deserve what is coming, and of course comments like this will only result in those who will come forth clearly against the man's actions and what is being said by those who see you as an opponent, as is the gassing with the political gassing some months ago.

No need for psychiatry. The actions and ill intent of such ones is obvious, for if people like that are all knowing about their own actions of causing that much damage on to one church and the next, it is already seen, even by some, as hatred and disgust for the church and it's people, of which as already put that small community on the edge as it is, and this is but one of several attacks already.

There is a lot of hate speech about religion in the UK, even towards you, after the death of one jw inside the church he was in, it was ruled out as a hate crime, which resulted in the PM talking about hate crimes and censoring media due to influence that comes from such things. This was done but was only minimized slightly, thus people are still on the edge and are vigilant, such had taken place as of last year, and since then, the hate crimes just spiked towards those of religious background and or a specific race, mainly with the whole immigration thing that is another factor in the EU.

I guess when more comes form the investigation we will see, for if this person was able to get this far and what he has done, one can say it is out of hatred and such put such a person into this course to enact such. That being said, we can say this, yes, but even a trapped man will go forth with actions that is deemed crazy and wrong by others.

I am talking about anti-jws, these guys hate both jws and exjws. I would consider them more of a wild card for they are not a fan of anything to do with God and or the Bible whatsoever. Despite this, towards jws and exjws, it is either extreme hatred and constant mocking of them and brutal attacking and insult, of which can be seen on another thread similar to here but in full force, on the other side of the spectrum, they want nothing to do with both groups, but will often speak their peace in terms of using logic and fact checking anyone who speaks ill. These guys adhere to and carefully listen to famous atheists, for instance, Hemant Mehta (The Amazing Atheist) being the go to guy and the only person they tend to get their information from, at the same time others have gone to people like him in order to get information to use against a group and or a person they dislike.

But yes, as for exjws, not all of them are bad, in fact, some of them defend jws and fact check those who speak badly, and end up being the very ones to be attacked.

Yes, but you'd be surprised, the more angry ones wish to see a faith burn down to the ground, some of them even attempt to get the current President to help them do it, granted Trump is an avid Twitter poster, as they have done several times last year.

In the end though, the biggest concern here is safety, do what you can and be vigilant and aware, for such ones are quite angry and there is no telling what a concerned man in the dark will do. So it is very goo to see that community in that town actually stepping up to find this guy, as is the other affected areas.

But I was right about what I say bounty hunters, you may not know this but whenever money is involved, there are people who try to look for such persons themselves, for that is what they see, any information and or tip, etc that will enable them to be a step closer to the reward they want and the US has a lot of bounty hunters, even among the police force.


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28 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Space Merchant:

Again, I would like to congratulate you on you excellent choice of Avatar Icon for your log in, here.  It is appropriate to your posting above.

The logic and reasoning you use is dangerously close to "prior restraint" , which is in the realm of tyrants and despots.

I disagree with your premises, reasoning, and conclusions.  They "sound reasonable", until translated into real world action.

I consider ALL competent and sane men of good intent to be armed, at all times, everywhere, to be a VERY GOOD THING.

What you are suggesting is tantamount to making the assumption that because all men have penises, they should all be be viewed as potential rapists, and treated accordingly.




No worries. It is just that I see things for what they really are, mainly when at times growing up you witness and hear things, you begin to learn and grow and understand and connect the dots from there. There is a lot I know of which I rarely speak of here so I tend to keep it to a limit, mainly on topics that is of an extreme level, unless it is of the bible of course.

Not all men are bad, as I have said many times around here, there is the good and there is the bad, those of the bad will do things with ill intent, and they do this on the daily and even to good people, at times oppress them. Some of these people play the system in order to do these bad things.

The sad reality is what I speak of is indeed true, for that is within the realm of corruption around the world and mainly the US. The system is corrupted in a way that is allows for double standards and it allows for people to get hurt when they are not suppose to begin with, get the help they need or else such things like their water supply will cause injury to them because corrupt people didn't do anything to stop the water from spoiling and a list of other things. Weapons are bought by people who do not have records and they end up doing bad things as what can be seen in our history already. At the same time there is a war going on with the NRA in this regard and clearly both sides in this fight is at fault. Which also allows why there are those in the shadow government that want to alter the 1st and 2nd amendment. Like I said, I have no care for politics, but things of this nature can cause the chaos to crank up to 11 and result in very bad things to come.

That being said, it is the same case with these church arson, damaging churches even using assault rifles on to an empty church out of hatred and or sending a message, such things will cause concern, fear and people to question, mainly in a community and or in this case, communities that never seen anything like this and it never stops at one, or two, or three, or four, for such things will continue until a time comes where it will cease.

As for this particular case, the is no telling what a man cornered in the dark will do, but as I see it, it is clearly out of hatred here, until then the investigation has to be done so we have more information, as is the case with the other similar incidents.

30 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Do you use "voice to text" software such as "Dragon Naturally Speaking"?

Your very long posts seem to be a LOT of work .... but then again, I cannot "touch type".


I simply type too fast for my own good, perhaps a bit too fast. Normally I do not make long post as such but I grew into them after that one thread a while back regarding religious church fathers, granted I defend church history and the bible's history I become way too overly detailed, I believe this is in a thread where you and I believe tom was talking about unicorns in the bible. I guess I would say the one who was trying to twist the information of the church's history and actual belief resulted in somewhat long lecturous posts.

I try to reduce the amount at times, but there is always someone who has a response to a claim, and such claims needs to be fact checked and corrected, for the last time I was extremely brief in information, the someone tried to twist passages regarding Bereans and the holy spirit, at that rate, things must be said and information must be shown.

But other than that, it takes me 4-5 minutes or less depending on what is being discussed in a response and or claim, exegesis, etc. of which I have read, at times a few typos, for since I am from CSE forums, everything that one has to say must have information backing it up or else it would be problematic.

For as you can see, this is the community I have come from, and even these people are like me and have a lot to say at times. People are serious, perhaps far more serious beyond me because I was like a small ant to them in the past, but now I am similar to them in some way.

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