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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If it is, it is. If you got in there somehow to put up the crossbars, the brothers will saw them off in good time.

Come now. You are not going to tell me that you do not hate the governing body. Sometimes it seems your sole purpose of existence.

OK, I admit it, I put up the crossbars.  :)

No, I don't hate the individual members of the GB.    In fact I pray that they wake up and notice their anointed "brothers" in Christ. I see many "apostates" criticize, and make fun of, everything personal about them; such as their individual quirks.  I try not to go that far.   I picture them in my mind as men who soberly would admit they have made mistakes that have hurt so many.  But, it won't happen.

It is the composite "Harlot"'s lies  that I detest.  Rev 13:11

I also don't hate the individual members of the elder body.  At one time both my husband  and brother were elders.  I have known some who were actually  compassionate.  They didn't last in the organization.  I detest what they represent, a counterfeit priesthood/man of lawlessness.  



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14 hours ago, Witness said:

OK, I admit it, I put up the crossbars

Look, I have been there. And any number of people I know were involved in the construction. If there was anything so pronounced as your picture suggests, it would have been all the buzz. Assuming for a moment that it is real, maybe it is something that must be viewed at a certain angle.

Why in the world would they deliberately work it into the construction, anyhow?

15 hours ago, Witness said:

I pray that they wake up and notice their anointed "brothers" in Christ. 

In a reality of your devising, how would these anointed "brothers" of yours be treated? 

How does anyone know that they actually are anointed, since the only requirement of claiming that status is to claim it?

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15 hours ago, Outta Here said:

What! Do they even steal the tyres off your bikes in that den of iniquity?????Pah! nothing is sacred these days!

It's actually part of of a strategics strategy to steal THREE bicycle tires (American spelling for tyres..), that way they do not get accused of being .... *coff* .. two tired,  to fix the "crosses".


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From the upward slant of the angle that the photograph was taken, the edge of the ledge cuts off perhaps two feet of the bottom part of the piece of shiny vertical stainless steel.

I STRONGLY suspect there is another  horizontal piece obscured by perspective below the ones shown here, looking like a "cross", exactly like the one shown, below on each vertical member, to attach to the sheets of plate glass, through holes in the glass,  to keep it from flexing, in high wind.   (Eventually, one of those plates of glass will somehow get broken).

The plate glass would not normally rest on the stone surface for many reasons, including collecting water, debris, and accessibility to maintenance for cleaning.

That photo was taken somewhere about 35 degrees above horizontal, looking up.

That would make it TWO horizontal cross arms for each rail support ... not a crucifex at all ! 

Four support points or "tabs" for each sheet of glass, attached to the railing supports. That makes perfect sense to me.

Further, from the  specular highlight reflectance  of those tabs, it appears they are on the other side of the glass.  That would make sense so you can unbolt the damaged glass plates  without a 50 foot ladder, and can stand where the visitors are shown, to do it.

Look at how the CORNER posts horizontal tabs are attached  in the original picture !

I would bet money that I am right.


Any takers?

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53 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In a reality of your devising, how would these anointed "brothers" of yours be treated? 

How does anyone know that they actually are anointed, since the only requirement of claiming that status is to claim it?

Rom 8:16, unless one has left their covenant in Christ and follows another spirit; which, if the GB was in Christ, their relationship with their anointed brothers and sisters would be completely different.  They would make every effort to unite the anointed together.  Instead, they make every effort to keep them from "bonding".  Eph 4:1-6  A "faithful steward" of God's spiritual household manages all provisions provided by the household and distributes them to the sheep, accordingly.   He does not squander away the gifts that each anointed one possesses.  Luke 16:1-4 When the Body is unified, able to work together, Holy Spirit flows among them as well as recognizable love between all members. John 15:5 This is what Paul taught the early anointed ones.   All members are to be aware of each other and what they have to offer, as well as their individual needs.  1 Cor chapter 12; Eph 5:25-33

Otherwise it is sinning against the Holy Spirit.  

The GB does not recognize that "one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."  1 Cor 12:11

Think about your relationship with your wife.  Ideally...we are aware of our spouse's needs and appreciate what our spouse adds in the relationship. The anointed as a unified Bride should be working as one, aware that they have only one Master, one "husband", Christ.  No other anointed one should assume authority over those who must listen only to Jesus.  Matt 24:48-51

Since this is not the case in the organization, one must ask, why isn't it.  





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43 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Any takers?

More photos are needed to compare?  I am not saying it is deliberate, but there are some suggestive forces that are able to manipulate the mind...unknowingly. Eph 2:2  Why on earth would the early Zion Watchtower have three crosses on the tower?   Who thought that one up?


I do believe lighting had everything to do with the clarity of the "cross" brackets on Warwick's tower.    (Luke 8:17)

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52 minutes ago, Witness said:

Why on earth would the early Zion Watchtower have three crosses on the tower?   Who thought that one up?

Sigh ... this is getting tiresome, and I have to go put new headlights on my car this afternoon.

The stone Watchtower on the old magazine cover had WINDOWS in the side of the tower.

WINDOWS to let in light, and ventilation, but designed the way they were so that you could shoot ARROWS, spears, and pour flaming oil and push stones  on the ones seeking to scale the walls to break into your fortification.

The walls are several feet thick.

That means that, from the INSIDE,  by varying your angle from left to right, and top to bottom, you can shoot OUT of a VERY narrow slit, as the incoming projectiles have a good chance of being deflected by the wall and SIDES of the cross SHAPED window.

It's NOT a crucifex design .... its a weapons platform, that happens to be cross shaped.

There is a difference!

If your mind has an agenda driven motivation, EVERYTHING you see , hear and experience will be WRONG. 

This will appear normal, and wise to you.

It's not what we think we know ... or what we really do know ...... it's about not getting suckered into a mind set where everything we actually do know .... is WRONG.

There is a LOT out there.... and if you have WDS ( Watchtower Derangement Syndrome ), seeing things that are not really there,you will miss most of it, and die ignorant .... and wrong.

It's a sword that cuts BOTH ways.




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38 minutes ago, Witness said:

Since this is not the case in the organization, one must ask, why isn't it.  


You did not answer the second part of my question: 

How does anyone really know that these “brothers” of yours are really anointed, since all they must do is self-identify? Even (gulp) @James Thomas Rook Jr. could do that. (Not that he would)

33 minutes ago, Witness said:

Why on earth would the early Zion Watchtower have three crosses on the tower?   

 Because they believed then that Christ died on a cross. They no longer do. Is it that flabbergasting?

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10 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It's NOT a crucifex design .... its a weapons platform, that happens to be cross shaped.

There is a difference!

OKAY!   :) 

@TrueTomHarley  "Because they believed then that Christ died on a cross. They no longer do. Is it that flabbergasting?"

So...two reasons.  I'll choose which one I want to believe.  

Yep, "Watchtower Derangement Syndrome".  




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11 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

How does anyone really know that these “brothers” of yours are really anointed, since all they must do is self-identify?

Again, Rom 8:16.  Of those anointed that I have talked with, the anointing experiences are very similar.  

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