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Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"

Ann O'Maly

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1 minute ago, Anna said:

My point was that humans are humans wherever they are,

Unfortunately, characteristics are not the same.  Go to Pakistan and say anything Christian and you may be falsely accused of blasphemy by someone who will lie about you.  It is taught behavior (call it indoctrination if you like). Prejudices of societies make them who they are. 

In south Africa we did encounter racists - and I used this example before....  Speak to a racist and say that all races will be living together in future paradise.... see what answer you get. " I do not want a future with one of them!"  Question: Who closed the Kingdom for that person... The JW, by mentioning all will share the same hopes, loves aspirations etc.... or did the person's own attitude close the kingdom for him.  many people gladly adopt the prevalent attitudes of their country.  i.e. Most swedes do not believe there is a god and they are comfortable with this and do not want to talk about it. Those who indicate an interest in god are the exeptions.  Same in many countries with other religions..... the prejudices are inbuilt and most like it this way.

I did hear that it was the poorer classes in India (the untouchables) that were coming in the truth. Those who are affected by the hateful caste system... so they also have new laws brought in my Mohdi (right-wing leader) to dissuade conversions.

16 minutes ago, Anna said:

I am not worried, and like you, I leave it in Jehovah's hands because he is a righteous judge and he will not destroy anyone unjustly.

Totally agreed.  Jehovah knows his sheep. and the field service is directed by the angels. Sometimes we reach people by accident or just plain miracle... 

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@Arauna I go back to it as it is still ongoing Earth wide. The investigations and probably the child sexual abuse too. And the GB and their lawyers are still withholding the 20 + year database from the Superior Authorities that they tell you to obey.  I am sad for all JWs that think they know 'truth' but do not, and that continue to be part of such an immoral Organisation. You call it hatred but in fact I find it revolting that your leaders are so dishonest in nearly everything they say and do.   Lets be honest your GB did not spread the word earth wide, it was done many years before them. Your GB run a business. Real Estate and hiding money offshore. In my opinion the JW Org /CCJW is known for bad things earth wide, not good things. You may say that is because the Devil is fighting against the Organisation, but my point is, that your GB are creating bad publicity for them selves and for the CCJW. What this means in reality is that your GB are stumbling people. They are not making it easy for people to take an interest in God through the CCJW. Once again, in my opinion, the CCJW is not seen as different or better than other religions, because they are not showing a good high standard of morality above other religions, and they are pushing the idea of the 'Final part of the Final day' too much as if to frighten people. The CCJW is not the only non-trinitarian religion and not the only religion that believes in the coming Judgement. 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontrinitarianism#:~:text=The largest nontrinitarian Christian denominations,Scientists%2C Dawn Bible Students%2C Living


I do seriously worry about JWs being physically attacked on the ministry (when it returns), because many people are now fully aware of the CSA within the Org. And as the GB do not wish to apologise for it, then it really does make it look as if they do not care. I've used the words 'Collateral damage' many times, and it seriously does look as if the GB and many JWs just look at it that way. When I was a JW I never saw it from both sides. Now I have left the CCJW I can view it from both sides as I have the experience of both sides. 


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5 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Does this mean, God has never punished the unrepentant? Does this mean, the inspired word of God should not be used as an instrument of Gods stance against unrepentant and individuals that partake in worldly sin in order to keep Christ body and church clean? What is the point of keeping Christian ethics, if we are to accept being part of this world is a Christian, criteria?

Don’t forget that most of the problems and injustices were done by those people who used God’s Word to “get others in order”. Self-righteous and zealous, always ready to trow "first stone".


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11 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

than for anything else.

Not even close to being true. If I were to pick up a random 100 times that the Witnesses have been mentioned recently in popular culture, I'd bet that more than 90% of them are based on the fact that we come to preach at people's doors. Mentions in movies and TV shows often make fun of this. Just saw another one of these last week watching a Grisham book set to a movie. A lawyer comes to the woman's door and after she recognizes him, she says, "Oh, I thought you were one of them Jehovah's Witnesses" or something to that effect.

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6 hours ago, César Chávez said:

As usual, you're saying God is wrong. I hate to be in your shoes! 😌


7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Don’t forget that most of the problems and injustices were done by those people ...

Please CC, as usual i put in question people. People who claims that they working God's job and will on Earth.

But also, we are entitled to put some questions to God too. Clever or stupid, disturbing or suspicious, which question "God’s decisions" revealed in Bible. Revealed by writing hands of human and translated by human, with various interpretations made by human aka religious systems aka organized religions.

Well, in all that i or somebody else not questioning God solely, but also or to be said, more than God we have to question human visions and interpretations of God, too.  

For sake of argument only, i will ask god again, why He need more time for "issues" about ... "can people rule without god?", "why does god allow evil?". ... for this questions has been answered by men (and angels) long before. 

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20 hours ago, César Chávez said:

There's a difference Srecko when you ask a question of God for spiritual guidance and understanding. You are not doing that. You are questioning God himself on how his people should be no different from this wicked world by questioning Gods sovereignty. and telling him to make changes to suit you within modern times.

As i can recall Bible text, God has never forbidden people to express to him their questions, feelings, dilemmas, anger, disappointments, irrationality or their madness,  ...etc. 

Well, conclusion is obvious. You are not entitled to forbid or judge things which God allows people. :))

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2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

However, you are not asking but commanding.

I am not "commanding" neither God nor GB, nor JW's.

2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

You are not asking, but condemning.

"condemn" - to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons: -https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/condemn

When i strongly criticize WTJWorg + GB + Helpers, why is this same to you as criticizing God? 

2 hours ago, César Chávez said:

You are not asking but demanding.

I am not "demanding" nothing from you, JW's or God. And i would add, i don't expecting nothing from all of you. And as you say God is God. Who am i to demand or expect that God have to adjust His act with my feelings and thoughts?


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