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If you want to help about 200,000 of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses avoid being jailed on false, unjust, and absurd grounds, please join our campaign to promote the hashtag #StopJWBan across Twitter and any other social media. This would be our version of the global letter-writing campaign to Mr. Putin. You can post a suitable video (like this one), a piece from Jehovah's Witnesses websites, or anything you want to share, adding this hashtag. The more people will do it, the more likely it will appear in top Twitter trends, and this will create a powerful information wave. Ask power Twitter users and/or bloggers that you know to do the same. Don't stand apart, help us spread the word!

You may just click on this button to tweet instantly:


#StopJWBan (Russian)


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Spread the word, help stop religious repressions, help #StopJWBan in Russia! https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/VODOurOrganization/pub-jwb_201703_14_VIDEO  


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