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The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.

JW Insider

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1 minute ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Well, you make a good point here.

Yikes! I didn't delete it in time. I removed that because to explain the full point would have taken another page or two. I'll assume you got what I was driving at without needing the full explanation. Hmm. Maybe there's a lesson there in how lengthy my writing should be.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

that certain countries will not permit the spread of the good news

yes and it just so happens that Russia, china, Iran and some ex-soviet countries are amongst them.  


3 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

almost always in direct correlation to the proportion of those same country's populations killed by "Christians" armies in that particular co

In Africa and middle east, Christian populations have almost disappeared..... there were large populations before. 

4 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

you are speaking from the perspective of how well the West has been able to control propaganda at home.

This means that they have been wide awake - but unfortunately they have been sleeping for the last 20 years.  And if you think you can trust any of the sources in America - think again. 

7 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

North Korea was burned down. It was actually a war against the civilians

We are not talking about war crimes and injustice on the battle field - you seem to confuse the two aspects.   Most countries commit war terrible war crimes.  I am talking about totalitarianism and how they have killed their own people - not foreigners.  And the possibility for this to come to the West.


12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

nd more recently the biological warfare against food, electric and water supplies in Iraq, that resulted in the deaths of perhaps another million, mostly under Clinton. The US speaks openly of illegal coups and regime changes in other countries. And sometimes you only find out after secret documents are leaked or wait until enough years have passed to become public domain. Threatening war, regime change, or cutting off food supplies (sanctions) to a country

I know all about these American atrocities - governments usually justify these type of atrocities against other countries.....  and it is bad….- but can you imagine what will happen if USA does this to their own people?  The possibility is growing for a totalitarian system to arise.   The Chinese are already doing it, Russia and Iran is doing it, and several north African countries and ex-soviet countries are illtreating their people or justifying death of their own citizens. … .

That is what I am talking about...… this kind of system which could be awaiting the entire world.

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2 minutes ago, Arauna said:

In Africa and middle east, Christian populations have almost disappeared..... there were large populations before. 

True. That's why I made the point about the exceptions in countries with a more recent rise in Islam. (You might still have that part, but that particular point was deleted.)

4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

And if you think you can trust any of the sources in America - think again. 

True again. No specific sources should be trusted. We need to learn what we can and look where evidence leads.

6 minutes ago, Arauna said:

We are not talking about war crimes and injustice on the battle field - you seem to confuse the two aspects

They are not confused at all. It was just a response to TTH about the contrast in how the West "kills them softly" when they mow them down.

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In contrast, when the West mows them down, it tends to focus on just subjugating them, rather than eradicating them. The West is more likely to be “killing them softly”

I just wanted to point out that the West is having more trouble maintaining that narrative.

13 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Most countries commit war terrible war crimes.  I am talking about totalitarianism and how they have killed their own people - not foreigners.

I assume you are ready to give evidence about how many people were murdered by Mao? I believe you are working with numbers around 40,000,000?

On 7/28/2020 at 10:40 AM, Arauna said:

Stalin has once again become popular in Russia and his millions of murders of his own citizens has been whitewashed  (40 million down to 20 million) and so has Mao se Tung been sanctified with his murders down to 40 million of his own citizens.

Don't take this link as "evidence" for or against, but the writer reports there that this is within the commonly claimed range of numbers:


Official Chinese sources, released after Mao’s death, suggest that 16.5 million people died in the Great Leap Forward. These figures were released during an ideological campaign by the government of Deng Xiaoping against the legacy of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. However, there seems to be no way of independently, authenticating these figures due to the great mystery about how they were gathered and preserved for twenty years before being released to the general public. American researchers managed to increase this figure to around 30 million by combining the Chinese evidence with extrapolations of their own from China’s censuses in 1953 and 1964. Recently, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday in their book Mao: the Unknown Story reported 70 million killed by Mao, including 38 million in the Great Leap Forward.

Some study of the Deng government is very relevant here. It reminds me of how Kruschev made up numbers to discredit Stalin before him. It also reminds me of Twitter tweets like "The number one cause of death in the United States is D.J. Trump." I can imagine claims by the next president, if there is one 😉, that Trump killed 150,000 of his own people, and North Korea will teach their schoolchildren that Trump murdered 15,000,000.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

have anything in particular against communism? I’m not sure that I wo

I do not have anything against communism (I know it is flawed like capitalism) ...... however, I realize its atheism and the philosophy behind it is treacherous. It is a perfect vehicle for Satan to use in time of the end because of the totalitarian nature of it.  Satan can influence the wicked atheist world leaders  to bring in a one world central government modelled on neo-communism (which they are planning at present) and the greatest tribulation /starvation the world has ever seen.  Most people are welcoming to this system these days and do not realize the implications of it.  And I am NOT taking sides - just warning of the signs I see developing..... regarding possible fulfillment of the scriptures we have.

I do not take sides in US politics - I am thankfully without a country.   BUT I watch philosophies and trends..... and this philosophy is humbugging everyone!

2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

many would be benefited by being slaves—their conditions would improve b

The way things are going, property rights will be taken away (agenda 2030 and the green deal) … so all will be slaves - totally equal.   What most people do not realize is that super capitalism and communism look the same - a few people on top and the rest are plebs. This is why one cannot take sides..... both systems lead to severe oppression when it reaches this stage.....   This is why the super rich in the world - the top echelons are all working together to beget a NWO that will equalize everyone except those already on the top.

2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

West is more likely to be “killing them softly”—p

Hunger will kill a lot of people.... without proper medical and other services.... 


2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Go find a think tank of the opposite persuasion—there are plenty of them in any field. The universal pattern in the US is to run the “evidence” of the other person into the ditch, t

True-  I studied islam - I know islam inside out - its sharia laws its aspirations.  I still follow the money trails and the front organizations which now are so powerful in USA and forming policies.  America has been subverted, not just by Chinese but by islam….. The situation is building up everywhere for Armageddon.... of this I am sure.   America has been subverted because think-tanks are bought and paid for by those who donate the money.  Follow the money trail and you will find the truth.

Same with this virus - they did false studies that show hydroxychloroquine to be dangerous ( these studies were withdrawn but withdrawals did not get publicly) - so no-one knows the truth. People have been using it every day for 68 years for illnesses such as arthritis and malaria prevention.   Doctors who spoke the truth about it are taken off FB and YouTube etc.  Why?  Pharmaceutical industrial complex behind the maligning and the false studies.  Can one really trust these studies and the fact checkers?  I do not.  I happen to have used hydroxychloroquine. It was prescribed for my arthritis. 

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On 7/28/2020 at 12:17 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Annashould weigh in on this, for I recall her saying how she has lived under communist rule and is not a fan.

No, I am definitely not a fan. But, as with everything, there are pluses and minuses. Today, there are still those who mourn those days, missing the camaraderie, the "we have nothing but neither does our neighbor". Those who kissed the Bolshevik's butts fared better than those who didn't. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would like anything about that period, except there was maybe less stress, because no one actually worked, but those who wanted to work, or contribute something useful to society, usually had to emigrate, usually illegally, leaving behind family members. As a child, I could never understand why someone was not allowed to leave the country. I don't know much about China, so I cannot compare their communism to the communism I experienced, I am sure there are similarities but also differences. But any totalitarian regime, run by imperfect people, is wrong. 

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15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

we are often so steeped in Western propaganda

Americans are, for sure, but you forget I grew up in Africa and basically am a refugee myself.  Moving from country to country. I saw what the communalist way of thinking did in Africa.  I do not have the American mindset and thankfully did not go to an American school.  While I worked in USA, I saw the mindset of people I worked with and realized their vulnerabilities. 

One of them is that America is the greatest - with the result that they allowed capitalism to blindfold them.  To make a dollar they allowed subversive countries into US to buy large companies, take over and originate so-called "human rights organizations"  (the clay of Daniel) and did not see all the undermining philosophies coming in (through Frankfort school of thought) to break down family and true Christian morality.  The result of this new phenomenon in the streets of US today with the millennials all "emotion" and no thinking ability.


13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

departed from Asia briefly

Yes - these philosophies started in the west and exported to the east as You clearly indicated.


15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

From an ethical or religious perspective we might not realize just how judgmental, unsympathetic and unloving we have been

Yes - the new sanctions are unloving because the CCP is hard on their population.  The Chinese people are sitting ducks.  Once one is under a communist system you cannot get out from under it.  You are powerless. The power and money lies in the hands of the few.  Most of the large corporations are owned by the state or the state has a large share of its profits. Some are even owned by the military - which do not swear allegiance to the Chinese people - but to the CCP. 

China has taken over the south china sea.  Vietnam cannot drill in its own waters.... china threatens... and so they have to pay compensation to the middle eastern company that was going to do the drilling.  Philippines took china to international court because of its abuses.  They have taken over all their fishing waters.  China ignored the verdict in Philippines' favor. 

The Pilipino president says he cannot enforce the verdict because he will have to go to war and he cannot afford war against china.  China is on the Indian border, there is talk that the pressure in Nepal is high - it may be the next Tibet.  Tibet was full of monestaries when china took over...….. the entire spiritual way of life of the people, that went on for centuries, came to an abrupt end. 

I am highlighting this to show that once one has a system like this one cannot get out from under it - it is destructive and all consuming...….. just as Satan wants it.  If you stand against the state and keep your religion - you are expendable….

So far, in the west a person had freedom of religion - but this will be taken away in a flash under a new world system where we are social engineered to be 'equal' in all things (including your religion) - which is now in the making.

I see signs that it is coming to the west.  Satan will use it to compromise the integrity of all - we will have to stand the test of our faith.  Who will be able to stand?   

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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You can not pay me so little, how little work I can do

My wife’s grandfather was born in Zagreb. My son went to Serbia to “find his roots.” He fell in love with the people, and eventually moved there. “You have to be careful in accepting their hospitality,” he says, “becasue they will give you what they don’t have.” He also confirms what you have said about Tito.

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On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Arauna said:

So far, in the west a person had freedom of religion - but this will be taken away in a flash under a new world system

I have said this before, but I find it extremely difficult to imagine that this could happen in the USA where freedom of religion is written into the constitution. And I find it difficult to see that the USA would change its precious constitution for the sake of some kind of new world system which demands no religion. I also cannot see that Islamic nations such as Saudi Arabia would allow anyone to forbid them to worship at their mosques or the pilgrimage to Mecca etc. I cannot imagine the Pope being taken down. What I can see though is that in general, and especially in Europe, people not being too upset about religion, since so many of them are atheists. 

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On 7/28/2020 at 12:17 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

, I suspect that JWI is a closet-pinko

Actually, after communism fell in Eastern Europe, and Jehovah's Witnesses were free to preach and distribute literature, many householders would remark that the paradise illustrations reminded them of communist drawings. More recently, my mum gave the book "God's Kingdom Rules" to one of her studies (a lady in her 70's) and she did not like it at all. She said it was like reading a communist book. This is why in my earlier post I was careful to say that a totalitarian regime ran by imperfect beings is wrong. Most of us know that many of the communist ideologies are actually good, but of course imperfect man is not able to make them work, because man cannot rule over other men.

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