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Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise

Jack Ryan

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Quote @Leander H. McNelly (  Confederate officer and Texas Ranger captain.) Billy the Kid.

Non-JW’s as it stands now will be considered the (Goats). There is no justification and excuse on someone’s personal action and behavior. You either serve G-d the right way or you don’t. Jesus spoke of unity.

Nice to have your personal opinion, but that is all it is.  It sits in opposition to Jesus' viewpoint though. And I gave scripture to show that.

And as you say "You either serve G-d the right way or you don’t"  And it can be clearly seen that the GB and most of the upper ones in authority in the Watchtower and the CCJW are not serving God at all. They admit to not being inspired and they prove such by running ahead of God and Christ and in so doing they make false prophecies which obviously do not come true. They also place heavy burdens on their followers and do not help to carry the load. They do not show mercy 'to widows and orphans in their midst'. And they most certainly DO NOT keep either of their organisations clean. 

There could well be a while between now and the coming Judgement Day and in that time the CCJW / Watchtower Soc' may be completely removed. Both of those are just man made organisations. Don't you think that on Judgement Day it will be each INDIVIDUAL that is tested, just as we are being tested right now ? Or do you think you will be able to hide behind an Organisation ? 


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@Jay Witness The Nethinim class antitype applies to the helpers of the Governing Body who are not of the Anointed Ones. (144,000) This new understanding came about around 1992. I believe Anthony

When asked during the Aust Royal Commission, if the members of the Governing Body consider themselves to be God's spokesperson on earth, Geoff Jackson said, "That would be presumptuous of us" Ind

I would be inclined to agree with Thinking.. Br. Jackson was in a rather precarious position. He had to be very careful and diplomatic in order not to make us appear presumptuous and haughty. As

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13 hours ago, Witness said:

I suppose these three young "Christians" jumping in front of a symbol, are not teaching fine works either.  

People that have a weird way of seeing things will confuse what a symbol of veneration, is. JW.org sign is just that, a sign. A cross is a symbolism of Christianity. A flaw even the Bible Students portray with the Cross and Crown.



3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Quote @Leander H. McNelly (  Confederate officer and Texas Ranger captain.) Billy the Kid.

Non-JW’s as it stands now will be considered the (Goats). There is no justification and excuse on someone’s personal action and behavior. You either serve G-d the right way or you don’t. Jesus spoke of unity.

Nice to have your personal opinion, but that is all it is.  It sits in opposition to Jesus' viewpoint though. And I gave scripture to show that.



The only thing you have proven with your opinion, is the lack of bible understanding. I guess those years spent with witnesses taught you nothing about scripture. What the outside world did teach you is confusion and a cynical sense of morality. Words mean nothing, actions do!


However, reviving a 4-year topic is lame! 😂


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On 6/11/2016 at 8:16 PM, The Librarian said:

@Jay Witness The Nethinim class antitype applies to the helpers of the Governing Body who are not of the Anointed Ones. (144,000)

This new understanding came about around 1992. I believe Anthony Morris III proposed that article which was eventually published in The Watchtower.

As for some "Worldly" people (a term we try not to use in public) being the Nethinim class in "Paradise"... I guess we will just have to wait and see.

I, for one, would be excited to now that billions of people would be allowed to live in the new theocracy rather than be destroyed.

Maybe this will be part of the upcoming "New Scrolls"?


As for the Gibeonites, ... well.... that is a whole other question I will have to tackle later. 😉


Rev 7:14 Those that have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.  These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation.  

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On 6/12/2016 at 3:42 AM, Kenan said:

When asked during the Aust Royal Commission, if the members of the Governing Body consider themselves to be God's spokesperson on earth, Geoff Jackson said, "That would be presumptuous of us"

Indicating that perhaps Jehovah's Witnesses are not necessarily the only ones who recognize the TRUTH written in the bible.

There are obviously many not yet contacted through witnessing and more born every minute, whose heart only Jehovah can read.

Indicating humility.

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1 hour ago, Emma Rose said:

Rev 7:14 Those that have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.  These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation.  

That is true of course. But it begs the question, will absolutely everyone on earth at the time of the great tribulation be at exactly the same stage in their life, all having been given the chance to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb? Think of the billions, (not millions), of people in places like India and China. Think of the slums of India for example. Not only are those people steeped in false religion, worshipping thousands of different gods, but most of them don't know what a Bible is, and maybe have not even heard of Jesus. They have no internet, no running water, and hardly any education. In order to reach those people with the good news, for them to be able to actually make that decision to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb, you can imagine is a near impossible task, and one that would require years and years. It took us over a 100 years to get to where we are now.

Then there are those whose intellectual capacity prevents them from being able to chose to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb.
Then there are those who are in the process of deciding to wash their robes in the blood of the lamb, but haven't reached that point in their Bible study to be able to make a dedication.

There will always be people at different stages in life, through no fault of their own, who were not able to wash their robes in time for the great tribulation. We always say, if Armageddon would have come (insert years) ago, we may not have been in the truth yet. But that will always be the case, logically, not everyone will be in the same state simultaneously.

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5 hours ago, Emma Rose said:

Emma, this article does not really address the issue I raised. This is more for people who know what they are supposed to do, but are looking for loopholes to God's arrangement for salvation. This is not the issue here.

The article states that: "We are aware that many hypothetical or “What if . . .” cases can be raised, cases that seem to involve extenuating circumstances. What point, though, is there in speculating on these? Jesus’ illustration of the “sheep” and “goats” makes it plain that a time will come when the division between the “sheep” and the “goats” will be clear and final".

But that's not the issue here either. We are not asking about Jesus judging who is a sheep and who is a goat, but whether the criterion for being one or the other is baptism (washing their robes in the blood of the lamb). In other words, we know that not everyone who is baptised will be judged as a sheep, so is it possible that someone, or should I say millions, might be judged as sheep despite not being baptised and not knowing Jesus, for the simple reason because they never got the chance?

It's not even a case of speculating about many hypothetical "what ifs", or extenuating circumstances, but it is literally a case of billions simply not getting the opportunity.

If we are going to be realistic, then we know that there are going to be billions of people who won't get a choice before Armageddon comes.

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