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RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

Queen Esther

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MARCH 21, 2017 RUSSIA, Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia ! Make your participation a matter of prayer.—1 Tim. 2:1-4. Personal letters should be mailed no

Please,   prove  the  EXPRESS  stamps  before  by  your  post - office ! IT  MUST  BE  THERE  LATEST  ON  1. APRIL !!  

The  Letter-Writing Campaign Supporting Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.... OUR  kids  made  it  very  good   Handwriting  or  nice  drawings  by  younger  ones ! LIA  is  4 years,

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The special broadcast from the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, in the aftermath of the verdict, built everyone up. Mark Sanderson, of the GB, present throughout the trial, summarized the atmosphere even more so than the actual proceedings.

Early indications that the trial would be little more than a sham to rubberstamp a decision already made were spotlighted - 18 of the defense teams's motions instantly denied, for example, letting all know that videotaped evidence exonerating us would not be seen by the court. Embassy officials of other nations were able to see it, of course, as is everyone else, since it has been displayed for some time at jw.org. Their turn was to come, as the court also denied to hear testimony from them on the JW record.

The brothers were pleased, nonetheless, for the witness given, that six of our people provided clear, cogent testimony reflecting the true nature of our worship and work.

Toward the end, our people were able to remind the court that it was not really them before the Russian authorities. Rather, it was everyone, defense and prosecution alike, arguing before the Supreme Court of the universe.

Russian brothers gave assurance of their intentions to serve Jehovah steadfastly regardless of their new circumstances, and to do it with the Christian trademark of never returning evil for evil.

Moved by this broadcast, ISIS world headquarters rehearsed their own special broadcast to be made in the event they, too, should ever get into hot water with the Russians. They, too, tried to line up interviewees to upbuild their crew. They were thwarted in this, however, because any person that stepped forward was instantly blown full of holes by ISIS members with AK-47s.

This happened because ISIS is an extremist group.

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@John Lindsay Barltrop Concerning Babylon the Great, the book of Revelation says, “the kings of the earth . . . will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment [Gr., ba·sa·ni·smouʹ].” (Re 18:9, 10) As to the meaning of the torment, an angel later explains: “Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.” (Re 18:21) So, fiery torment here is parallel with destruction, and in the case of Babylon the Great, it is everlasting destruction.—Compare Re 17:16; 18:8, 15-17, 19.




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@Bible Speaks  You  always  writing  SOON, SOON....  BUT  WHEN  IS   S O O N.... ??   We all  knowing  that  'phrase'.....

Example,  you  wrote  today : Soon Jehovah will fight his enemies right before our eyes!

We  all  learned  that !  WE  ALL  HOPE  OF  THAT  TIME.....  But  SOON  is  no  date !  JEHOVAH  has  another  time  as  humans  thinking !!

If  we  all  alive  at  HIS  DAY ?  We  don't  know  it.....  We  want  living  everlasting  for  and  with  JEHOVAH ❤  so  we  wait  patiently  of  HIS  DAY :)  HE  has  all  loyal  humans  on  HIS  mind,  HE  NEVER  will  forget  us......

<3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3


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2 minutes ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

@Queen Esther..........just a little note on what what the May 2013 Watchtower said: "Mercifully, God has arranged to bring the cruel rule of Satan to an endsoon! He has appointed his Son, Jesus Christ, to be a just and righteous King forever.".....the highlight of the word soon was mine.

When  Jehovah  was  saying  SOON....  its  mostly  a  long  time,  NOT  humans  times,  bec.  HE  has  a  time  1  to 1000....  or  more !   I  know  what  you  mean,  but  Jehovah's  time  is  total  different  to  ours. The  word  SOON  is  a  long  'chewing gum'  line.... :)  Humans  can't  imagine  how  long !  Await  &  drinking  tea....  its  a  German  saying,  haha :D  Take  patience, we  learned  that  in  our  Bible study in  the  past !

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On day 2, the Russian Presiding Judge became surprisingly active, Mark Sanderson of the Governing Body said. He questioned closely the Ministry of Justice on just what might happen if Russian Witnesses were to continue reading their extremist publications. Virtually everything Jehovah's Witnesses publishes is on the government's list of extremism literature, even the children's book. The Ministry of Justice assured him there could be dire consequences. What of the rights of 175,000 Russian citizens? the judge wanted to know. Recorded audio confirmed the exchange.

It was not the only time he was to do his job. On Day 5, he questioned the Ministry of Justice as to the legal basis for shutting down Jehovah's Witnesses and confiscating their property. The Ministry of Justice declined to identify one.

Several said that the judge appeared sad as he granted the Ministry of Justice's petition to ban Jehovah's Witnesses, after reviewing 43 volumes of submitted evidence in a single hour. He knew what he had to do. But possibly he was a man with a conscience.

Possibly he did not want to, even for a single hour, be chief spokesperson for the Devil.

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@TrueTomHarley...........when I read your comment "Several said that the judge appeared sad as he granted the Ministry of Justice's petition to ban Jehovah's Witnesses, after reviewing 43 volumes of submitted evidence in a single hour. He knew what he had to do. But possibly he was a man with a conscience.".............What immediately came to mind was Pilate, when he washed his hands.


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Anton Chivchalov was present at the trial and generated a steady stream of reports. Among his observations were:

"The active participation of apostates in the trial against Jehovah's Witnesses in the Russian Supreme Court is a vivid example of their unprincipled and indiscriminate cooperation with anyone, if only against us. And I'm not talking here about how incompetent and preposterous this participation was (none could testify anything about extremism). Only emotions, zero facts. ...

"But this activity is also utterly immoral, since they want to send innocent people to jail. They are not sincerely misled, like many others. No, apostates are well aware that Jehovah's Witnesses neither killed nor rob anyone, yet they are happy to prosecute us on criminal charges. Of course, they still consider themselves good Christians. And it is completely beyond my understanding that with all this hatred towards us they are offended that we don't want to communicate with them!"

This is why I was not nice to them on the thread that was taken down for that reason. This is why I did not patiently answer their arguments, as I seem to have been expected to do. This is why, should they intrude upon my posts, I do not address their arguments; I address their motives. They will howl about ad hominem attacks, but ad hominem attacks are clearly the way to go.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is why I did not patiently answer their arguments, as I seem to have been expected to do. This is why, should they intrude upon my posts, I do not address their arguments; I address their motives. They will howl about ad hominem attacks, but ad hominem attacks are clearly the way to go.


When you CANNOT address arguments with facts, ad hominum attacks are clearly the way to go ... it's less work, and avoids having their facts (whoever "they" are ..) validated by a "unicorns eat rainbows and poop butterflies" response.

Basically, it's like playing baseball, getting mad, and leaving the field.

You LOSE, by default.



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