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Memorial T-Shirts?

The Librarian

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@The Librarian Sad we are proud of Our Lord Christ and his Death reminds me of Jehovah’s Loyal Love and how much He and Our Lord Christ Love Us!  Let your MOUTH ? NOT YOUR TEE SHIRT ? PROCLA

@Queen Esther I mean that I think it is grossly disrespectful to make money from advertising Jesus death. It also makes the memorial into a commercial venture. 

memorial get together and picnic tshirts... wear these amazing tshirts to your next get together in your congregation...place the orders now! This is the first time I have ever seen suc

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Perhaps  while  the  MEMORIAL - CAMPAIGN....   when  the  people  can  look :)  But  the  weather  is  still  too  cold  for  T-Shirts  -  last  week  we  had  snow  in  Germany.  In  warmer  countries  yes.  But  its  little  late,  in  23 days  is  MEMORIAL !

NOT  wear  to  the  ceremoy,  NO !!   The  texts  not  so  nice,  better  Jesus  at  the  stake,  thats  good  understanding  and  more  clear.  -  But  its  too  late  for  2018...

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On 3/8/2018 at 05:18, Queen Esther said:

In  warmer  countries  yes

In NIgeria (call number +234) today is  23°C/74°F

:))))))) very good for T-shirts 

For colder countries people. Get bigger number of T-shirt and put the shirt over the suits, dress. 

Funny side is over. Now little serious thought. "Keep doing this in remembrance of me" 


50 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

53 Jesus said to them, Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

Can we conclude from this words of Him, how life forever and resurrection depends on eating and drinking symbols? And if you not eat and drink you have no life in you? So why to be scared of taking symbols of life and resurrection??


26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the[a]covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Blood is for many. So, why GB stopped people of participation in blood symbols and by that not show gratitude to Him for forgiveness of our sins?


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You  not  understand  the  correct  point  @Srecko Sostar....  Some  of  us  were  thinking  wrong  about  that  importend  theme !    NO  MEMORIAL - T-SHIRTS !!!!   ONLY  our  special  tract - campaign,  thats  enough  and  better  for  the  people.

The  world - people  always  using  print -shirts  for  ALL...  We  JW  better  using  our  tablet  and  the  right  literature,  as  always :D


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On 3/8/2018 at 9:12 AM, Steve Wilkinson said:

@Queen Esther I mean that I think it is grossly disrespectful to make money from advertising Jesus death. It also makes the memorial into a commercial venture. 

I fully agree with you, Steve:

However, I do not think you have ANY IDEA that all Assemblies are profit centers.

After the monies get to the District Level, there is no public (to the Brotherhood .. or anyone else) accountability to ANYONE.

Not a single word of objection was raised by the GB over the commercialization of Caleb and Sophia merchandise.

Caleb and Sophia Merchandise, purses, briefcases, pins, buttons, slacks, suspenders and bow ties, and pictures, back car window decals, book covers, wall posters, 3d dolls like GB Bro. Anthony Morris III has in his Bethel Office, Videos, DVDs, coloring books, decorated birthd...er... baptism cakes, stand up displays, literature bags, greeting cards.

Sophia colorful tote bags for girls, and Sophia cloth shopping bags for Wal-Mart, etc., book markers, key chains, 3d Printer statues of Caleb, ball point pens, and penlights, pins and brooches for older Sisters, and cartoon wall hangings for the inside of Caleb and Sophia dioramas, or JW.ORG men's ties, lapel pins, wristwatches, aluminum military style dog tags, rings, aluminum pendants for neck chains and charm bracelets, car bumper stickers, car window decals, women's pocket mirrors, flags to tie to radio aerials, put on flagpoles outside Chilean Kingdom Halls ( ... what's a Chilean Kingdom Hall doing with a flagpole, anyway ...?).

Swiss Assembly Grounds, and OTHER places where a pale blue flag would look spiffy, and in the absence of a breeze, look like a U.N. Flag hanging limp.

Then there is the JW.ORG blue oversized umbrellas, Unisex Hoodie Jackets, neck lanyards, hand lunch boxes with Paradise scenes, and of course Caleb and Sophia., and to contrast, from Peru, a BRIGHT Pink Caleb and Sophia Bible cover entitled New World Translation of the HOLY SCRIPTURES ... over a large picture of guess whom?

Of course the refrigerator magnets and motivational jewelry are big sellers, not so much for the Caleb crochetable doll.

I often wonder if they charge product licensing fees, and that is why  there was no concern over that.

Many things are "Slippery Slopes" ..... once you get on them ... it's a muddy slide to the bottom.

How about a wicker picnic basket with hinged wooden top for $49.95, with a large red and white checkerboard tablecloth, and large box of Passover style unleavened bread, and a nice bottle of  "The Memorial" branded  (tm) red wine?

I hear 2018 will be a good year.


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2 hours ago, tromboneck said:

only a real sicko would suggest such a thing. Oh, Nigeria! That explains it. Always some goofball idea from that neck of the woods

Did you see several years ago on the JW-Archive the picture of the Nigerian Brother who died while standing up, giving the Memorial Talk?  He was wearing what we here in the West would describe as a full length sequin studded robe fitted closer than a robe... almost a nightgown.

It probably had to be dry cleaned, at a cost of more than the total of every piece of clothing I own.

I thought I was looking at a black Liberace, Star Wars Emperor Impersonator.

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On 3/11/2018 at 1:27 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

So why to be scared of taking symbols of life and resurrection??

This is a good point. Jesus did not say that only those with a hope to go to heaven should partake. Although @Queen Esther doesn't like changing the subject to one that focuses on 'Keep doing this...', I thought about the same thing if Witnesses were to be seen wearing T-shirts that highlighted that very phrase.

It would immediately open up a question by any informed person who would ask us why we DO NOT keep doing what Jesus said to keep doing. Some have questioned that we appear to celebrate an ANTI-memorial, where entire congregations do not keep doing what Jesus said.

Historically, among Witnesses, it's easy to see how this came about. At first, the "great crowd" were spoken about (in the Watch Tower publications) as a lower class of Christians, even though they would all go to heaven, but would not be part of the 144,000 who had the higher calling. Then Brother Rutherford began speaking of them as much less worthy, and less spiritual persons who had squandered their opportunity to be part of the 144,000 through their lack of spirituality, lack of dedication, and lack of consecration. Brother Rutherford said that the 'great crowd' should not be invited to the Memorial and could not even be called "Jehovah's witnesses." (Not even with the small "w" on "witnesses.")

On 3/11/2018 at 1:27 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

show gratitude to Him for forgiveness of our sins?

Ironically, Christianity doesn't need symbols, and the Bible contains both wariness and warnings about symbols. But Christianity does expect a "public declaration" of our appreciation for God and Christ Jesus. These public declarations are through baptism symbol, the memorial symbols, and openly declaring without shame that we follow Christ Jesus (witnessing in his name). Wearing a t-shirt or even a cross or image of Jesus on a stake can be claimed to be such a public declaration of appreciation, too, but none of the Biblical declarations are passive, and we should have no need to add to the ones already specified in Scripture.

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