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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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16 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

try explaining that to the 1006 victims and their families in Au. 

I hasten to be so bold as to say you know nothing about the situation of the victims, only perhaps the two that were in the ARC hearing, and one of them I remember thinking was very odd, as the victim was already 16 when her abuse started. I don't want to minimize the criminal and disgusting behavior of the perpetrator, but the victim was hardly a child. Her whole testimony sounded odd.


16 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

ou probably will not find a direct quote that they said they would allow a known pedo to continue, nah.....I doubt it. But when a known pedo was found out by confession of a child (which SHOULD stand on its own as testimony) and because there was no other witness and the two witness "rule" is in affect, then you can clearly see the "truth" about the handling. I encourage you to read or watch the transcript from the initial inquiry. 

Again, we only have two disclosures where we can hear of what happened from the viewpoint of the victim. One of them I already said sounded odd. In any case, what I said was that no KNOWN perpetrator would be allowed to continue his vile acts. I get a little tired of going over and over the same thing again and again with people whose main interest is to criticize how this or that was handled when they themselves were not even there, and  when all they hear is testimonies from ex-witnesses who undoubtedly have a hidden agenda. There are many victims who have remained JW. Maybe those are the ones who would give us a more truthful and unbiased testimony as to how these things were handled.

In saying that, there are certain aspects that have to, and have changed in the handling of child abuse within JWs. But the Witnesses are not the only ones. Experts in child abuse are also constantly revising and updating their recommendations on the handling of child abuse. It is a work in progress for the whole of society in general.

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9 minutes ago, Anna said:

I hasten to be so bold as to say you know nothing about the situation of the victims, only perhaps the two that were in the ARC hearing, and one of them I remember thinking was very odd, as the victim was already 16 when her abuse started. I don't want to minimize the criminal and disgusting behavior of the perpetrator, but the victim was hardly a child. Her whole testimony sounded odd.

That does not diminish the fact that the policy put in place by the wt failed 1004 others in protecting them as children and in actuality protected the perpetrator. Odd or not, I hardly think a child that was abused is such a fashion would be "normal" after the abuse.


12 minutes ago, Anna said:

what I said was that no KNOWN perpetrator would be allowed to continue his vile acts.

In the ARC it was admitted that the perpetrator WAS KNOWN and was still allowed to continue. I can dig up the recording with the admittance if you like.   


13 minutes ago, Anna said:

I get a little tired of going over and over the same thing again and again with people whose main interest is to criticize how this or that was handled when they themselves were not even there, and  when all they hear is testimonies from ex-witnesses who undoubtedly have a hidden agenda.

Did you watch the whole thing? Both trials? For the duration of the case? I did.

Its very easy to dismiss testimony when it does not suit you and then to label them as "apostate" or having some hidden agenda.


40 minutes ago, Anna said:

There are many victims who have remained JW. Maybe those are the ones who would give us a more truthful and unbiased testimony as to how these things were handled.

So you only take the testimony of current jw's as valid? Not bias are we? See, this is why decisions are left to the Judge in the court case, Justice Peter McClellan specifically. They are trained and vowed to uphold neutrality for the sake of the public and base their decision upon facts and not personal bias. 


48 minutes ago, Anna said:

But the Witnesses are not the only ones

But this what we are talking about isn't it? Besides, "others are bad too", doesn't make it ok. 

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I am still waiting for an honest, Word-for-word translation of the JW Russian court trials from the Society, in English, but hopefully in all languages that they normally translate into. 

So far, an estimated $80,000,000 ( EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS) in International postage seems to have nothing to show for it.

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

$80,000,000 ( EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS) in International postage seems to have nothing to show for it.

Presumably a reference to the letter writing campaign to Russia. I think this was done for the benefit of the Russian brothers wasn't it? I wasn't looking for any pay back this end myself.

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Well ... we know from the Russian Federation's Supreme Court Ruling that the Brothers in Russia did NOT benefit from the letter writing campaign, but the GOVERNMENT DID. 

The Universal Postal Union paid the Federation  70% of the face value of the postage affixed to deliver them to their recipients ... whether they did so, of just hauled them to the dump.  That means the Russian Federation got $56 MILLION DOLLARS as terminal duty from the Universal Postal Union, paid for by the Brothers.

That will buy a LOT of Vodka.

That having been said ... *coff*..... my main point was ....

" I am still waiting for an honest, Word-for-word translation of the JW Russian court trials from the Society, in English, but hopefully in all languages that they normally translate into. "

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

that the Brothers in Russia did NOT benefit from the letter writing campaign

is that the view of the Brothers?

2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I am still waiting for an honest, Word-for-word translation of the JW Russian court trials from the Society, in English, but hopefully in all languages that they normally translate into.

Have you asked the Society for this?

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. @Eoin Joyce For Jehovah's will to be done, all that has to be is HIS NAME KNOWN. YES, ONLY 175,000 people taking a stand for Jehovah God make international news. We have people backing us that KNOW RUSSIA IS WRONG! But who cares? Jehovah God and soon just like Pharaoh and  Nebuchadrezzar they will learn till they are destroyed! Please read Psalms chapter 2 only small verses I think 12. They will lick ? the dust! No interpreter needed! ????⚔️???

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When a person or institution is worried about what someone else does with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ... that person or institution is doomed.

To paraphrase Adolph Hitler "You have your Truth, and I have my bayonets ... let's see who wins.".

It took nine years  to find out.


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  • 4 months later...
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I just find it so sad when people DEMAND so much from the GB without thinking that they are here primarily to disperse "spiritual food".   I recall that a brother on this same website made a translation from Russian available as the Russian supreme court case was progressing.  Why did people not watch it when it was available?  I did.  I stopped watching/reading when I read that they were not allowing relevant evidence from the JW's to be presented which confirmed my suspicion that the court case was a total sham! The evidence from the Russian Orthodox church was accepted!

Russia has never changed.  Perestroika was a sham!  Study the history of Russia and you will realize that the communist agenda is alive an well in many of the -isms (philosophies which are now the backbone of society instead of the right and wrong from the bible) - all these --isms are controlling the lawmaking in the West.  Read up about the Frankfort school and how this and subsequent philosophies have undermined the morals of the west.  Some call it "cultural communism."

The sexual revolution, extreme feminism, gay rights and now the equality warriors (with 57 different types of genders) are all part of it!  I read recently - the thinking now is: if one was born gay - and this is now legal - there are people who are born as child-molesters as well.  In California the age of consent has changed to 14 years and an organization to fight for the rights of child molesters was allowed (by law) to practice and lobby a few weeks ago. We are going back to the time of the Canaanites it seems where everyone will be able to do as they feel as long as they do not go against the government.

Soon our Christian rights will be curbed in the West as the extreme far right (in some countries) and the extreme far left (ruling in Europe, Canada) and their extreme policies are both devastating to the future of ALL civilization in the West as we have known it the last 100 years.  Christians will become the scourge of the earth! Mathew did not warn us of persecution for nothing......


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On 5/13/2017 at 5:48 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

" I am still waiting for an honest, Word-for-word translation of the JW Russian court trials from the Society, in English, but hopefully in all languages that they normally translate into. "

In every court case in this Century, the Society has created an INCREDIBLE "Credibility Gap" ( ... an Incredibility Gap?), and have been found, as even a cursory reading of transcripts has shown, to be liars, (Australian ARC child abuse hearings) duplicitous, (California court cases) and actually working AGAINST the sane principles of Justice


My original post, quoted here was SIX MONTHS AGO, TO THE DAY ....and how much explanation did the Brotherhood get from the Society for $80 MILLION DOLLARS, and perhaps 20 MILLION hours of letter writing since then?

The 2017 Annual Meeting was somewhere around 4-1/2 HOURS.

How much was said about our being banned from a major portion of the planet's surface?

Was it enough for YOU?


Why should ANYBODY in their right mind ... trust us?



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